Kangal Shepherd Dog Breed History, Personality, Care, FAQs

9 min readNov 30, 2022

Are you looking for a dog that is confident in carrying out tasks? The Kangal Shepherd Dog Breed fits that position, he stands tall and steady, showing confidence and pride, which comes from centuries of loyalty to his territory, his flock, and his owner. This article brings to light important information about this breed and why you should not abandon a Kangal dog for sale.

SizeLargeHeight:65–78 cmWeight40–60 kgLifespan:13–15 yearsCoat:Medium HairColors:Light brown, light gray

History Of Kangal Shepherd Dog Breed

Source: dogtime.com

The Kangal Shepherd Dog was developed in Turkey where people used them as guard dogs for their sheep and goats. These dogs would protect their flock from wolves, bears, jackals, etc. The original purpose of these dogs was to guard flocks against wild animals but now they are mostly used as guard dogs or as pets. The Kangal Anatolian Shepherd has been used in sheep farming since ancient times.

Temperament Of The Kangal Shepherd

  • They are independent and protective of things kept under their care.
  • This breed is very sensitive to things happening around them.
  • They possess a calm aura.

Personality Of This Breed

Source: hundeo.com

  • Kangal Shepherd puppies are very intelligent.
  • They have a low tendency to chew on things.
  • Their energy level is average and easy to put under check.

Size And Weight Of The Kangal Anatolian Shepherd

This breed is generally known for having a large size. They weigh an average of 40–60 kg while their females weigh an average of 40–50 kg.

Coat Color

Source: hundeo.com

Their coat comes in colors ranging from grey to brown. Some of them come with markings on their coat.

Kangal Accessories

The main accessory for this breed is its collar. Other things can be gotten based on your preference.

Characteristics Of Kangal Anatolian Shepherd

  • Kangal Anatolian Shepherd is a versatile dog with the unique ability to thrive in a wide variety of environments. They are known for having a great sense of smell, which allows them to track prey and find food even if it’s been buried. Its strong jaw and powerful bite allow it to tear through any prey that it can catch.
  • Kangal Shepherd puppy is excellent. They’re devoted companions, and they love spending time with their human family members. Kangals are also very intelligent dogs, making them ideal candidates for obedience training.
  • Kangal Shepherd Dogs are great pets for apartment dwellers. These dogs also do well with children because they’re gentle with children who aren’t rough-housing or playing roughly (this can sometimes lead to injury if the child isn’t taught how to properly interact safely with their pet).
  • Its tail is curled over the back. The eyes are dark and almond-shaped.

Health Condition Of A Kangal Shepherd Puppy

Source: dogtime.com

It has been shown that the Kangal Shepherd Dog may be predisposed to certain health problems, such as:

  • Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid folds inward toward the eye. As a result, your eyelashes and skin rub against your eyeball, irritating the cornea (the front part of your eye).
  • Lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that is usually seen between the dog’s skin and the underlying muscle layer. Lipomas, which feel doughy and are usually not painful, shift easily with gentle finger pressure.
  • Hip dysplasia is a condition that occurs in dogs during their growth stage. It causes hip joint loosening, which causes dysfunction and pain.
  • Demodectic mange — This brings patches of red, scaly, hairless skin caused by an overpopulation of the Demodex mite when the dog’s immune system is compromised

Care Of A Kangal Shepherd Dog

The Kangal Shepherd Dog needs plenty of exercises and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy, so they need a lot of space in their home or yard. Kangals need a lot of exercises, socialization, and mental stimulation. They also need to be trained from an early age to understand the boundaries of their territory so that they can protect it more effectively from intruders.

Grooming And Care Of A Kangal Shepherd Dog

Source: dogsnsw.org.au

Grooming your Kangal Shepherd dog is important because it keeps your pet’s coat healthy and prevents it from getting matted with dirt or debris. It helps to keep allergies at bay. You should brush your dog’s hair regularly with a soft bristle brush so that you can remove any loose hair from its coat without scratching it or removing too much of it at once. You can also use a slicker brush to remove dead skin cells from around the dog’s eyes, ears, mouth, and nose area every three weeks or so as needed.

When grooming your Kangal Shepherd, start with a warm bath. This will help them get clean and also relax them so they don’t become anxious during the process. Once they are clean, dry them thoroughly with a soft cloth before applying some conditioner or dog shampoo. Be sure not to use too much so as not to strip their natural oils from them! Allow this to sit on their coat for about 10 minutes before rinsing off under cold water. If necessary, repeat this process until all soap residue has been removed from their coat. Let’s see tips to groom your dog.

Once you feel confident that all soap residue has been removed from their coat, clip any stray hairs or mats that may be growing out of place using scissors or clippers depending on how long they were left untouched before grooming time in order

Cleanse your pet’s ears once per week with baby shampoo mixed with water

Feeding A Kangal Shepherd Dog

The feeding of the Kangal Shepherd Dog should be done carefully. The diet of a Kangal Shepherd Dog consists of meat, vegetables, fruits, and grains in varying proportions depending on what type of food you plan to feed your pet. If you are going to feed your pet dry food then make sure that it contains high protein content as well as other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which are needed by dogs for their health and well-being.

Meat should constitute 45% of the total diet while vegetables and fruits should constitute 25% each while 15% can be given as grains making up 10%. However; these percentages can vary depending on what type of food you are going give your pet because some foods have higher calories content than others which would require more meat than others

When feeding your Kangal shepherd dog, it’s important to make sure it has access to fresh water at all times. Kangals are also prone to obesity if they consume too much food at once. The amount of food they eat should be carefully monitored so that it does not exceed their caloric requirements by more than 20 percent each day or week (depending on their size).

Training a Kangal Shepherd Dog

Source: hundeo.com

  1. The first step in training Kangal Shepherd Dog is to have patience. It will take time for your dog to learn the commands and tricks you want him to know. You must not get frustrated with him.
  2. Teach your dog how to sit and lay down using verbal commands such as “sit,” “down,” and “stay.” Once he knows those commands, start getting him used to other behaviors like nudging people with his nose, jumping up on things, or rolling around on the ground. With this, he can use them when he wants something from people or other dogs around him.
  3. Go out into public places with your dog and give him treats for doing things like sitting politely on a chair or laying flat on his back underneath a table.

Exercise Needs Of A Kangal Shepherd Dog

Like most dogs, the Kangal Shepherd Dog does best when allowed to exercise. The breed has a high energy level, and if it’s not allowed to expend that energy safely, it can develop behavioral problems.

Kangal Shepherd Dog owners should consider the following exercises for their dogs:

  • Jumping: This is a great way to get your dog moving and work up an appetite. It will also improve your dog’s balance and coordination, two things that are important in a sporting dog.
  • Running: This is also a great way to get your dog moving and working up an appetite. It will also improve your dog’s balance and coordination, two things that are important in a sporting dog.

Pros And Cons Of A Kangal Shepherd

Source: hundeo.com

Kangal Shepherd Dogs are not just good pets, they’re also an excellent choice for a family. Here’s why:


  • Kangal Shepherd Dogs are friendly and affectionate, making them good with children.
  • They’re easy to train, so they can learn commands quickly.
  • They have a strong sense of smell, which makes them great at tracking down missing animals or other scents in the environment.
  • Good with other animals: The Kangal shepherd dog is known for being good with other animals, including cats and dogs. This makes it a good pet for you if you have a cat or dog at home.
  • Good exercise: If you want an energetic dog that will keep you on your toes and make sure that you get plenty of exercise then the Kangal shepherd dog may be what you’re looking for! They love running around and playing fetch with their owners.


  • High maintenance: While most dogs require some grooming from time to time (and some even more frequently), the Kangal shepherd requires quite a bit more grooming than most other dogs do. It’s important to brush their coat regularly so their hair stays healthy and free from knots or tangles that could cause discomfort when they’re wearing clothes or blankets at night.

Fact: Are They Considered Good Pets

Source: dogtime.com

Kangal Shepherd Dogs are seen as good pets because of all the benefits that can be gotten from having them. If well taught and taken care of, it would turn out to be one of the best decisions you may ever make in having a pet.

FAQ On This Breed

What Is the Kangal Shepherd Dog Price?

Puppies of this breed typically cost between $1200 and $2500 each. But their price can be as much as $4000 per puppy from a reputable kennel.

Is a Kangal Good with Kids?

They are good with children when provided with proper training and behavioral guidance from a young age.

What Is the Lifespan of a Kangal?

They live for about 12 to 15 years.

Are Kangal Dogs Loyal?

Kangal dogs are very loyal to their owners and that is one of the reasons why we consider them as being good pets.

Is the Kangal Dog Right For Me?

It depends on your needs. If the attributes of the Kangal can meet your needs of a dog, it is good for you.


These dogs are among the greatest to have around. They are sociable and adore everyone. You can also teach them to be security dogs, which will protect your family and your home if anyone tries to harm them. They are also incredibly easy to care for because they don’t require much food or water and don’t take up much space. There are Kangal Dogs for sale and you should consider getting one.

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