Maximum size : 3 cm

Snowball Shrimp - Neocaridina zhangjiajiensis : Complete Shrimp Profile & Care Guide

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The Snowball Shrimp (Neocaridina zhangiajiensis) represents a unique wild species of Neocaridina that has been selectively bred to exhibit a striking pure white colouration. Introduced by Ulf Gottschalk in Germany back in 2006, both Snowball and Blue Pearl Shrimp were presented, and through years of meticulous selective breeding, the white colouration has remained consistent across subsequent generations. The Snowball Shrimp's pristine white appearance sets it apart from other dwarf shrimp species, making it a captivating addition to any peaceful tropical community aquarium.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, Snowball Shrimp possess hardiness and prolific breeding capabilities characteristic of other Neocaridina shrimp. As a highly favoured species in the aquatic community, they are well-suited even for beginners in the hobby, given their ease of care and breeding. Social creatures by nature, it is recommended to maintain a minimum of 10 Snowball shrimp in a tank, as they thrive in the company of their conspecifics. The presence of a larger group promotes their confidence and minimizes stress levels.

Snowball shrimp exhibit a peaceful demeanour and do not pose any threats to other inhabitants of the aquarium. They coexist harmoniously with various species of freshwater shrimps and tropical fish that do not prey upon shrimp. Snails of different types also make suitable companions for Snowball shrimp.

The translucent white body of the Snowball Shrimp, occasionally accompanied by a subtle blue tint, is visually captivating. Notably, the species' name is believed to stem from the appearance of their eggs, which resemble miniature snowballs and share the same pure white hue. Against the backdrop of plants, dark backgrounds, and substrates, the white bodies of the Snowball Shrimp, along with their notably whiter eggs, create a visually striking contrast. Additionally, these shrimp feature snow-white "saddles" on their necks, adding to their overall attractiveness even when they are not carrying eggs.

Snowball Shrimp Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between female and male Snowball Shrimp is a relatively straightforward task, setting them apart from certain other shrimp species. Females can be easily discerned due to their larger size compared to males. Moreover, their distinct characteristics, such as the presence of a visible saddle and a curved underbelly, can be readily observed with the naked eye. Notably, females exhibit a more pronounced white colouration in comparison to males, who display a relatively lesser amount of white pigmentation. These visible distinctions aid in accurately identifying the respective genders of Snowball Shrimp within the aquarium setting.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameNeocaridina zhangjiajiensis
Year Described2006
Other NamesWhite Pearl Shrimp
Max Size3 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 10+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 2 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 15
KH 1 - 8
TDS 150 - 200
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Snowball Shrimp is a selectively bred shrimp that originated from Germany. As a result of selective breeding efforts, this particular shrimp variant does not possess a natural habitat in the wild. Its existence is a product of intentional breeding programs aimed at achieving specific desirable traits, such as its distinctive pure white colouration. The Snowball Shrimp represents a unique and captivating addition to the aquarium hobby, showcasing the fascinating outcomes of selective breeding practices.


Breeding Snowball Shrimp is a straightforward process that offers considerable ease. These shrimp reach sexual maturity within 2 to 3 months from hatching. It is during this period that females develop a cluster of yellowish eggs, which they carry beneath their tails. By maintaining a healthy ratio of females to males, it becomes possible to establish and expand thriving colonies of snowball shrimp.

Once introduced to the aquarium, snowball shrimp exhibit remarkable breeding potential, often reproducing prolifically. The shrimp's eggs, distinguished by their white colouration, reveal the developing shrimplets' eyes through their translucent shells a few days prior to hatching. Each female snowball shrimp releases an average of 30 to 50 shrimplets every 5 to 6 weeks, contributing to the continuous growth of the population.

It is worth noting that in their early stages, shrimp hatchlings lack pigmentation and do not display distinct colouration, which can lead to challenges in their identification by aquarists. Consequently, these tiny and delicate shrimplets are sometimes overlooked amidst their surroundings. Diligence and careful observation are necessary to ensure their successful rearing and integration into the aquarium environment.

Diet & Feeding

Snowball Shrimp, like other shrimp species, exhibit bottom-feeding tendencies and possess a versatile appetite, accepting a wide range of food sources. While their preferred nourishment comes from the biofilm naturally present in their habitat, aquarium conditions often lack sufficient quantities of this food source. Consequently, providing supplemental nutrition in the form of high-quality dried fish or shrimp food becomes necessary. These formulated foods ensure the shrimp receive essential nutrients for their well-being.

In addition to dried fish or shrimp food, offering blanched vegetable treats presents an appreciated dietary option for Snowball Shrimp. Vegetables such as courgette, broccoli, zucchini, and cucumber serve as beneficial additions to their diet. Furthermore, incorporating dried leaves like Indian Almond or Mulberry leaves can also provide additional benefits to the shrimp's overall health and well-being.

By diversifying the shrimp's diet through a combination of high-quality dried foods, blanched vegetables, and the inclusion of suitably dried leaves, aquarists can ensure that Snowball Shrimp receive a well-rounded and nutritionally balanced diet.

Other Neocaridina

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