Maximum size : 3.5 cm

Vogelkop Blue Eye Rainbowfish - Pseudomugil reticulatus : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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Prepare to be enchanted by the elusive Vogelkop Blue-eye Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil reticulatus). This captivating species, albeit rare and seldom found in the aquarium trade, is sure to captivate the hearts of fish enthusiasts. Moreover, their peaceful nature and petite stature make them an ideal addition to nano or well-planted aquarium setups.

While these remarkable Rainbowfish may not be suitable for general community tanks due to their small size and potential competition for food, they thrive in species-only aquariums or alongside similarly sized and temperament-matched companions. Adult Dwarf Shrimp and other invertebrates can serve as excellent tankmates for these vibrant fish.

In order to create an optimal environment for the Vogelkop Blue-eye Rainbowfish, it is recommended to maintain them in groups of at least eight individuals, although a larger school is even more advantageous. This not only alleviates anxiety but also allows for a more natural and captivating display, as males engage in fascinating behaviours and flaunt their vibrant colours to vie for the attention of females.

A densely planted aquarium adorned with floating plants, driftwood roots, and branches offer an ideal setting for these mesmerizing fish. Such features not only diffuse lighting, a preference these fish hold dear, but also add a touch of natural ambience to the aquatic realm you create.

Observe in awe as the Vogelkop Blue-eye Rainbowfish reveals its unique beauty. Adorned with a brownish body, silvery abdomen, and a striking yellow central region on the chest, these fish exhibit distinct red lines along the top half of their first dorsal fin, the anterior half of their second dorsal fin, and the edge of their anal fin. In addition, the upper and lower portions of their caudal fin boast vibrant red hues, while pinkish-red ventral fins and a red head complete their captivating appearance. Notably, intricate black lines border selected scales on the abdomen, further accentuating their allure. Furthermore, females exhibit contrasting yellow fins and robust reticulated patterns, distinguishing them from their male counterparts.

Vogelkop Blue Eye Rainbowfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the males and females of the esteemed Vogelkop Blue-eye Rainbowfish is a relatively straightforward task. Males showcase a subtly darker body colouration, serving as an exquisite backdrop to their vibrant red fins. In contrast, females boast a captivating display of yellow fins, further adding to their distinctive allure. This distinct divergence in colouration allows for a clear differentiation between the genders of these magnificent Rainbowfish.

Quick Facts

Scientific NamePseudomugil reticulatus
Year Described1986
Other NamesNone
Max Size3.5 cm
Aquarium LevelMiddle
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 4.5 - 7.5
GH 5 - 12
Ideal Temperature
72 - 82
22 - 27

Natural Habitat

The captivating Vogelkop Blue-eye Rainbowfish can be discovered in the mesmerizing streams that grace the eastern region of Ajamaru Village, nestled within the heart of the Vogelkop Peninsula in Irian Jaya, Indonesia. These remarkable fish thrive in a diverse array of aquatic habitats, ranging from crystal-clear waters to enchanting depths of water adorned with rich tannins. They gracefully navigate the currents, flowing swiftly over a tapestry of mud, sand, and gravel, as well as the tranquil embrace of slow-moving waters over a similar substrate. 

In addition to their presence in these thriving ecosystems, the Vogelkop Blue-eye Rainbowfish has also been documented in the majestic Saengga and Manggosa rivers, situated along the glorious north coast of the Bomberai Peninsula. These rivers weave their way northward, eventually merging into the splendid embrace of Bintuni Bay. Embark on a journey to these captivating locales and witness the breathtaking beauty of the Vogelkop Blue-eye Rainbowfish as they grace the flowing waters, a testament to the awe-inspiring wonders of their natural habitat.


Vogelkop Blue-Eye Rainbowfish, distinguished members of the Pseudomugil reticulatus species, are captivating egg-laying creatures that exhibit no parental care, and caution must be exercised as they may consume their own eggs and fry if given the opportunity. To enhance the chances of successful spawning, it is advisable to maintain a slightly cooler water temperature.

During the spawning process, females deposit a few eggs daily over several days, attaching them to aquatic vegetation or carefully selected decor. It is worth noting that individual males possess the capability to mate with multiple females within a single day. Therefore, there are two recommended methods for breeding these remarkable Rainbowfish.

The first approach involves separating a small group comprising a single male and two or three females into a dedicated breeding tank. This tank should be equipped with an air-powered sponge filter and a suitable spawning medium, such as moss or specialized spawning mops. Regular monitoring of the spawning medium is essential, and any identified eggs should be promptly moved to a separate incubation container for optimal development and hatching.

Alternatively, a colony of adult Vogelkop Blue-Eye Rainbowfish can be maintained in a spacious, meticulously decorated setup that offers a higher likelihood of fry survival, particularly when accompanied by a well-planted environment. Since the early stages of their lives see them close to the water's surface, attaching aquatic mosses to the elevated decor within the aquarium yields favourable results. Additionally, floating plants with trailing roots can provide a suitable alternative. While delivering a comparatively lower number of offspring, this second approach offers a more straightforward and reliable breeding experience. Established, planted aquariums contribute to stable water conditions, while the presence of microfauna within the tank serves as an invaluable early food source for the fry.

The incubation period for Vogelkop Blue-Eye Rainbowfish typically spans around ten days, contingent upon the water temperature maintained. Following this stage, the fry will initially require microscopic food such as Paramecium for approximately five days before accepting baby brine shrimp, microworms, and similarly-sized sustenance. Alternatively, high-quality powdered dry products can be utilized for their nourishment. Subsequently, the fry experiences a relatively rapid growth rate. To safeguard their well-being, diligent maintenance practices are essential. Regular, small water changes are necessary to maintain water cleanliness while avoiding the accumulation of uneaten food in the rearing tank, which can lead to increased mortality rates.

By following these carefully outlined breeding guidelines, enthusiasts can partake in the awe-inspiring process of fostering and raising Vogelkop Blue-Eye Rainbowfish, ensuring their successful transition from delicate eggs to vibrant, flourishing individuals.

Diet & Feeding

The dietary preferences of the Vogelkop Blue-eye Rainbowfish are characterized by their lack of selectivity. These captivating Rainbowfish readily accept a wide range of nourishment. To ensure their optimal health and vibrant colouration, providing these fish with a well-balanced diet is recommended. High-quality micropellets, flakes, granules, and vegetable flakes serve as excellent primary sources of nutrition. Supplementing their diet with frequent offerings of frozen, live, or freeze-dried delicacies such as bloodworm, daphnia, mosquito larvae, brine shrimp, and tubifex enhances their overall well-being and their captivating hues. By providing a diverse and nutritious diet, you can unlock the full potential of these remarkable fish, allowing them to thrive and display their utmost vitality and splendour.

Other Rainbowfish

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