The Jagdterrier

The Jagdterrier is a clever little German dog with a brave soul and a diligent nature. These small terriers tend to make friends wherever they go – proving that small size does not mean small personality! Jagdterriers tend to be social and love meeting new people, however first and foremost they enjoy working – particularly hunting. Their name in German, after all, is “hunt terrier”. This breed is proclaimed by many to be the most versatile of all terriers – hunting everything from rabbit all the way up to bear! These dogs have also been used to retrieve game, blood track wounded animals, and even to herd livestock.

The Jagdterrier is an active dog, however his small size allows him to be transported easily. He also can fit into smaller homes or apartments with ease. Like most working dogs, he does need regular exercise as well as a job to keep him busy. All manner of exercise will suit him, up to and including swimming! As for a job, just as long as it keeps his mind busy (and, ideally his body as well), he is happy – these dogs love to work. And remember – 20 minutes every other day is not nearly enough for these dogs. They have stamina to go far beyond that.

The coat of the Jagdterrier can be either rough and wiry or smooth and slick. Black and tan is the color combination seen most often although they also come in brown or “grayish”, all with yellow-red points. Both coats types are easy to care for and require only occasional baths (moreso if the dog has been digging through the mud – digging is a favorite pastime). Nail care, dental care and ear care are also important steps in the grooming routine – just like any other breed.

Jagdterriers get along very well with children and often take it upon themselves to watch over them when they’re not trying to engage them in play. This doesn’t mean they should be employed as babysitters (that’s normally a horrible idea for most dogs), but does mean that their protective and nurturing instincts are intact. The correct temperament of a Jagdterrier should be neither shy nor aggressive, but rather affectionate. Despite the fact that they will not back down in a fight with a dangerous animal, they make great loyal companions for people of all ages.

Jagdterriers are an intelligent breed that were bred to be trainable for many different tasks. Without regular guidance through obedience training, they may channel their high energy into destructive avenues – so make sure to start training early! Be aware of their strong-willed nature and make training fun so it won’t be a constant battle of wills. When done right, these little terriers can actually become very reliable workers.

The Jagdterrier does not always do great with other dogs and in fact can be aggressive toward other members of their species. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible to live with multiple dogs, however they must be raised and socialized with other dogs in (and out of) the household in order to increase their chances of getting along. Even then… it may be iffy. This has a lot to do with their high prey drive, which will also kick in around cats and small pets. This is one of many reasons why the breed is recommended only for experienced owners.

Jagdterriers are not a quiet breed… and in fact, were bred to “give tongue” loudly and often. They will bark at almost everything or in response to almost any mood, so a potential owner must be prepared for this before bringing one home! On the bright side, this means they can be fantastic watchdogs. If you have a Jagdterrier, everyone who comes to the door will know that you own a dog!