Maximum size : 13 cm

Telescope Goldfish - Carassius auratus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Telescope Goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a charming and social species that thrives in a community aquarium with other Goldfish. These friendly fish are also excellent scavengers and play an important role in keeping their environment clean and tidy. However, despite their hardiness, Telescope Goldfish is not recommended for beginner aquarists due to their highly telescopic eyes. These fascinating fish have unique eyes that can cause them to have poor vision, making it challenging for them to locate their food. In addition, their eyes are also susceptible to infection and injury, making it crucial to handle them with care.

When housed with similarly handicapped fish such as Black Moor or less hardy Goldfish like Lionheads, Celestial, and Bubble Eye Goldfish, Telescope Goldfish will flourish in a protected and well-maintained environment. These undemanding fish can thrive in a range of water temperatures and quality as long as their tankmates are not competitive during feeding time. However, providing them with proper filtration, especially biological filtration, is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

The Telescope Goldfish is a well-rounded fancy Goldfish, similar to the Fantail Goldfish, with slightly smaller and telescoping eyes. Their bodies are short and stubby, with an extensive head and a split caudal fin that is average in length and slightly forked. Additionally, these fish can come in different tail fin styles, including broadtail, veil tail, and butterfly tail. Available in various colours and scale types, including metallic and nacreous, Telescope Goldfish are a visual delight.

These charming fish come in solids of blue, chocolate, red, white, calico, tri-coloured variations, and bi-coloured versions in red and white or black and white. The black and white bi-coloured version is known as the Panda Telescope Goldfish, while a unique chocolate version with orange pompoms is also available. Overall, the Telescope Goldfish is a captivating and fascinating species that can provide years of enjoyment and entertainment for dedicated aquarists. With proper care and attention, these charming fish will thrive and continue captivating their owners with their unique appearance and playful personalities.

Telescope Goldfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Accurately identifying the sex of juvenile and non-breeding Telescope Goldfish poses a formidable task. Nonetheless, distinguishing between the male and female can be possible by observing specific physical characteristics. The male typically exhibits a smaller and more slender body structure compared to the female. In addition, during the breeding phase, males tend to develop small, white bumps known as tubercles on their heads and gill covers. On the other hand, females carrying eggs may appear to have a more prominent and thicker abdominal region.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCarassius auratus
Year Described1758
Other NamesDemekin, Dragon Eye Goldfish, Globe Eye Goldfish
Max Size13 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
Best kept asTrios
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 10 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 5 - 19
Ideal Temperature
65 - 72
18 - 22

Natural Habitat

The Telescope Goldfish is a fascinating and unique species that originated from wild Carp found in Siberia and Central Asia. Through centuries of selective breeding, this Carp evolved into the captivating and domesticated species we see today. In their natural habitat, Telescope Goldfish thrive in slow-moving and sometimes murky waters such as ponds, lakes, ditches, and rivers. These hardy fish have adapted to their environment and have a varied diet consisting of insects, plants, small crustaceans, and detritus.

Today, Telescope Goldfish are commercially available worldwide and are just one of over one hundred captivating Goldfish varieties that exist in aquariums globally. These remarkable fish are an aesthetic delight to behold and possess unique characteristics and behaviours that make them fascinating to observe. From their unique body shape and protruding eyes to their distinctive breeding behaviour, the Telescope Goldfish is a remarkable species that continues to captivate aquarists worldwide. With their colourful array of variations and charming personalities, these fish have earned their place as one of the most beloved and sought-after species in the aquarium world.


The Telescope Goldfish is a species that reproduces via egg laying and has the capability to spawn under suitable conditions rapidly. Breeding groups as small as five individuals are feasible, though larger groups are more conducive to their social nature. It is important to note that Goldfish typically only spawn in the springtime in the wild. Therefore, to breed them successfully in captivity, it is essential to simulate natural conditions. To achieve this, a healthy and disease-free environment is necessary, and some breeders suggest treating fish for parasites and separating males and females for a few weeks before breeding to increase their interest in spawning. Subsequently, the fish should be introduced to a breeding tank simultaneously.

The breeding tank should have oxygenating plants, suitable decor with solid surfaces for egg attachment, and artificial plants or spawning mops. Spawning can be stimulated by gradually reducing the temperature to around 60 degrees Fahrenheit and then slowly raising it by 3 degrees daily until spawning commences. Additionally, providing high-protein foods such as earthworms, brine shrimp, or black worms to the fish can aid in inducing spawning.

During the pre-spawning phase, as the temperature increases, the male will chase the female non-aggressively around the aquarium while intensifying in colour. Once spawning commences, the fish will gyrate, and the male will push the female against the plants. This action stimulates the female to release eggs, which the male fertilises. Eggs will attach to the plants or spawning mops via sticky threads. Spawning can last up to three hours and can produce up to 10,000 eggs. However, the parents will consume as many eggs as possible, necessitating their removal once spawning is completed.

Depending on the temperature, fertilised eggs will typically hatch within 4 to 7 days. Speciality fry foods can be used to feed newly hatched Goldfish until they are big enough to consume baby brine shrimp or flakes. Crushed food offered to the parents is also an option. Initially, the fry will appear dark brown or black to help them conceal themselves from larger fish. At approximately 2.5 cm, the juveniles will gain their adult colouring and can be placed with larger fish.

Diet & Feeding

The Telescope Goldfish is a versatile species that can consume various live, frozen, and dried foods. Nevertheless, to maintain optimal health, vibrant colours, and robust growth rates, they should be provided with high-quality flake food daily. As a treat, live or frozen fare, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, or tubifex, can be offered.

Caution should be taken when providing live foods, as bacterial infections and parasites may be present. Thus, freeze-dried foods may be a better alternative. Additionally, due to their fleshy head growth, Telescope Goldfish may have reduced visual acuity, making locating their food challenging. Consequently, allowing them extra time to feed and offering frequent, small meals may be necessary to ensure adequate nutrient intake. 

It is essential to note that proper nutrition is vital for maintaining optimal health and longevity in Telescope Goldfish. A balanced diet consisting of high-quality, nutrient-dense foods can improve their overall health and help prevent common health issues associated with improper nutrition. In addition, by providing them with a varied and nutritionally complete diet, you can ensure that your Telescope Goldfish thrive and exhibit their full potential.

Other Goldfish

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