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Bucchich’s goby (Gobius bucchichi)

Fish of the Gobius genus of the Gobiinae (true gobies) subfamily of the Gobiidae family of the Gobiiformes order of the Percomorpha clade of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Gobius bucchichi

(Bucchich’s goby. Photo by © Roberto Pillon. fishbase.org)

Bucchichs goby (Gobius bucchichi) was first described in 1870 by the Austrian zoologist Franz Steindachner (1834-1919).

It inhabits the depth of 1-30 meters. It dwells near a sandy and silty bottom covered with aquatic vegetation, often hiding in the tentacles of anemones. The maximum recorded length is 10 cm. It feeds on polychaetes, crustaceans, mollusks, and algae.

Gobius bucchichi 2

(Bucchich’s goby. Photo by © Roberto Pillon. fishbase.org)

It is a permanent inhabitant of the Adriatic Sea.

Names of Bucchichs goby (Gobius bucchichi) in other languages as follows:

Ивичесто попче (Ivichesto popche) (Bulgarian), Gobio de ortiga (Spanish), Ghiozzo rasposo (Italian), Anemonengrundel (German), Babka ukwiałowa (Polish), Бычок Букчича (Bychok Bukchicha) (Russian), Gujoč bjelčić, Glavoč bjelčić (Serbian, Croatian), Gobie moucheté (French).