The plates in holbrook's ichthyology of south carolina, 1860

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Date: Oct. 15, 2014
From: aqua: International Journal of Ichthyology(Vol. 20, Issue 4)
Publisher: Aquapress Publisher
Document Type: Article
Length: 9,426 words
Lexile Measure: 1280L

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Best known for North American Herpetology, John Edwards Holbrook (1794-1871) also published several ichthyological works, the most important of which was his Ichthyology of South Carolina (18556, 1860). Because of their rarity, reproductions of the plates from the 1860 edition are presented herein, along with comments on the fishes illustrated, Holbrook's artists, his other ichthyological work, and his herpetological contributions. In order to put his efforts in perspective, I also include a biographical sketch of Holbrook.


John Edwards Holbrook (1794-1871), der hauptsachlich durch seine North American Herpetology (Nordamerikanische Reptilienkunde) bekannt wurde, hat auch mehrere ichthyol-ogische Werke geschrieben, vor allem eine aber die Ichthyology ofSouth Carolina (1855b, 1860) (Fischlcunde Sad-Carolinas). Weil das Buch selten zu bekommen ist, werden hier die Tafeln der Ausgabe von 1860 wiedergegeben, verbunden mit Erlauterungen zu den abgebildeten Fischen, den beteiligten Kansdern, Holbrooks anderen fischkundlichen Arbeiten und seinen reptilienkundlichen Beitragen. In Wardigung seiner Lebensleistung wird auSerdem eine biografische Slcizze Holbrooks angefagt.


Surtout connu pour son North American Herpetology, John Edwards Holbrook (1794-1871) a aussi publie plusieurs ouvrages ichtyologiques dont le plus important est son Ichthyology of South Carolina (1855b, 1860). A cause de leur rarete, des reproductions des illustrations de l'edition de 1860 sont presentees ici, avec des commen-taires sur les poissons representes, les artistes d'Holbrook, le reste de son travail ichtyologique et ses contributions herpetologiques. Min de mettre son oeuvre en perspective, j'ai aussi indus une esquisse biographique d'Holbrook.


Meglio conosciuto nell'erpetologia del Nord America, John Edwards Holbrook (1794-1871) pubblico anche diversi lavori nel campo dell'ittiologia, il piu importante dei quali fu Ichthyology of South Carolina (1855b, 1860). A causa della rarita di questo testo, sono proposte in questo articolo le riproduzioni delle tavole dell'edizione del 1860, corredate dei commenti sui pesci illustrati, opera di Holbrook, e dagli altri contributi ittiologici e erpetologici dell'autore. Al fine di inquadrare il suo impegno in una dimensione storica, si include anche un profilo biografico di Holbrook.


Most of the early work on the cold-blooded vertebrates of North American was done by Europeans or in some cases by Americans who studied relatively small geographic areas, but this would change. A notable exception to such investigations by Americans was William Bartram's Travels (1791), which was based on field work in a large part of what is now the southeastern United States. More Americans became interested in the scientific study of the biota of their homeland in the years between 1790 and 1830, resulting in more published works on various aspects of natural history. John Edwards Holbrook's efforts in the middle third of the nineteenth century were among the most important contributions made by anyone in those years to an understanding and appreciation of the enormous variety of native plants and animals living on the continent of North America. The publication of Holbrook's North American Herpetology (1836-1840, 1842) signaled the beginning of a new day in the study of amphibians and reptiles in the United States, and his detailed descriptions and excellent illustrations in the Ichthyology of...

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