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Screenshots of MCE on Windows Vista

Yes, MCE is included in the builds of Windows Vista distributed at PDC, and …

One of the most commonly asked questions I have received is whether MCE was included in the Vista build distributed at PDC, and the answer is yes. Chris Lanier from Microsoft has posted some screenshots of Windows Vista Media Center Edition on his blog.

Windows XP MCE 2005 

Windows Vista MCE

If you compare the before and after pictures you can see that Microsoft has decided to take Vista's improved support for tranlucency and run with it, and I like it. Microsoft is using the translucency as a way to differentiate between what has focus and what doesn't, which seems to give it a more polished and "finished" feel, dare I say à la OS X.

The question of the hour is: will Vista MCE will support Gadgets? I'll let you know what I find out.

Channel Ars Technica