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Product Details


2.5cm - 4cm

Care Level




Water Conditions

Crystal Red Shrimps, scientifically known as Caridina cantonensis var. "Crystal Red," are captivating and sought-after freshwater shrimps renowned for their stunning appearance. With their vibrant red and white coloration and graceful movements, Crystal Red Shrimps add elegance and beauty to any aquarium. Let's explore a detailed description of these remarkable shrimps, including essential information on their appearance, water conditions, tank mates, feeding habits, and care.


  • Vibrant Coloration: Crystal Red Shrimps exhibit a striking red and white coloration, with a translucent body adorned with vivid red or white markings. The intensity of the colors can vary depending on the grading system.
  • Graceful Body Shape: They have a sleek and streamlined body, with long, slender antennae and delicate legs that allow them to gracefully navigate their environment.
  • Size: Crystal Red Shrimps typically grow to a size of around 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 4 cm), making them suitable for smaller aquariums.

Water Conditions:

  • Temperature: Maintain a stable water temperature between 72°F and 78°F (22°C to 26°C) to ensure the well-being of Crystal Red Shrimps.
  • pH Level: Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral pH level between 6.2 and 7.2, replicating their natural habitat.
  • Water Hardness: Provide soft to slightly hard water with a range of 4 to 8 dGH.
  • Filtration: Crystal Red Shrimps thrive in well-filtered aquariums with regular water changes to maintain optimal water quality.

Tank Mates:

  • Peaceful Inhabitants: Crystal Red Shrimps should be kept with peaceful and non-aggressive tank mates that won't harm or stress them. Suitable companions include small, non-predatory fish, snails, and other compatible shrimp species.
  • Avoid Predators: Keep them away from larger, aggressive fish that may consider them as prey.

Feeding Habit:

  • Omnivorous Diet: Crystal Red Shrimps are omnivores and have a scavenging nature. They feed on biofilm, algae, decaying plant matter, and tiny organisms in the aquarium.
  • Supplementary Foods: Supplement their diet with high-quality shrimp-specific foods such as algae wafers, sinking pellets, and specialized shrimp pellets. Offer occasional treats like blanched vegetables, spirulina, and small amounts of protein-rich live or frozen foods.


  • Aquarium Setup: Provide a well-established and densely planted aquarium with hiding places such as driftwood, rocks, and live plants. Use a substrate that supports biofilm growth and mimics their natural environment.
  • Water Quality: Regularly test water parameters and maintain excellent water quality with proper filtration, regular water changes, and the removal of any accumulated debris or uneaten food.
  • Lighting: Provide moderate to subdued lighting to simulate their natural habitat and prevent excessive algae growth.
  • Compatibility: Avoid copper-based medications and ensure that any additives or treatments used in the aquarium are shrimp-safe.

Crystal Red Shrimps

SGD 3.94

Product Options

3 x Regular


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