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Caucasian dwarf goby (Knipowitschia caucasica)

Fish of the Knipowitschia genus of the Gobiinae (true gobies) subfamily of the Gobiidae family of the Gobiiformes order of the Percomorpha clade of the Acanthopterygii superorder.

Knipowitschia caucasica

(Caucasian dwarf goby. Photo by © A. Harka. fishbase.org)

Caucasian dwarf goby (Knipowitschia caucasica) was first described in 1916 by the Russian and Soviet zoologist and geographer Lev Berg (1876-1950).

It inhabits at depths of up to 2 meters. It occurs near shallow areas near the coast with a large number of underwater vegetation, often in lagoons and bays. The maximum recorded length is 5 cm. It feeds on zooplankton.

Knipowitschia caucasica 2

(Caucasian dwarf goby. Photo © ittiofauna.org)

According to unconfirmed reports, it is found in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea.

Names of Caucasian dwarf goby (Knipowitschia caucasica) in other languages as follows:

Кавказко попче (Kavkazko popche) (Bulgarian), Kaukázusi géb (Hungarian), Ποντογωβιός (Pontogovios) (Greek), Ghiozzetto dobrugio-caspico (Italian), Kaukasus-Grundel (German), Babka kaukaska (Polish), Guvid mic (Romanian), Кавказский бычок (Kavkazskij bychok) (Russian), Gujočić kavkaski, Glavočić kavkaski (Serbian, Croatian), Küçükkaya balığı (Turkish), Gobie du Caucase (French).