Maximum size : 3.5 cm

Ivantsoffs Blue Eye Rainbowfish - Pseudomugil ivantsoffi : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil ivantsoffi) epitomize a harmonious blend of beauty, tranquillity, and rarity. Possessing a remarkable resilience, these captivating fish are well-suited for both novice aquarists embarking on their aquatic journey and seasoned enthusiasts seeking to adorn their tanks with elegance. Whether housed in a species-only nano aquarium or integrated into a flourishing community tank adorned with lush vegetation, Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish adds a touch of splendour to any aquatic ensemble.

To fully appreciate the enchanting nature of these fish, it is advisable to maintain them in groups of six or more individuals, ensuring the inclusion of multiple males. As social beings, Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish thrive when surrounded by their kin, allowing their vibrant colours to flourish. However, it is essential to provide them with a generously planted and spacious aquarium to create a harmonious environment, preventing undue harassment among dominant and subdominant males.

Ideal tankmates for Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish include smaller species of Rainbowfish, although caution must be exercised to prevent hybridization by avoiding other Rainbowfish from the Pseudomugil genus. Additionally, peaceful fish species such as smaller Barbs, Gobies, Rasboras, and Corydoras Catfish can coexist harmoniously, provided their size, temperament, and water requirements align. However, it is advisable to refrain from housing Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish alongside larger, more aggressive species, as such companions can induce stress and cause them to withdraw from their vibrant nature.

Creating an optimal habitat for Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish entails providing a tranquil environment with a gentle water current, reflecting their origins in calmer waters. Opting for a darker substrate will accentuate the radiant hues of their semi-transparent head and body, ranging from a stunning blueish to reddish tone. Their bright blue eyes, silvery operculum, and swim bladder further enhance their ethereal charm. Notably, their first dorsal fin's upper half, the anterior section of the second dorsal fin, and the anal fin's edge boast a vibrant red hue. Additional accents of red adorn the ventral and dorsal shapes beyond the second dorsal and anal fins and the upper and lower thirds of the caudal fin. Pinkish pelvic fins and narrow black margins on select scales along the abdomen complete the exquisite tapestry of Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish's allure.

Ivantsoffs Blue Eye Rainbowfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish is a relatively uncomplicated task. Males exhibit a slimmer physique and boast more striking colouration compared to their female counterparts. Notably, their fins display a vivid red hue, creating a captivating visual contrast. In contrast, females possess predominantly translucent fins with a subtle yellowish tint. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the edges of the first and second dorsal fins in females showcase a distinct yellow colouration.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePseudomugil ivantsoffi
Year Described1999
Other NamesIvantsoffi Rainbowfish
Max Size3.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 15
KH 1 - 5
Ideal Temperature
75 - 85
23 - 29

Natural Habitat

Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish are exclusively found in the tributaries of the Ajkwa, Iwaka, Wataikwa, and Kopi Rivers within the Timika-Tembagapura region of West Papua, Indonesia, situated in Southeast Asia. These captivating Rainbowfish inhabit small and shallow rivers and streams harmoniously nestled amidst the lush expanse of dense rainforests. The water in their natural habitats generally exhibits clarity, although some regions may showcase the presence of tannins, lending a distinct hue. The aquatic vegetation flourishes abundantly, enhancing the ecological richness of these environments. The substrates within their habitats encompass a diverse blend of sand, gravel, rocks, and the flourishing tapestry of dense vegetation.

 Kopi River - Indonesia
Indonesia Flag


Breeding Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish involves a fascinating process that showcases their nature as egg-laying species with minimal parental care. These captivating fish are known to consume their own eggs and fry if given the opportunity, yet in a well-decorated aquarium, the survival of some offspring becomes possible. In addition, achieving successful spawning is more likely when maintaining slightly elevated temperatures within the aquarium.

Females of Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish deposit a few eggs daily over several days, skillfully attaching them to aquatic vegetation or purpose-built spawning mops. Remarkably, a single male may engage in breeding with multiple females during a single day, highlighting their reproductive dynamics. Spawning activities predominantly occur during daylight hours, with a surge of intensity observed from late morning to early afternoon. In an aquarium setting, breeding can occur throughout the year when maintaining consistent temperature conditions.

Two distinct methods can be employed to stimulate the spawning process. The first method involves isolating a small group of 6 to 8 individuals or a single male with two or three females in a separate breeding tank equipped with an air-powered sponge filter and a suitable spawning medium such as nylon mops or aquatic moss. Diligent daily monitoring is necessary to identify any laid eggs, which should be promptly transferred to a dedicated rearing tank for incubation and hatching.

Alternatively, the second method entails maintaining a colony of adult Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish in a larger, fully-decorated aquarium that provides ample hiding spaces for fry survival, particularly when well-planted. It is important to note that the fry initially spends most of its time near the water's surface, emphasizing the need to position aquatic mosses high within the aquarium or utilize floating plants with long roots to optimize favourable conditions for their development. While the second method may be less practical, it offers a more straightforward and reliable approach, especially within well-established and planted aquariums that facilitate stable water conditions. Additionally, the microfauna present in the aquarium serves as a valuable food source for the developing fry.

The incubation period for Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish typically ranges from 7 to 15 days, influenced by temperature variations. Once hatched, the fry can readily accept baby brine shrimp and microworm as immediate food sources. Alternatively, high-quality powdered dry products can be introduced to their diet. Providing small, frequent meals at least twice a day is recommended, ensuring that any uneaten food is promptly removed to prevent the accumulation of waste, which can lead to elevated mortality rates. In addition, regular, modest water changes are essential to maintain optimal water quality and promote the healthy development of the fry.

Diet & Feeding

IIvantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish exhibit a diverse feeding repertoire in their natural habitat, consuming zooplankton, phytoplankton, and various invertebrates. In an aquarium setting, their nutritional needs can be met by offering a well-rounded diet consisting of live and frozen food options. Highly recommended choices include Moina, daphnia, Brine shrimp, and microworms, which provide essential nutrients and promote optimal health. Additionally, supplementing their diet with high-quality, small, floating dried foods such as crushed flakes or fine granules ensures a balanced nutritional intake. It is crucial to consider the small size of these fish and provide appropriately sized food particles that their tiny mouths can easily consume.


Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil ivantsoffi) - Rare Rainbowfish Profile & Care Guide Thumbnail

10 tank mate ideas for the Ivantsoffs Blue Eye Rainbowfish

Looking for some awesome tank mate ideas for your Ivantsoffs Blue Eye Rainbowfish? Look no further! Here are 10 of the most captivating & fascinating options that will liven up your aquarium!

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