Potamotrygonidae, Potamotrygoninae、おさかなマガジン 分類トップ
Family Potamotrygonidae アマゾン淡水エイ科

Sub-Family Potamotrygoninae (GARMAN 1877) アマゾンタンスイエイ亜科

Genus Heliotrygon CARVALHO & LOVEJOY 2011 ヘリオトリゴン属

 Heliotrygon gomesi Carvalho & Lovejoy 2011

 Heliotrygon rosai Carvalho & Lovejoy 2011

Genus Plesiotrygon ROSA, CASTELLO & THORSON 1987 プレシオトリゴン属

 Plesiotrygon iwamae Rosa, Castello & Thorson 1987
 IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Plesiotrygon nana Carvalho & Ragno 2011

Genus Potamotrygon GARMAN 1877 ポタモトリゴン属
 CITES APPENDIX III (2017)(ブラジル産全種)。

 Potamotrygon adamastor Fontenelle & de Carvalho 2017
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon albimaculata de Carvalho 2016
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon amandae Loboda & de Carvalho 2013
 ブラジル(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、パラグアイ産。

 Potamotrygon amazona Fontenelle & de Carvalho 2017
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon boesemani Rosa, Carvalho & Almeida-Wanderley 2008

 Potamotrygon brachyura (Günther 1880) Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1891
   syn.Potamotrygon brumi Devincenzi 1942
     Trygon brachyura Günther 1880
 *1897『Contribuciones al Conocimiento de Los Peces Sudamericanos, Especialmente de los de la República Argentina:Cárlos Berg』。
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 "アハイアグランディ"。ブラジル(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、ウルグアイ、アルゼンチン産。IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

◆ポタモトリゴン・カナアアノラ (絶滅)
 Potamotrygon canaanora Chabain, Antoine, Altamirano-Sierra, Marivaux, Pujos, Gismondi & Adnet 2017
 *2017『Cenozoic Batoids from Contamana, Peruvian-Amazonia with Focus on Freshwater Potamotrygonins and Their Paleoenvironmental:Jules Chabain, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Ali J.Altamirano-Sierra, Laurent Marivaux, Pujos, Rodolfo Salas Gismondi & Sylvain Adnet』。

 Potamotrygon circularis Garman 1913
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays Plates:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 =Potamotrygon motoro (Müller & Henle 1841)?

 Potamotrygon constellata (Vaillant 1880)
   syn.Taeniura constellata Vaillant 1880
 コロンビア、ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

◆ポタモトリゴン・コンタマネンシス (絶滅)
 Potamotrygon contamanensis Chabain, Antoine, Altamirano-Sierra, Marivaux, François Pujos, Gismondi & Adnet 2017
 *2017『Cenozoic Batoids from Contamana, Peruvian-Amazonia with Focus on Freshwater Potamotrygonins and Their Paleoenvironmental:Jules Chabain, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Ali J.Altamirano-Sierra, Laurent Marivaux, Pujos, Rodolfo Salas Gismondi & Sylvain Adnet』。

 Potamotrygon dorbignyi (de Castelnau 1855)
   syn.Potamotrygon orbignyi ※スペルミス。
     Potamotrygon reticulata (Günther 1880) Garman 1913
     Taeniura dumerilii de Castelnau 1855 ※図板。
     Taeniura dorbignyi (de Castelnau 1855)
     Taeniura orbignyi de Castelnau 1855 ※スペルミス(図板)。
     Trygon d'orbignyi de Castelnau 1855 ※=Trygon (Tæniura) d'orbignyi de Castelnau 1855。
     Trygon orbignyi ※スペルミス。
     Trygon dumerilii de Castelnau 1855 ※=Trygon (Tæniura) dumerilii de Castelnau 1855。
     Trygon reticulata Günther 1880
 *1855『Animaux Nouveaux ou Rares Recueillis Pendant l'Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de L'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para 2, Poissons:François-Louis la Porte/comte de Castelnau』。
 *1865『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons ou Ichthyologie Générale 1, Élasmobranches, Plagiostomes et Holocéphales ou Chimères:Auguste Henri Andre Duméril』。
 *1870『Catalogue of the Physostomi, Containing the Families Gymnotidae, Symbranchidae, Muraenidae, Pegasidae and of the Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata and Leptocardii in the British Museum:Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthilf Günter』。
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 "ティーカップスティングレー"。ベネズエラ、ガイアナ、スリナム、仏領ギアナ、ブラジル(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、ボリビア産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)IUCN Least Concern ver.3.1

Taeniura dumerilii=Trygon d'orbignyi

 Potamotrygon falkneri Castex & Maciel 1963
   syn.Potamotrygon castexi
     Potamotrygon menchacai
 ペルー、ブラジル(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、ボリビア、パラグアイ、アルゼンチン産。IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon garmani Fontenelle & de Carvalho 2017
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon henlei (de Castelnau 1855)
   syn.Taeniura henlei de Castelnau 1855 ※図板。
     Trygon henlei de Castelnau 1855 ※=Trygon (Tæniura) henlei de Castelnau 1855。
 *1855『Animaux Nouveaux ou Rares Recueillis Pendant l'Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de L'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para 2, Poissons:François-Louis la Porte/comte de Castelnau』。
 *1865『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons ou Ichthyologie Générale 1, Élasmobranches, Plagiostomes et Holocéphales ou Chimères:Auguste Henri Andre Duméril』。
 IUCN Least Concern ver.3.1。ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon humboldtii (Roulin ex Lesson 1829)
   syn.Pastinaca humboldtii Roulin ex Lesson 1829
 *2021『Taxonomy Needs Rigor, a Response to Roberts’2020:João Paulo Capretz Batista da Silva, Ricardo de Souza Rosa, Thiago Silva Loboda & Carlos Andrés Lasso』。
 「Roberts (2020) described Potamotrygon roulini as a new species of Neotropical freshwater stingray from the rio Meta basin in Colombia and proposed that Potamotrygon humboldtii (Roulin 1829) is a valid species described from the same area, provisionally treating it as a species inquirenda.」。

 Potamotrygon humerosa Garman 1913
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon hystrix (Müller & Henle 1841) Garman 1913
   syn.Trygon hystrix Müller & Henle 1841 ※=Trygon (Trygon) hystrix Müller & Henle 1841 emend. Duméril 1865。
 *1841『Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen 1841:Johannes Müller & Jacob Henle』。
 *1865『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons ou Ichthyologie Générale 1, Élasmobranches, Plagiostomes et Holocéphales ou Chimères:Auguste Henri Andre Duméril』。
 *1870『Catalogue of the Physostomi, Containing the Families Gymnotidae, Symbranchidae, Muraenidae, Pegasidae and of the Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata and Leptocardii in the British Museum:Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthilf Günter』。
 *1912『The Fresh-Water Fishes of British Guiana, Including a Study of the Ecological Grouping of Species and the Relation of the Fauna of the Plateau to That of of the Low-Land 8, Systematic Account of the Fresh-Water Fishes of British Guiana:Carl Henry Eigenmann』。
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 ベネズエラ、ガイアナ、スリナム、仏領ギアナ、ブラジル(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、ウルグアイ、アルゼンチン産。IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon jabuti de Carvalho 2016
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon leopoldi Castex & Castello 1970
 "ポルカドット"。ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon limai Fontenelle, da Silva & de Carvalho 2014
 *2014Potamotrygon limai sp.nov., a New Species of Freshwater Stingray from the Upper Madeira River System, Amazon Basin [Chondrichthyes, Potamotrygonidae]:Joao Pedro Fontenelle, João Paulo Capretz Batista da Silva & Marcelo Rodrigues de Carvalho』。
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon roulini Roberts 2021
 *2021『The First Two Species of South American Freshwater Stingrays of the Genus Potamotrygon, Reported from the Orinoco Basin of Colombia by François Roulin in 1829:Tyson Royal Roberts』。

 Potamotrygon magdalenae (Duméril 1865)
   syn.Taeniura magdalenae Duméril 1865
 *1865『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons ou Ichthyologie Générale 1, Élasmobranches, Plagiostomes et Holocéphales ou Chimères:Auguste Henri Andre Duméril』。
 *1879『Zur Fisch-Fauna des Magdalenen-Stromes:Franz Steindachner』。
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 コロンビア産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)IUCN Near Threatened ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon marquesi da Silva & Loboda 2019
 *2019Potamotrygon marquesi, a New Species of Neotropical Freshwater Stingray [Potamotrygonidae] from the Brazilian Amazon Basin:João Paulo Capretz Batista da Silva & Thiago Silva Loboda』。

 Potamotrygon marinae Deynat 2006
 仏領ギアナ産。IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon motoro (Müller & Henle 1841)
   syn.Paratrygon laticeps (Garman 1913)
     Potamotrygon alba Castex 1963
     Potamotrygon labradori Castex 1963
     Potamotrygon laticeps Garman 1913
     Potamotrygon pauckei Castex 1963
     Taeniura motoro Müller & Henle 1841
     Taeniura mulleri de Castelnau 1855 ※図板。
     Trygon garrapa Jardine 1843
     Trygon mulleri de Castelnau 1855 ※=Trygon (Tæniura) mulleri de Castelnau 1855。
 *1855『Animaux Nouveaux ou Rares Recueillis Pendant l'Expedition dans les Parties Centrales de L'Amerique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para 2, Poissons:François-Louis la Porte/comte de Castelnau』。
 *1865『Histoire Naturelle des Poissons ou Ichthyologie Générale 1, Élasmobranches, Plagiostomes et Holocéphales ou Chimères:Auguste Henri Andre Duméril』。
 *1870『Catalogue of the Physostomi, Containing the Families Gymnotidae, Symbranchidae, Muraenidae, Pegasidae and of the Lophobranchii, Plectognathi, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Chondropterygii, Cyclostomata and Leptocardii in the British Museum:Albert Karl Ludwig Gotthilf Günter』。
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays Plates:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 コロンビア(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、ブラジル(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、ペルー、ボリビア、パラグアイ、ウルグアイ、アルゼンチン産・IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

Potamotrygon laticeps=Taeniura motoro

Taeniura mulleri=Taeniura motoro

 Potamotrygon ocellata (Engelhardt 1912)
   syn.Trygon hystrix ocellata Engelhardt 1912
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon pantanensis Loboda & Carvalho 2013
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

◆ポタモトリゴン・ラヤクロエアエ (絶滅)
 Potamotrygon rajachloeae Chabain, Antoine, Altamirano-Sierra, Marivaux, Pujos, Gismondi & Adnet 2017
 *2017『Cenozoic Batoids from Contamana, Peruvian-Amazonia with Focus on Freshwater Potamotrygonins and Their Paleoenvironmental:Jules Chabain, Pierre-Olivier Antoine, Ali J.Altamirano-Sierra, Laurent Marivaux, Pujos, Rodolfo Salas Gismondi & Sylvain Adnet』。

 Potamotrygon rex de Carvalho 2016
 *2016Potamotrygon rex, a New Species of Neotropical Freshwater Stingray [Chondrichthyes, Potamotrygonidae] from the Middle and Upper Rio Tocantins, Brazil, Closely Allied to Potamotrygon henlei (Castelnau 1855):Marcelo Rodrigues de Carvalho』。
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon schroederi Fernández-Yépez 1958
 コロンビア(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、ベネズエラ、ブラジル(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))産。IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon schuhmacheri Castex 1964
 ブラジル(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、パラグアイ、アルゼンチン産。IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon scobina Garman 1913
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 コロンビア、ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon signata Garman 1913
 *1913『The Plagiostomia, Sharks, Skates and Rays:Samuel Walton Garman』。
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

 Potamotrygon tatianae da Silva & da Carvalho 2011

 Potamotrygon tigrina de Carvalho, Sabaj-Pérez & Lovejoy 2011

◆ポタモトリゴン・ウカヤレンシス (絶滅)
 Potamotrygon ucayalensis Adnet, Salas-Gismondi & Antoine 2013
 *2013『Comparisons of Dental Morphology in River Stingrays [Chondrichthyes, Potamotrygonidae] with New Fossils from the Middle Eocene of Peruvian Amazonia Rekindle Debate on Their Evolution:Sylvain Adnet, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi & Pierre-Olivier Antoine』。

 Potamotrygon wallacei de Carvalho, Rosa & de Araújo 2016
 ブラジル産。CITES APPENDIX III (2017)

 Potamotrygon yepezi Castex & Castello 1970
 コロンビア(CITES APPENDIX III (2017))、ベネズエラ産。IUCN Data Deficient ver.3.1

30〜45cm 60cm 90cm 120cm 180cm 水族館クラス
混泳同種・同型=△〜○ 混泳異種・異型=△〜○
inserted by FC2 system