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Pristella maxillaris - X-ray tetraMagyarul / Hungarian
Pristella maxillaris - X-ray tetraPristella maxillaris - X-ray tetraPristella maxillaris - X-ray tetraPristella maxillaris - X-ray tetraPristella maxillaris - X-ray tetraPristella maxillaris - X-ray tetra
  • Scientific name: Pristella maxillaris
  • Synonyms: Pristella riddlei (Ulrey, 1894), Holopristis riddlei (Meek, 1907), Pristella riddlei (Meek, 1907), Üveg prisztella
  • Common name: X-ray tetra
  • Group: Characins
  • Distribution: South America; Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and northern Brazil.
  • Size: 4-5 cm
  • Biotope: During the dry season it inhabits clearwater streams and tributaries, while during the wet season it moves into flooded areas where it spawns amongst the submerged vegetation. It may be found in brackish waters along the coastline.
  • Social behavior: A very peaceful schooling fish, that can be kept with other South American characinsand with smaller catfishes, and dwarf cichlids in a community aquarium. Always buy a group of at least 6 species.
  • Diet: Omnivorous; A micropredator feeding on tiny invertebrates in nature. In the aquarium they will eat all kinds of small live, frozen and dry foods.
  • Breeding: Quite easy
  • Tank: Minimum 60 litres
  • Population: 5-6 fish for 60 litres
  • Decoration: They look great in heavily-planted aquarium. In a biotope setup use dark river sand substrate with roots and tree branches, and a few handfuls of dried leaves over the substrate. The water can be filtered through peat to aid in the simulation of black water conditions.
  • Temperature: 22-28 °C
  • pH: 6.0-8.0
  • Hardness: 2.0-20.0 dGH
  • Lifespan: 3-5 years
Description: X-ray tetra has a silvery yellow quite transparent body. It has striking fin coloration: the dorsal and anal fins have white tips and at the base of these fins there is a yellow and a black stripe. The caudal fin is either red or pink. Pristella maxillaris also has an albino variety with more subdued overall body color and pink eyes. The X-ray tetra is very popular fish in the hobby, most of them originate from the Far East or Eastern Europe. As its natural waters are subject to annual flooding, the amount of dissolved minerals can fluctuate considerably therefore water hardness in the aquarium is not critical, however it breeds in softer and more acidic water.

Sexing is quite easy, adult females are stockier, and a little larger than males. The swimbladder of males is pointy towards the front, while females have a rounded swimbladder.

X-ray tetra is easy enough to spawn, but raising the tiny fry can be harder. For breeding a small 20-30 litres separate tank is enough that should contain a few clumps of fine-leaved plants, such as java moss where the fish can deposit their eggs. Another solution to put some kind of mesh with a large enough grade to the bottom of the tank so the eggs can fall through it and can protect the eggs from the adults. The aquarium water should be soft (1-5 dGH), slightly acidic (pH 5,5-6,5) with a temperature of 27-29 °C. Filtering the water through peat is useful. They can be spawn in pairs or in a small group, but either way Feed the adults with plenty of live and frozen foods to bring them into good condition. Place the adtult fish into the breeding tank in the evening, and they will usually spawn the following morning. The parents will eat the eggs, so after spawning they should be removed from the tank. The 300-400 eggs which are laid on the fine-leaved plants will hatch in 24-36 hours, with the fry becoming free swimming a 3-4 days later. The tiny fry can be fed with very small live foods or with liquid fry food for the first days, until they are large enough to accept brine shrimp nauplii. Both eggs and fry are light sensitive in the early stages of life and the tank should be kept in darkness. Six weeks old fry start to show adult coloration.

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