Maximum size : 4 cm

Green Babaulti Shrimp - Caridina babaulti : Complete Shrimp Profile & Care Guide

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The Green Babaulti Shrimp (Caridina babaulti), despite their vibrant and stunning appearance, are surprisingly rare in the aquarium hobby. The lime-green colouration of the Green Babaulti Shrimp is unmatched by any other species in the hobby. But that's not all that sets them apart. Their extraordinarily long and serrated rostrum, topped with toothy appendages, adds an intriguing feature that will surely capture your attention.

Aside from their stunning appearance, these shrimp are also popular among aquarists for their activity level, low maintenance requirements, and hardiness. They are even capable of changing colour quickly when startled or agitated, making for an impressive display in your tank.

It's important to note that due to their small size, you should not keep Green Babaulti Shrimp with large or aggressive fish species. Instead, opt for peaceful, small fish or an invert-only setup to ensure their safety. And while they breed slowly, they make great tank mates for various other freshwater snails and peaceful Dwarf Crayfish.

As with any aquarium species, maintaining water quality is crucial for the happiness and health of your Green Babaulti Shrimp. Regular maintenance and water changes are key to ensuring optimal water quality in your tank.

Remember to provide plenty of hiding places for your Green Babaulti Shrimp to feel comfortable and secure. Live plants with lots of texture, shrimp tubes, rocks, and driftwood all make great hiding places for these reclusive creatures.

Green Babaulti Shrimp Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

One of the key features of Green Babaulti Shrimp is their sexual dimorphism, which is quite noticeable. Males are typically smaller and more slender than females, while females have a larger and rounder body shape.

Additionally, the females have a distinctive saddle-shaped marking on their backs, which is absent in males. This marking is the female's ovaries, indicating that she is sexually mature and ready to breed. 

Understanding the sexual dimorphism of Caridina cf. babaulti is crucial for breeders who want to selectively breed for specific traits, as well as for hobbyists who wish to maintain a healthy and well-balanced shrimp colony in their aquarium.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCaridina babaulti
OriginsIndia , Malaysia , Iraq
Max Size4 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 2 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 7.5
GH 6 - 8
KH 3 - 8
TDS 100 - 200
Ideal Temperature
75 - 82
24 - 28

Natural Habitat

Get ready to explore the world of Green Babaulti Shrimp! These remarkable Shrimp originate from central India to Malaya and in the west to Iraq. These Shrimp prefer waters with plenty of vegetation, such as mangrove swamps and estuaries, where they feed on biofilm, algae, and detritus.

In addition, Babaulti shrimp have a unique ability to adapt to different types of water conditions, making them highly adaptable to different aquarium setups. Adding Green Babaulti Shrimp to your aquarium is an excellent way to showcase its unique beauty and contribute to its conservation efforts.


Breeding Green Babaulti Shrimp is an exciting challenge for shrimp enthusiasts. To begin with, it's essential to create a suitable environment, including a well-maintained aquarium with ideal water parameters, plenty of hiding places, and a balanced diet.

These Shrimp breed well in small groups, but having more females than males is crucial to ensure a higher chance of successful mating. To encourage breeding, you can raise the water temperature slightly, and the lighting can be decreased to mimic dawn and dusk, as Shrimp are more active during these times.

It's essential to monitor water parameters regularly to maintain stable conditions, including pH, temperature, and nitrate levels. When a female is ready to breed, she will release pheromones to attract the male. The male will then approach the female, and after a series of courtship rituals, the male will deposit his sperm onto the female's tail.

The female will then deposit anything from 30-60 eggs onto her pleopods, where they will remain until they hatch into fully formed miniature versions of the adult shrimp around 30 days later. Breeding Green Babaulti Shrimp can be a rewarding experience, but it requires patience, attention to detail, and careful monitoring. However, with the right conditions, a little luck, and a lot of dedication, it's possible to breed and raise healthy and thriving shrimp colonies.

Diet & Feeding

Green Babaulti Shrimp are an omnivorous species that feed on plant and animal matter. In the wild, their diet consists of algae, biofilm, and detritus. In an aquarium, they will consume various foods such as sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. They also enjoy fresh vegetables such as zucchini, spinach, cucumber, carrots, and lettuce.

Adding leaf litter and cholla wood to the aquarium can also provide a source of food for them as they will feed on the microorganisms that grow on them. It's essential to feed them a balanced diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients they need to thrive. However, overfeeding should be avoided, as it can lead to poor water quality and health issues for the Shrimp.

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