Sam Borstein's Cichlid Page

Lepomis gibbosus
(Linnaeus, 1758)


Above: A Pumpkinseed Sunfish. Photo by Sam Borstein.


Genus- Lepomis= scaled gill (Greek).
Species- gibbosus= wide margin (Greek).


The Pumpkinseed, a sunfish related to the bluegill, is a fun fish to catch. This species, which is extremely colorful, gets its name from the orange spots on its body.


Pumpkinseeds can be found anywhere, lakes, rivers, ponds, anywhere. This fish is not picky, but will spend time by weeds and sunken logs.


Pumpkinseeds spawn in mid-May to mid-June in shallow water. Peak spawning is when the water is about 65-75 °F.


Pumpkinseeds are not picky eaters. They will eat insects, insect larvae, small fish, and eggs.


Pumpkinseeds grow larger than bluegills. The average ones I caught on the chain were 8-12 inches, some being about a pound.

Keeping In Aquaria:

Breeding has been achieved in an aquarium. This fish can easily be kept in a fish tank with minimal issues. The one downside to keeping this fish in captivity like many other sunfish is they lose a lot of color.

Gaming Qualities:

This fish is fun to catch, especially on ultra light gear. This fish puts up a lot more of a fight than a bluegill.

Fishing Tips:

I use any rod when fishing for Pumpkinseeds. This fish can easily be caught on worms, waxies, and flies.