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The bank of the Otamiri River at the confluence with the Ogochia in Nigeria

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biotop reke Otamiri

5 ° 04'25.1 "N 7 ° 02'55.6" E

Explain the meaning of the word biotope:

A biotope is an area of ​​uniform environmental conditions that provides habitat for a particular community of plants and animals. Biotope is almost synonymous with the term habitat. The word biotope literally means “area where life lives”.

In doing so, we should not be picky about endemics, as there is no way we can recreate a biotope where everything is really from a specific area. Do we have a root from exactly that forest, sand from that stream, microorganisms from those waters, .....?


It looks like this to me:


Coastal area of ​​the Otamiri River at its tributary Ogochio in Rivers - Nigeria - West Africa

Volume: 950 L

Dimensions: 305x60x58

List of fish : Gnathonemus petersii (Günther, 1862)

Xenomystus nigri (Günther, 1868)

Pantodon buchholzi (Peters, 1876)

Parailia pellucida (Boulenger, 1901)

Microsynodontis sp. "Nigeria"

Arnoldichthys spilopterus (Boulenger, 1909)

Brycinus longipinnis (Günther, 1864)

Alestopetersius smykalai (Poll, 1967)

List of plants: Anubias hastifolia
Anubias Barteri var.Barteri

Bolbitis heudelotii
Crinum natans
Lemna spp.

Vallisneria spiralis

Nymphaea lotus

Ceratophyllum demersum

Description of decoration: The materials used are collected in the domestic region, with the exception of sand, which is purchased from imports, as non-carbonate sand is extremely difficult to obtain in nature. The base is made of a mixed substrate of quartz sand and larger stones of red and green tuff, collected in the Peračica stream. At the bottom, two roots are collected in the Završnica stream and two just below the surface, collected in the stream in Draga near Begunje. At the bottom are branches and fallen oak leaves. Left and right, the glass panels are lined with gray slate.

Equipment description: 2x 1500l / h pumps Sicce silent

2x 600l / h BluBios pump
1x 300w Eheim Jager heater
2x T5 Narva HQ Bio light 54w

2x T5 Sylvania Aquastar FHO 54w 10000K

1x LED 6000K 20w

1x pH controller

Water parameters: Temperature: 27 ° C, Ph: 6.9, hardness Gh: 5, Kh: 4, Conductivity: 140 μS, Phosphates Po4: 0.10-0.20 mg / l, Nitrates NO3: 5mg / l

Additional information: The AquaMedic reactor 1000 with pH controller ensures a constant pH.

Two mechanically biological 50-liter chamber filters and a 15-liter anaerobic filter maintain water.


Water change : Daily change of 30 l of water in the system.


Illumination: From 9: 00-11: 30 barely perceptible morning light 0.02 W / l, from 12: 00-12: 30 increase in brightness to 0.13W / l, from 12: 30-16: 00 peak of the day 0.25W / l , from 16: 00-19: 30 reduced to 0.13W / l and from 19: 30-22: 00 evening light 0.02 W / l


Description of natural habitat / biotope:

The coastal part of the Otamiri River, where the smaller Ogochia River joins. The Otamiri is one of the main rivers in the state of Imo in Nigeria. The river is named after Ota Miri, the deity who owns all the waters. The river flows south of Egbu past Owerri and through Nekede , Ihiagwa , Eziobodo , Olokwu Umuisi, Mgbirichi and Umuagwo to Ozuzu in Etche , Rivers State , from where it flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Otamiri River Basin covers about 10,000 square kilometers with an annual rainfall of 2,250 to 2,500 millimeters. The river basin is mostly covered by depleted rainforest vegetation with average temperatures of 27 ° C, with a relative humidity of around 75-85%.

At the confluence of the rivers there is a mixed base of various sands, sandstones and clay shales and stones. The water is differently colored during the dry and rainy seasons, while the dry season is characterized by black water. The wet or rainy season is between April and October, the dry season lasts from November to March.

The bottom is full of biological mass from lignite to wood in the form of strong roots of riparian vegetation, fallen trees, branches and leaves. Along the river bank grow various ferns and other wetland vegetation, on the banks we find species of Anubia, which together with ferns are perfectly adapted to growth under water and above it, so easily survive in the rainy season underwater in flooded areas of land, as well as in dry period in the dry, where they exploit moisture in shady areas under the canopy of tree canopies, where they are protected from the sun and the consequent drying of the leaves (dry and rainy season). All types of plants with rhizomes are quite resistant, even if the plant loses all its leaves and survives only the rhizome, it will turn green again under favorable conditions. In this fairly calm environment, species of water lilies (Nymphaea spp.) And filamentous green algae thrive in the water. Depending on the dry and wet season, the presence of certain fish species in the area varies, more species are in the wet season, the reason is the reproduction of the species and much more food during this period.

List of fish present in the Otamiri River: 5 orders, 18 families, 46 genera, and 79 species

Hydrocynus brevis, H. vittatus, H. forskalli, Alestes dentex, Brycinus longipinnis , Micralestes humilis, M. elongatus, Bryconaethiops quinquesquamae, Rhabdalestes septenirionalis, Alestopeterisius smykalai , Arnoldusvisus B. spilopter

Synodondis courteti, S. mebranacea, S. vermiculata, S. melanoptera, S. batensoda, S. budgetti, S. omias, S. nigrita, S. obesus


Hemichromis fasciatus, Coptodon zilli, C. guineensis, Pelmatolapia mariae, Thysochromis ansorgii, Chromidotilapia guntheri, Pelvicachromis spp.


Ctenopoma kingsleyae, C. petherici, C. nebulosum


Clarias ebriensis, Heterobranchus longifilis


Chrysichthys nigrodigtatus, Anaspidoglanis akiri, Paraucheoglanis monkei


Papyrocranus afer, Xenomystus nigri


Pantodon buchholzi


Gymnarchus niloticus


Nannocharax ansorgii, Phago loricatus, Ichthyborus bessebesse, Ichthyborus mondi, Distichodus rostratus, Distichodus brevipinnis


Chelaethiops bibie, Raiamas senegalensis


Malapterurus electricus, M. beninensis


Parachanna obscura, P. africana

Schilbeidae :

Parailia pellucida, Schilbe intermedius, S. mystus


Mastacembelus loennbergii


Erpetoichthys calabaricus, ...


Gnathonemus petersii , and 19 more species, most of all families ...


List of plants found in the wider Otamiri River area and tributaries:

Anubias hastifolia , Anubias gilletii, Bolbitis heudelotii, Trapa natans, Mimosa pigra, Eichhornia natans, Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Azolla pinnata, Salvinia, Lemna , Nyphaea , Vallisneria spiralis , Utricularia in Ceratophyll.

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