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Betta Unimaculata - One spot mouthbrooderMagyarul / Hungarian
Betta unimaculata - One spot mouthbrooderBetta unimaculata - One spot mouthbrooderBetta unimaculata - One spot mouthbrooder
  • Scientific name: Betta unimaculata
  • Common name: One spot mouthbrooder
  • Group: Labyrinth fishes
  • Habitat: Asia; Borneo
  • Size: 12 cm
  • Biotope: Rivers
  • Social behavior: Peaceful
  • Diet: All food is accepted including flake food, the fish relish earthworms and larger insects, although they can suffocate on too large food.
  • Breeding: Quite easy
  • Tank: Minimum 120 litres
  • Population: 1 male and 2 females for 120 litres
  • Decoration: Dense vegetation and floating plants.
  • Temperature: 22-24 °C
  • pH: 7-7,5.
  • Hardness: 5,6-11,2 NK°
  • Lifespan: 3 years

Description: In a large community tank several pairs can be kept, the water should be oxygen rich and well filtered, the fish appreciate current in the tank. If kept under these circumstance the fish hardly ever go up for air. Lots of plants and a dark soil brings out the colors better.The fish can be kept in virtually any surrounding, as long as they can hide under something like plants, floating plants or driftwood. The tank should be covered very well, since B. unimaculata can jump high and very precise. Other fish aren't bothered by B. unimaculata, although they shouldn't be kept with large or aggressiv fish like cichlids since then they'll become shy and loose their color. Watervalues are unimportant, the fish will as easily adapt to a soft acidic environment as to a higher pH and Hardness. In general very easy to keep and breed.

The breeding can be done in a 60 cm breeding tank with an internal filter. Lots of plants and/or driftwood, and clean soft to medium hard water. The fish will spawn at the bottom of the tank. In the picture you can see the dominant male displaying to chase away another male also interested to spawn with the female waiting at the bottom. After a pair is formed a spawning place is selected and defended against possible intruders. If a suitable place has been selected, the female turns completely pale. Spawning will take place at the bottom of the tank, where the male will embrace the female, and fertilize the eggs in the manner typical for mouthbreeding bettas. Up to 80 eggs are laid and collected by the male, without intervention of the female. After this the male will hide nearby the spawning place, to hatch the eggs. The female will guard the male's hideout for a few days(if no threats are present) or throughout the whole period until the fry are released. The parent(s) do not eat the fry.