This is your chance to create the optimum fishery in your lake or pond.

Our fish,are backed by 38 years of experience in fishery biology and fishery management. Our fisheries biologist can also visit your site for a paid consultation to insure you create the fishery of your dreams.

All fish can be picked up or shipped to your facility almost year-round. Prices FOB.

Best fish for aquaponics (in descending order): Channel catfish, common carp, koi, golden shiner, silver carp, mosquitofish, bluegill, green sunfish, brown bulhead, crappie, largemouth bass.

Inquire by email for more information.

Contact us to order!

Channel Catfish 2" Aug-Dec

Ictalurus punctatus
$200 /100
$1800 /1000
Two week old fry are available June-August and may be shippable. Every year there is a certain percentage (1-3%) of Albinos. Please inquire. A

popular game fish, this species of catfish is not a bottomfeeder and likes moving water. It has a very mild flavor and flaky white meat that is conducive to gourmet cooking.

Channel Catfish 3" - 4" Oct - Dec

Ictalurus punctatus
$4 each
$375 /100
A popular game fish, this species of catfish is not a bottomfeeder and likes moving water. It has a very mild flavor that is conducive to gourmet cooking.

Redear Sunfish 1-2"

Lepomis microlophus
$4.00 each
$375 /100
email for avialability. The Redear Sunfish, is also named Shellcracker for its fondness for eating mollusks. Similar to the Bluegill in life habits, it is a great alternative for those wanting larger size or a solution to ponds and tanks infested with snails.

Bluegill Sunfish 1-2"

Lepomis macrochirus
$2 each
$175 /100

Available August - December. Making up for a lack in size, the bluegill is the rabbit of the fish world, and will provide hours of enjoyment in your farm pond.

Common Carp 3-4"

Cyprinus carpio
$3 each
$250 /100

Available July-Dec. A robust fish whose grazing activity can control aquatic weeds. One of the world's most popular fish for food and sport.

Common Carp  > 1 lb

Cyprinus carpio
$5 /lb

email for avialability.A robust fish whose grazing activity can control aquatic weeds. One of the world's most popular fish for food and sport.

Channel Catfish - Catchable 1-4 lb

Ictalurus punctatus
$7 /lb

email for avialability.A popular game fish, this catfish likes both moving and still water and it has a very mild flavor that is conducive to gourmet cooking.

Channel Catfish - Trophy 5-15 lb

Ictalurus punctatus
$8.50 /lb
email for avialability. A popular game fish, this catfish likes both moving and still water and it has a very mild flavor that is conducive to gourmet cooking.

Black Crappie 3-4"

Pomoxis nigromaculatus
$4.50 each
$400 /100

Available Oct-Dec The crappie will reward the patient angler with its beauty and unrivaled taste.

Mosquitofish 1-2"

Gambusia affinis
$75 /100
$600 /1000

Minimum order 100. Available in May. Able to thrive in the most inhospitable environments, the mosquitofish is essential for vector control. Because it bears live young, it can provide forage for your game fish all year.

Largemouth Bass 2-3"

Micropterus salmoides
$3.00 each
$275 /100

Available July-Dec. One of the most agressive fish, its sporting value is only surpassed by its delicate taste when steamed or fried. Larger fish sometimes available.

Bullfrog Tadpole 2-3"

Rana catesbiana
$1.50 each
$125 /100

Crucian Carp 2-3"

Carassius gibelio / Carassius carassius
$3.50 each
$325 /100

Inquire for availability.. Related to (and often cross bred with) the Common carp, the Silver carp (Prussian/Crucian Carp) is notable for having up to 95% females in a population. It is widely considered to be superior table fare.

Koi 1"

Cyprinus carpio
$2.25 each
$200 /100

Inquire for availability. Selectively bred throughout the generations, the beautiful koi complements the garden pond and will learn to eat from your hand!

Sacramento Perch 1-2"

Archoplites interruptus
$4.50 each
$400 /100

Please inquire. The only California native sunfish thrives in alkaline waters and grows to 3 1/2 lb. Some favor its palatibility above the crappie.

Sacramento Blackfish 1-2"

Orthodon microlepidotus
$4.50 each
$400 /100

Please inquire. This unique California native feeds on plankton and grows to 20 inches, these qualities giving it high omega-3 acids and making it one of the best tasting, and most healthful fish in the world.

Threadfin Shad 2-5"

Dorosoma petenense
$350 /100

Inquire for availability.. This prolific breeder will provide high quality forage for your game fish, and will control planktonic algae year round. That game fish love these is proven by the countless shad imitations in your tackle box!

Albino Catfish 2"

Ictalurus punctatus
$4 each
$375 /100

Depending on favorable breeding, every July we will have albinos for aquarium and ornamental pond use.

Green Sunfish 1-2"

Lepomis cyanellus
$2.50 each
$225 /100

A sporting panfish, the Green Sunfish provides excellent fishing and is a favorite in aquariums. It is often breed with Bluegill to form a fast-growing (and sterile) super hybrid.

Brown Bullhead

Ictalurus nebulosus

Please inquire. Always eager to bite, the brown bullhead is perfect for pond owners wanting something smaller than the Channel catfish.

Golden Shiner 2-3"

Notemigonus crysoleucas
$2.00 each
$175 /100

A favorite of fishermen, this hardy minnow will keep your fish fed and your rod dancing. Preliminary studies show it is a suitable aquaponics fish.