Maximum size : 3.5 cm

Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish - pseudomugil pellucidus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil pellucidus) is a remarkable, peaceful, and highly coveted species known for its rarity and captivating beauty. In addition, these fish possess an exceptional level of hardiness, rendering them suitable for both novice aquarists and experienced enthusiasts alike. They excel as inhabitants of species-only nano aquariums or well-planted community setups alongside other species of similar size and temperament.

Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish exhibit schooling behaviour in their natural habitat, showcasing their most vibrant colours when maintained in a group of at least eight individuals. However, it is crucial to provide them with a heavily planted and spacious aquarium to prevent excessive aggression from dominant males towards subdominant males. Optimal tankmates for Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish may include other smaller Rainbowfish species like the Ornate Rainbowfish and Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish. However, it is advisable to avoid housing them with other Rainbowfish from the Pseudomugil genus to prevent hybridization. Additionally, peaceful fish species with similar size, temperament, and water requirements, such as smaller Barbs like the Five-Banded Barb, Dwarf Golden Barb, Cherry Barbs, and Gobies and Micro Rasboras, can make suitable tankmates. However, avoiding placing them with significantly larger or more aggressive species is essential to prevent stress and withdrawal.

Maintaining a gentle water flow in the aquarium aligns with the origins of Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish, as they naturally inhabit calmer waters. In addition, darker substrates can accentuate their vibrant colours, allowing for a visually stunning display. 

The body of the Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish is characterized by its small and slender form. The head displays a silvery red hue that gracefully transitions into the gill cover and stomach area, while the rest of the body remains relatively transparent. The translucent swim bladder is discernible, adding to its ethereal appearance. Additionally, a lateral line extends from the top, transitioning from red to yellow, before evolving into thick black stripes across the mid-tail rays.

The first dorsal fin presents a matte black colouration, accentuated by a subtle orange splash on the first dorsal fin ray. The second dorsal fin exhibits a dark hue with rays adorned by black pigment cells, forming distinctive black bars, which are further highlighted by bright orange posterior edges. Thin black and orange bands adorn the anal fin, while splashes of orangey-yellow grace the upper half of the caudal fin. Notably, the scales feature black margins above the lateral line and slight black accents below it. Lastly, the anal fin stripe varies in colouration, ranging from yellow to red in select individuals.

Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish is relatively straightforward. Males typically exhibit a more significant size compared to females, accompanied by more vibrant colouration and elongated fins. Their striking hues are a distinguishing feature, highlighting their distinctiveness within the species. Conversely, females display a plumper physique, particularly when carrying eggs, and are characterized by a smaller size and subdued colouration. The visual contrast between the sexes is readily apparent, allowing for easy differentiation between male and female Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish.

Quick Facts

Scientific Namepseudomugil pellucidus
Year Described1998
Other NamesNone
Max Size3.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle - Top
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.5 - 8.0
GH 5 - 15
Ideal Temperature
75 - 82
23 - 27

Natural Habitat

The Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish is indigenous to the tributaries of the Mimika, Iwaka, and Kopi Rivers in the Timika-Tembagapura region of West Papua, Indonesia, situated in Southeast Asia. These remarkable Rainbowfish thrive in the serene environs of small, shallow streams that meander languidly through dense rainforests. Their natural habitat is characterized by crystal-clear water, often imbued with the rich hues of tannins, lending a unique ambience to their surroundings. 

Unlike some other Rainbowfish species, the Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish typically dwells in areas devoid of extensive aquatic vegetation. As a result, the substrate in their habitat varies, ranging from sandy stretches to gravelly areas interspersed with rocks and pebbles. Remarkably, these mesmerizing Rainbowfish exhibit a propensity for swimming near the water's surface, creating a captivating sight that sets them apart from their neighbouring species, such as the Ivantsoff's Blue Eye, which tends to occupy the middle or lower regions of the aquatic domain.


The Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish is an egg-laying species that exhibits no parental care, often consuming their eggs and fry if given a chance. However, within a well-decorated aquarium, some fry may manage to survive. Spawning in this species is more likely to occur in slightly elevated temperatures. Females deposit a few eggs daily over several days, attaching them to aquatic vegetation or spawning mops. Furthermore, a single male may engage in breeding with multiple females within a single day. Spawning predominantly occurs during daylight hours, with heightened activity observed from late morning to early afternoon. Breeding can transpire throughout the year in the aquarium, provided a consistent temperature is maintained.

There are two recommended methods for breeding Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish. The first involves separating a small group of 6 to 8 individuals or a single male with two or three females into a dedicated breeding tank equipped with an air-powered sponge filter and a suitable spawning medium such as nylon mops or aquatic moss. Regular monitoring is essential, and upon discovering any eggs, they should be promptly transferred to a separate rearing tank for incubation and hatching.

The second method involves maintaining a colony of adult Rainbowfish in a more spacious and fully decorated setup, allowing for the survival of some fry if the aquarium is well-planted. During the initial stages, the fry tends to dwell close to the water's surface, necessitating the placement of aquatic mosses or floating plants with long roots to yield favourable outcomes. While the second method may be less practical, it is comparatively simpler and more reliable, as established and planted aquariums provide stable water conditions. Additionally, the microfauna present in the aquarium can serve as a beneficial early food source for the developing fry.

The incubation period for Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish eggs varies based on temperature, typically ranging from 7 to 15 days. Once hatched, the fry can readily consume liquid fry food, fry powder, baby brine shrimp, and microworm. Feeding the fry at least twice a day is advisable, promptly removing any uneaten food to prevent water contamination and potentially increasing mortality rates. Regular small water changes are essential to maintain optimal water quality and provide the fry with a conducive environment for growth and development.

Diet & Feeding

Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish are known for their adaptable feeding habits, making them relatively undemanding regarding dietary preferences. While not particularly selective, offering them a balanced and high-quality diet for optimal health and colouration is recommended. The staple of their diet can consist of high-quality micropellets, flakes, granules, and vegetable flakes. However, it is essential to supplement their diet with regular feedings of live, frozen, or freeze-dried food to provide additional nutritional variety. In addition, incorporating options such as bloodworm, daphnia, mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, and tubifex will further enhance their overall well-being and bring out the vibrant colours that these Rainbowfish are known for. By ensuring a diverse and nutritious diet, you can support the health and visual appeal of your Transparent Blue Eye Rainbowfish.

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