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Paingankar 4 & Neelesh Dahanukar 5 Ù㮑½› :ŽƵƌŶĂůŽĨdŚƌĞĂƚĞŶĞĚdĂdžĂͮǁǁǁ͘ƚŚƌĞĂƚĞŶĞĚƚĂdžĂ͘ŽƌŐͮϮϲ:ƵŶĞϮϬϭϰͮϲ;ϲͿ͗ϱϳϵϳʹϱϴϭϴ ISSN KŶůŝŶĞϬϵϳϰʹϳϵϬϳ WƌŝŶƚϬϵϳϰʹϳϴϵϯ KWE^^ 1,2 Bombay Natural History Society Hornbill House, Opp. Lion Gate, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001, India 3 ŽŶƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ'ƌŽƵƉ;Z'Ϳ͕^ƚ͘ůďĞƌƚ͛ƐŽůůĞŐĞ͕ĂŶĞƌũŝZŽĂĚ͕<ŽĐŚŝ͕<ĞƌĂůĂϲϴϮϬϭϴ͕/ŶĚŝĂ 3,4,5 ^LJƐƚĞŵĂƟĐƐ͕ĐŽůŽŐLJΘŽŶƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶ>ĂďŽƌĂƚŽƌLJ͕ŽŽKƵƚƌĞĂĐŚKƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶ;KKͿ͕ϵϲ<ƵŵƵĚŚĂŵEĂŐĂƌ͕ sŝůĂŶŬƵƌŝĐŚŝZŽĂĚ͕ŽŝŵďĂƚŽƌĞ͕dĂŵŝůEĂĚƵϲϰϭϬϯϱ͕/ŶĚŝĂ 5 /ŶĚŝĂŶŝŶƐƟƚƵƚĞŽĨ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂŶĚZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ͕ƌ͘,ŽŵŝŚĂďŚĂZŽĂĚ͕WĂƐŚĂŶ͕WƵŶĞ͕DĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂϰϭϭϬϬϴ͕/ŶĚŝĂ 1, 2, 3 ƌĂũĞĞǀƌĂƋΛŚŽƚŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ͕4, 5 Ŷ͘ĚĂŚĂŶƵŬĂƌΛŝŝƐĞƌƉƵŶĞ͘ĂĐ͘ŝŶ;ĐŽƌƌĞƐƉŽŶĚŝŶŐĂƵƚŚŽƌͿ ďƐƚƌĂĐƚ͗ŶĞǁƐƉĞĐŝĞƐŽĨďĂƌďPethia luteaŝƐĚĞƐĐƌŝďĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞ<ƵŶĚĂůŝŬĂZŝǀĞƌŝŶƚŚĞŶŽƌƚŚĞƌŶƉĂƌƚŽĨƚŚĞtĞƐƚĞƌŶ'ŚĂƚƐ͘dŚĞŶĞǁ ƐƉĞĐŝĞƐĐĂŶďĞĚŝƐƟŶŐƵŝƐŚĞĚĨƌŽŵŝƚƐĐŽŶŐĞŶĞƌƐŝŶ/ŶĚŝĂďĂƐĞĚŽŶĂĐŽŵďŝŶĂƟŽŶŽĨĐŚĂƌĂĐƚĞƌƐŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐĂĚŝƐƟŶĐƚŚƵŵƉĞĚŶĂƉĞ͕ĂďƐĞŶĐĞ ŽĨďĂƌďĞůƐ͕ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞůĂƚĞƌĂůůŝŶĞ͕ůŝƉƐƚŚŝĐŬ͕ůĂƚĞƌĂůĨŽůĚŽŶƐŶŽƵƚ͕ϭϵʹϮϮůĂƚĞƌĂůůŝŶĞƐĐĂůĞƐ͕ϴƉƌĞĚŽƌƐĂůƐĐĂůĞƐ͕ϵʹϭϬƉƌĞƉĞůǀŝĐƐĐĂůĞƐ͕ϭϰʹϭϱ ƉƌĞĂŶĂůƐĐĂůĞƐ͕ϰʹϰЪƚƌĂŶƐǀĞƌƐĞƐĐĂůĞƌŽǁƐďĞƚǁĞĞŶůĂƚĞƌĂůůŝŶĞĂŶĚĚŽƌƐĂůĮŶŽƌŝŐŝŶ͕ϮЪʹϯƚƌĂŶƐǀĞƌƐĞƐĐĂůĞƌŽǁƐďĞƚǁĞĞŶůĂƚĞƌĂůůŝŶĞĂŶĚ ƉĞůǀŝĐĮŶďĂƐĞ͕ϲʹϵƉĂŝƌŽĨƐĞƌƌĂĞŽŶƚŚĞĚŝƐƚĂůŚĂůĨŽĨƚŚĞĚŽƌƐĂůĮŶƐƉŝŶĞ͕ϭϯʹϭϱďƌĂŶĐŚĞĚƉĞĐƚŽƌĂůĮŶƌĂLJƐ͕ϳďƌĂŶĐŚĞĚƉĞůǀŝĐĮŶƌĂLJƐ͕ϰнϮϲ ƚŽƚĂůǀĞƌƚĞďƌĂĞ͕ϰнϭϯĂďĚŽŵŝŶĂůĂŶĚϭϯĐĂƵĚĂůǀĞƌƚĞďƌĂĞ͕ďŽĚLJǁŝƚŚŽŶĞǀĞƌƟĐĂůŚƵŵĞƌĂůĂŶĚŽŶĞĐĂƵĚĂůďůŽƚĐŚĂŶĚĚŽƌƐĂůĮŶǁŝƚŚŽƵƚĂŶLJ ďĂŶĚƐŽƌďůŽƚĐŚĞƐ͘ĚĚŝƟŽŶĂůůLJ͕ǁĞƉƌŽǀŝĚĞŶĞǁƌĞĐŽƌĚƐŽĨPethia punctataĨƌŽŵƚŚĞƌŝǀĞƌƐŽĨDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂ^ƚĂƚĞĂůŽŶŐǁŝƚŚĂĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƟŽŶ ŽĨŝƚƐŽƐƚĞŽůŽŐLJ͘ <ĞLJǁŽƌĚƐ͗ŽŶƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶƐƚĂƚƵƐ͕ĚŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶ͕ĨƌĞƐŚǁĂƚĞƌĮƐŚ͕DĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂ͕ƚĂdžŽŶŽŵLJ͘ DOI͗ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬĚdž͘ĚŽŝ͘ŽƌŐͬϭϬ͘ϭϭϲϬϵͬ:Ždd͘ŽϯϵϮϵ͘ϱϳϵϳͲϴϭϴ | ŽŽĂŶŬ͗ƵƌŶ͗ůƐŝĚ͗njŽŽďĂŶŬ͘ŽƌŐ͗ƉƵď͗ϮϳϮϭϱϯͲϲϭͲϰϬϬϭͲϴϮϯϰͲϵϭϬϬ&ϳϰϯ ĚŝƚŽƌ͗ŶŽŶLJŵŝƚLJƌĞƋƵĞƐƚĞĚ͘ ĂƚĞŽĨƉƵďůŝĐĂƟŽŶ͗Ϯϲ:ƵŶĞϮϬϭϰ;ŽŶůŝŶĞΘƉƌŝŶƚͿ DĂŶƵƐĐƌŝƉƚĚĞƚĂŝůƐ͗DƐηŽϯϵϮϵͮZĞĐĞŝǀĞĚϮϵ:ĂŶƵĂƌLJϮϬϭϰͮ&ŝŶĂůƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĚϭϴDĂLJϮϬϭϰͮ&ŝŶĂůůLJĂĐĐĞƉƚĞĚϬϮ:ƵŶĞϮϬϭϰ ŝƚĂƟŽŶ͗ <ĂƚǁĂƚĞ͕h͕͘͘<ĂƚǁĂƚĞ͕Z͘ZĂŐŚĂǀĂŶ͕D͘^͘WĂŝŶŐĂŶŬĂƌΘE͘ĂŚĂŶƵŬĂƌ;ϮϬϭϰͿ͘Pethia lutea͕ĂŶĞǁƐƉĞĐŝĞƐŽĨďĂƌď;dĞůĞŽƐƚĞŝ͗LJƉƌŝŶŝĚĂĞͿĂŶĚŶĞǁ ƌĞĐŽƌĚƐŽĨ P. punctata ĨƌŽŵŶŽƌƚŚĞƌŶtĞƐƚĞƌŶ'ŚĂƚƐŽĨ/ŶĚŝĂ. Journal of Threatened Taxaϲ;ϲͿ͗ϱϳϵϳʹϱϴϭϴ; ŚƩƉ͗ͬͬĚdž͘ĚŽŝ͘ŽƌŐͬϭϬ͘ϭϭϲϬϵͬ:Ždd͘ŽϯϵϮϵ͘ϱϳϵϳͲϴϭϴ ŽƉLJƌŝŐŚƚ͗ ©<ĂƚǁĂƚĞĞƚĂů͘ 2014͘ƌĞĂƟǀĞŽŵŵŽŶƐƩƌŝďƵƟŽŶϰ͘Ϭ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů>ŝĐĞŶƐĞ͘:ŽddĂůůŽǁƐƵŶƌĞƐƚƌŝĐƚĞĚƵƐĞŽĨƚŚŝƐĂƌƟĐůĞŝŶĂŶLJŵĞĚŝƵŵ͕ƌĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ ĂŶĚĚŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶďLJƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐĂĚĞƋƵĂƚĞĐƌĞĚŝƚƚŽƚŚĞĂƵƚŚŽƌƐĂŶĚƚŚĞƐŽƵƌĐĞŽĨƉƵďůŝĐĂƟŽŶ͘ &ƵŶĚŝŶŐ͗dŚĞƐƚƵĚLJǁĂƐƉĂƌƟĂůůLJĨƵŶĚĞĚďLJƐŵĂůůŐƌĂŶƚƐŽĨƚŚĞƌŝƟĐĂůĐŽƐLJƐƚĞŵWĂƌƚŶĞƌƐŚŝƉ&ƵŶĚ;W&ͿƐŵĂůůŐƌĂŶƚƚŚƌŽƵŐŚƚŚĞƐŚŽŬĂdƌƵƐƚĨŽƌZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚŝŶ ĐŽůŽŐLJĂŶĚŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚƚŽh<;W&ͲdZͲt'ŚĂƚƐͬ^'Wͬt'^'ϭϴϲʹE,^ͺ&/^,^ͿĂŶĚƉĂƌƟĂůůLJďLJ^dͲ/E^W/Z&ĂĐƵůƚLJ&ĞůůŽǁƐŚŝƉƚŽE͘ZZƚŚĂŶŬƐƚŚĞEŽƌƚŚ ŽĨŶŐůĂŶĚŽŽůŽŐŝĐĂů^ŽĐŝĞƚLJ;E^ͿͲŚĞƐƚĞƌŽŽĨŽƌĨƵŶĚŝŶŐ͘ ŽŵƉĞƟŶŐ /ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚƐ͗ dŚĞ ĂƵƚŚŽƌƐ ĚĞĐůĂƌĞ ŶŽ ĐŽŵƉĞƟŶŐ ŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƚƐ͘ &ƵŶĚŝŶŐ ƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ ŚĂĚ ŶŽ ƌŽůĞ ŝŶ ƐƚƵĚLJ ĚĞƐŝŐŶ͕ ĚĂƚĂ ĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶ͕ ƌĞƐƵůƚƐ ŝŶƚĞƌƉƌĞƚĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ ŵĂŶƵƐĐƌŝƉƚǁƌŝƟŶŐ͘ ƵƚŚŽƌŽŶƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶ͗h<͕<͕ZZ͕DW͕EĐŽůůĞĐƚĞĚƐƉĞĐŝŵĞŶƐ͘h<͕<ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĞĚƚŚĞŵŽƌƉŚŽůŽŐŝĐĂůĂŶĚŽƐƚĞŽůŽŐŝĐĂůƐƚƵĚŝĞƐ͘DW͕EƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĞĚƚŚĞŐĞŶĞƟĐ ĂŶĂůLJƐŝƐ͘h<͕ZZ͕EƐƚƵĚŝĞĚŵƵƐĞƵŵƐƉĞĐŝŵĞŶƐ͘h<͕<͕ZZ͕DW͕EǁƌŽƚĞƚŚĞŵĂŶƵƐĐƌŝƉƚ͘ ĐŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞŵĞŶƚƐ͗tĞƚŚĂŶŬZĂũĞŶĚƌĂWĂǁĂƌ͕ZƵƉĞƐŚZĂƵƚ͕sŝƐŚǁĂƐ͕ďŚŝũŝƚĂŶĚ^ĂƵƌĂďŚĨŽƌŚĞůƉŝŶŐǁŝƚŚƚŚĞĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶƐ͖<ĂƌƐƚĞŶ͘,ĂƌƚĞůƵƌĂƚŽƌŝĂůƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞ͕ DƵƐĞƵŵŽĨŽŵƉĂƌĂƟǀĞŽŽůŽŐLJ͕,ĂƌǀĂƌĚhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ͕ĨŽƌŚĞůƉĨƵůĚŝƐĐƵƐƐŝŽŶĂŶĚƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐŝŵĂŐĞŽĨ&ƌĂŶĐŝƐĂLJ͛ƐŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůŽĨWƵŶƟƵƐƉƵŶĐƚĂƚƵƐ͖ƐĂĚZĂŚŵĂŶŝ͕ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ͖ĞĞƉĂŬƉƚĞ͕KK͖ZĂŚƵů<ŚŽƚ͕/ŶͲŚĂƌŐĞEĂƚƵƌĂů,ŝƐƚŽƌLJŽůůĞĐƟŽŶĚĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ͕ĨŽƌƚŚĞŝƌŚĞůƉĚƵƌŝŶŐƐƚƵĚLJŽĨƚŚĞŵƵƐĞƵŵƐƉĞĐŝŵĞŶƐĂŶĚƌĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶ ŽĨƐƉĞĐŝŵĞŶƐŝŶŽŵďĂLJEĂƚƵƌĂů,ŝƐƚŽƌLJ^ŽĐŝĞƚLJ;E,^Ϳ͕DƵŵďĂŝ͖^ĂŶũĂLJDŽůƵƌ͕džĞĐƵƟǀĞŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ͖ĂŶĚWƌŝLJĂŶŬĂ/LJĞƌ͕ĐƵƌĂƚŽƌŽĨĮƐŚĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶ͕ĨŽƌŚŽůĚŝŶŐŽƵƌ ƐƉĞĐŝŵĞŶǀŽƵĐŚĞƌƐŝŶƚŚĞŵƵƐĞƵŵĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶŽĨtŝůĚůŝĨĞ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ>ŝĂŝƐŽŶĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ;t/>Ϳ^ŽĐŝĞƚLJ͕ŽŝŵďĂƚŽƌĞ͖ƚŚĞŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ͕ŽŽůŽŐŝĐĂů^ƵƌǀĞLJŽĨ/ŶĚŝĂ ĂŶĚKĸĐĞƌ/ŶͲŚĂƌŐĞŽĨƚŚĞ^/ŽůůĞĐƟŽŶƐĨŽƌƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐƵƐƚŚĞĂĐĐĞƐƐƚŽƚŚĞƚLJƉĞŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůŽĨƚŚĞƐƉĞĐŝĞƐ͖^ŚƌŝŬĂŶƚ:ĂĚŚĂǀĨŽƌŚŝƐŚĞůƉǁŚŝůĞƐƚƵĚLJŝŶŐƐŽŵĞŽĨƚŚĞ ƚLJƉĞŵĂƚĞƌŝĂů͖ZĂůĨƌŝƚnjĨŽƌŚŝƐŚĞůƉŝŶĂĐĐĞƐƐŝŶŐĂLJ͛ƐŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůŝŶƚŚĞĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶƐŽĨƚŚĞEĂƚƵƌĂů,ŝƐƚŽƌLJDƵƐĞƵŵ͕>ŽŶĚŽŶ͘ 5797 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. INTRODUCTION Genus Pethia is characterized by small adult size, absence of rostral barbels, maxillary barbels rudimentary or absent, last unbranched dorsal in rays osseous and serrated on posterior edge, 3–4 branched and eight branched dorsal in rays, three unbranched and ive branched anal in rays, 11–13 precaudal and 13–16 caudal vertebrae, complete or incomplete lateral with 19–24 scales in lateral series—except P. sharmai (Menon & Devi 1993), which has 42 scales—and lateral color patern consising of a black blotch on caudal peduncle with other black blotches, spots or bars oten present (Pethiyagoda et al. 2012; Knight 2013). The genus is currently known to be endemic to South Asia and Myanmar and comprises 35 species (Pethiyagoda et al. 2012; Knight 2013; Dishma & Vishwanath 2013; Kotelat 2013; Gurung et al. 2013). In India the genus is represented by 23 species, with seven found in river systems originaing in the Western Ghats. Pethia icto (Hamilton, 1822) has long been considered as a widely distributed species found throughout the Indian subconinent (Hora et al. 1939; Jayaram 2010). However, recent studies have suggested that ish previously considered P. icto represent a complex of several valid species (Beevi & Ramachandran 2005; Linthoingambi & Vishwanath 2007; Mercy & Jacob 2007; Knight et al. 2012), with P. icto sensu stricto possibly restricted to the Ganges and Brahmaputra watershed. Several records of P. icto from both east and west lowing rivers in the northern part of the Western Ghats need taxonomic validaions, as they might comprise one or more disinct species. While exploring the diversity of Pethia from the Western Ghats of Maharashtra, we came across a species disinctly diferent from its congeners, which we describe as Pethia lutea. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study site and sampling Fishes were collected from seven localiies in ive west lowing river systems, viz., Ulhas, Kal, Kundalika, Savitri and Shastri, part of the northern Western Ghats in Maharashtra State, India. The specimens were collected responsibly and not more than three specimens were collected from each site, except for the type locality where six specimens were collected. In addiion, seven specimens of Pethia punctata were collected from Gad and Terekhol River systems. 5798 Voucher specimens and museum abbreviaions Voucher specimens are deposited in the museum collecions of the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), Mumbai; the Wildlife Informaion Liaison Development (WILD) Society, Coimbatore; the Zoological Survey of India, Western Regional Center, Pune (ZSIWRC) and the Conservaion Research Group, St. Albert’s College (CRG-SAC), Kochi. Other material examined are in the museum collecions of the Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata (ZSI-K); Natural History Museum, London (BMNH) and the Museum of Comparaive Zoology, Harward University (MCZ). Morphological and morphometric analysis Measurements were taken point to point using dial calipers to the nearest 0.1mm. Subunits of the body are presented as percent of standard length (SL), and subunits of the head are presented as percent of head length (HL). All pored scales were counted when reporing the lateral line scales. Methods for taking counts and measurements follow Kullander (2008) and Pethiyagoda et al. (2012). Osteology Two specimens, BNHS FWF 79 and BNHS FWF 88, were cleared and stained following the procedure described by Pothof (1984). Osteological nomenclature follows Conway (2011) and the descripion of osteology follows Pethiyagoda et al. (2012) and Dishma & Vishwanath (2013) for easy comparison with other related taxa. Illustraions were made from images captured by a digital camera ited on stereo–zoom light microscope (Leica S8 APO, USA). Phylogeneic analysis Gills were harvested from proposed new species (BNHS FWF 78, BNHS FWF 73 and WILD-14-PIS-064), P. punctata (WILD-14-PIS-103, BNHS FWF 89, BNHS FWF 90 and BNHS FWF 91), P. setnai (WILD-13-PIS-043, WILD-13-PIS-046, BNHS FWF 53 and BNHS FWF 54) and P. phutunio (BNHS FWF 95) and were preserved in absolute Ethanol. DNA extracion, PCR ampliicaion for cytochrome b (cytb) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences and sequencing protocols follow Katwate et al. (2013) and Ali et al. (2013). Sequences were analyzed by BLAST tool (Altschul et al. 1990). All sequences generated as part of the study have been deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers KJ681103–KJ681117. We used the cytb gene sequence data from Katwate et al. (2013), while COI gene sequences for Pethia and Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb related genera were downloaded from NCBI GenBank (htp:// GenBank accession numbers for sequences are provided in respecive igures. Gene sequences were aligned using MUSCLE (Edgar 2004). Molecular phylogeny was performed using the freeware MEGA 6 (Tamura et al. 2013). Best it model for nucleoide subsituion was selected from 24 models using MEGA 6 (Tamura et al. 2013) based on minimum Bayesian Informaion Criterion (BIC) value (Schwarz 1978; Nei & Kumar 2000). Maximum likelihood tree was built based on the best it model and reliability of the phylogeneic tree was esimated using bootstrap values run for 1000 iteraions. RESULTS Taxonomy Pethia lutea sp. nov. (Image 1 and Table 1) SL, Bhira (18.4410N & 73.2670E, 50m), Kundalika River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate and Chetana Katwate; 1 ex., ZSI–WRC–3686, 23.xii.2012, 30.5mm SL, Bhira (18.4410N & 73.2670E, 50m), Kundalika River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate and Chetana Katwate; 3 exs., BNHS FWF 73, 80 and 81,, 33.2–39.0 mm SL, Karjat (18.9220N & 73.3320E, 48m), Ulhas River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Neelesh Dahanukar and M. Paingankar; 2 exs., BNHS FWF 74 and 82, 05.i.2013, 31.0mm and 31.70mm SL, Mangaon (18.2330N & 73.2560E, 7m), Kal River - tributary of Savitri River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate and Chetana Katwate; 1 ex., BNHS FWF 75, 23.ix.2013, 26.2mm SL, Mahad (18.0910N & 73.4660E, 16m), Savitri River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate, Chetana Katwate, Rajendra Pawar and Vishwas Shinde; 1 ex., WILD-14-PIS-062, 23.ix.2013, 22.5mm SL, Mahad (18.0910N & 73.4660E, 16m), Savitri River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate, Chetana Katwate, Rajendra Pawar and Vishwas Shinde; 1 ex., ZSI-WRC-3687, 23.ix.2013, 23.4mm SL, Mahad (18.0910N & 73.4660E, 16m), Savitri River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate, Chetana Katwate, Rajendra Pawar and Vishwas Shinde; 1 ex., BNHS FWF 76, 26.xi.2013, 25.2mm SL, Shivathar Ghal (18.1480N & 73.6190E, 145m), Savitri River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate, Chetana Katwate, Rajendra Pawar and Vishwas Shinde; 1 ex., WILD-14-PIS-063, 26.xi.2013, 30.7mm SL, Shivathar Ghal (18.1480N & 73.6190E, 145m), Savitri River, Raigad © Unmesh Katwate Type material Holotype: BNHS FWF 71, 23.xii.2012, 30.8mm SL, Bhira (18.4410N & 73.2670E, elevaion 50m), Kundalika River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate and Chetana Katwate. Paratypes (n = 21): 3 exs., BNHS FWF 72, 78 and 79, 23.xii.2012, 31.0–35.1 mm SL, Bhira (18.4410N & 73.2670E, 50m), Kundalika River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate and Chetana Katwate; 1 ex., WILD-14-PIS-061, 23.xii.2012, 35.0mm Katwate et al. Image 1. Holotype of Pethia lutea sp. nov. (BNHS FWF 71) Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5799 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. Table 1. Morphometric characters and merisics of Pethia lutea sp. nov. Raw morphometric data is provided in Appendix A. Morphometry Holotype Paratypes (n = 21) Mean (sd) Range Total length (mm) 40.2 37.0 (6.4) 28.2–49.4 Standard length (SL, mm) 30.8 28.6 (5.5) 20.9–38.9 27.2 27.1 (1.4) 24.4–30.2 % SL Head length (HL) Head depth 23.7 23.2 (0.8) 21.4–30.2 Head width 16.2 15.7 (0.6) 14.2–16.4 Body depth 36.2 34.2 (1.4) 31.2–37.3 Body width at dorsal in origin 17.0 14.9 (1.5) 10.7–17.0 Body width at anal in origin 12.8 10.9 (1.9) 5.5–13.3 Pre dorsal distance 52.0 51.8 (0.7) 50.4–52.9 Dorsal to hypural distance 49.6 48.3 (1.1) 45.9–50.3 Prepelvic distance 50.7 50.1 (1.1) 47.2–52.7 Preanal distance 71.6 71.8 (1.8) 69.2–76.8 Prepectoral distance 27.9 28.4 (1.5) 25.8–31.2 Dorsal in length 22.5 26.9 (2.2) 22.5–31.2 Dorsal in spine length 18.1 18.1 (2.4) 13.7–23.9 Length of dorsal in base 16.0 15.9 (1.0) 12.9–17.8 Pectoral in length 19.1 21.0 (1.2) 18.4–24.2 Anal in depth 18.0 19.6 (1.4) 14.8–21.5 Caudal peduncle length 20.0 20.0 (1.1) 17.8–22.0 Caudal peduncle depth 15.4 14.7 (0.6) 13.4–22.7 Head depth 87.1 85.6 (4.6) 76.4–93.7 Head width 59.7 57.8 (2.1) 54.3–61.1 Snout length 26.3 25.9 (1.4) 21.9–28.2 % HL Eye diameter 30.8 32.3 (1.7) 29.3–35.0 Inter orbital width 36.7 37.1 (2.8) 31.4–40.8 Merisics Lateral line scale Transverse scale rows 22 19–22 ½4/1/3 4–½4/1/2½– 3 Predorsal scale 8 8 Prepelvic scale 9 9–10 Preanal scale 14 14–15 Circumpeduncular scales 12 12 DF ray iii 8 iii 8 Pectoral in ray i 13 i 13–15 Pelvic in ray i7 i7 Anal in ray iii 5 iii 5 Caudal in ray (principal) 6+6 6–7+6–7 Caudal in rays (branched) 8+9 8–9+8 5800 District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate, Chetana Katwate, Rajendra Pawar and Vishwas Shinde; 1 ex., ZSI-WRC-3688, 26.xi.2013, 23.4mm SL, Shivathar Ghal (18.1480N & 73.6190E, 145m), Savitri River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate, Chetana Katwate, Rajendra Pawar and Vishwas Shinde; 2 exs., BNHS FWF 83 and 84, 27.xi.2013, 23.4mm and 21.5mm SL, Poladpur (17.9830N & 73.4700E, 34m), Savitri River, Raigad District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate and Chetana Katwate; 2 exs., BNHS FWF 77 and 85, 16.ix.2013, 26.7mm and 21.9mm SL, Sangameshwar (17.1870N & 73.5500E, 12m), Shastri River, Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate and Saurabh Rane; 1 ex., WILD-14-PIS-064, 16.ix.2013, 20.9mm SL, Sangameshwar (17.1870N & 73.5500E, 12m), Shastri River, Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra, India, coll. Unmesh Katwate and Saurabh Rane. Diagnosis Pethia lutea sp. nov. can be disinguished from its congeners based on a combinaion of prominent characters including a disinct humped nape; complete lateral line; absence of barbels; lips leshy; disinct lateral fold on snout; 19–22 pored lateral line scales; eight predorsal scales; 9–10 prepelvic scales; 14–15 preanal scales; 4½–4 scales between dorsal in origin and lateral line, and 2½–3 scale between lateral line and pelvic in origin; last simple dorsal in ray strong and serrated with 6–9 serrae on distal half of spine whereas 2–4 on apical half of spine; 13–15 branched pectoral in rays; seven branched pelvic in rays; caudal in with 6–7+6–7 principal rays and 8–9+8–9 branched rays; 5 supraneurals; 6 predorsal neural spine; deep and enlarged infraorbital three; gill rakers three on epibranchial, one at angle and 14–15 on irst ceratobranchial; one humeral band covering 3rd and 4th lateral line scale and extends to one scale up and down; one caudal blotch encircling caudal peduncle dorsally covering 17th–19th lateral line scale; dorsal in without any bands and body dark yellow with iridescence on scale. Descripion Morphometric and merisic data of the holotype and 21 paratypes are provided in Table 1. Photographs of the holotype and paratypes in live and preserved condiions from diferent localiies are provided in Images 1, 2 and 4, while, osteological details are provided in Image 3 and Fig. 1. Body moderately deep, compressed laterally; dorsal proile from ip of snout to occiput plain, humped at nape immediately posterior to occiput, rising gradually up to Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. a b c d e f © Unmesh Katwate g Image 2. Paratypes of Pethia lutea sp. nov. from diferent localiies showing morphological variaions. a - Kundalika (BNHS FWF 72), b - Bhira (WILD-14-PIS-061), c - Karjat (BNHS FWF 73), d - Mangaon (BNHS FWF 74), e - Mahad (BNHS FWF 75), f - Shivathar Ghal (BNHS FWF 76), and g - Sangameshwar (BNHS FWF 77). dorsal-in origin, thereater sloping gradually towards hypural notch. Ventral proile moderately convex up to posterior end of anal-in base, sloping gradually towards hypural notch. Caudal peduncle longer than deep, its length 1.2–1.5 imes its depth. Head small, laterally compressed. Snout rounded, smooth, shorter than eye diameter, with a disinct lateral fold overhanging upper lip. Mature males with breeding tubercles on snout, cheek, nape and dorsum. Eyes large, dorso-laterally posiioned, closer to snout ip than end of operculum, its diameter less than or equal to interorbital width. Mouth small, subterminal, ventrally ‘U’ shaped, gape of mouth not reaching to verical from anterior margin of eye. Lips leshy, lower lip not interrupted. Barbels absent. Dorsal in origin opposite to pelvic in origin, slightly closer to caudal in than to ip of snout, its distal margin concave, its height more or less equal to head length (82.6–109.8 %HL). Dorsal in with three simple and seven branched rays, last simple ray strong, spinous, weakly serrated posteriorly. Pectoral in with one simple and 13–15 branched rays, its ip rounded, reaching almost one or two scales anterior to pelvic-in origin. Pelvic in with one simple and seven branched rays, Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5801 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. its ip rounded, not reaching vent. Anal in with three simple and ive branched rays, its distal margin concave. Caudal in deeply forked, with 6–7+6–7 principal rays and 8–9+8–9 branched rays. Lateral line complete. Lateral line originates from opercular joint, rise dorsally ill humeral spot, thereater decreases ill verical from dorsal in origin, thereater runs along with intercalated scale row ill end of hypural notch. Lateral line with 19–22 scales with last scale on caudal peduncle unpunctuated (i.e., 18–21 pored scales), transverse scales 4–½4 between dorsal in origin to lateral line, 2½–3 between lateral line to pelvic in base, predorsal scales 8, prepelvic scales 9, preanal scales 14–15, circumpeduncular scales 12. Prepelvic axillary scale present, its exposed length about one- third of pelvic in length. Osteology Osteology of paratype BNHS FWF 79 (female) is shown in Image 3. Post–epiphysial fontanelle absent (Fig. 1a); infraorbital three deep, parially overlapping the cheek and preoperculum (Fig. 1b). Gill rackers simple, acuminate (not branched or laminate), with 3 rackers on epibranchial, one at angle and 14–15 (n=4) on irst ceratobranchial. Four predorsal neural spines present. Four supra neurals present. First pterygiophore of dorsal in inserted between 8th and 9th vertebrae. Weberian apparatus consitutes irst four vertebrae. Predorsal vertebrae including weberian apparatus 8. Total number of vertebrae 4+26, with 4+13 abdominal Figure 1. Osteology of Pethia lutea sp. nov. (a) Dorsal view of orbital region of cranium (F - frontal; Pa - parietal; Sc - supraorbital sensory canal); (b) circumorbital series (So - supraorbital; IO1-5, infraorbitals 1–5; Pop - preopercle); (c) caudal skeleton (CC - compound centrum; Ep - epural; H1–6, hypurals 1–6; Ph - parhypural; Pls - pleurostyle; PU2–3, preural centra 2–3) and (d) last unbranched dorsal-in ray. 5802 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Katwate et al. © Unmesh Katwate Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Image 3. Cleared and stained specimen of Pethia lutea sp. nov. (Paratype BNHS FWF 79, female, 34.6mm SL). and 13 caudal vertebrae. Caudal in with six hypurals and one parhypural, last three caudal vertebrae support caudal in, free uroneural absent (Fig. 1c). Last simple ray serrated posteriorly with 6–9 pairs of serrae on distal half of spine, 2–3 serrae on apical half of spine (Fig. 1d). Coloraion In life (Image 4): Body bright yellowish with irridescence on scale, each scale bordered with black pigmentaion. Body with one humeral spot, someimes appear like a short verical band, covers 3rd and 4th lateral line scale, extends to one scale up and down, one caudal blotch encircles caudal peduncle dorsally which covers 17th–19th lateral line scale. Yellow band encircling caudal blotch anteriorly. Dorsal in plain, without any bands. Dorsal in of breeding male red. Pectoral, pelvic and anal ins safron to red. Caudal in colorless or safron to red in breeding male. Dorsal, caudal and anal ins colored at distal margin. Iris pale yellow, with safron inner and outer edges across upper half of eye. Eyes with middle verical half black streak. Opercular region studded with minute black and red spots. Infra orbital region studded with black spots (Image 4e). In preservaive (Image 1, 2): Body and in color paterns fade in preservaion except humeral and caudal spots. Body cream colored with dorsolateral porion above lateral line deeply pigmented. Etymology The speciic name ‘lutea’ is Lain for ‘yellow’ and is named for the characterisic bright yellow colored body in life. Gender feminine. Common name Citron Barb Distribuion The species is restricted to west lowing river systems in the northern part of the Western Ghats (between 17– 19 0N laitudes) in Maharashtra State, India (Image 5). Currently the species is known from eight localiies in six west lowing river systems, viz.,: Ulhas, Kal, Kundalika, Savitri, Jagbudi and Shastri. Extensive surveys have failed to record this species north of Ulhas River system and south of Shastri River system as well as east lowing rivers in the northern parts of Western Ghats. Habitat Habitat at type locality is shown in Image 6. The new species was recorded from riles and runs with boulders and gravels as substratum. Adult specimens were mostly found to be associated with submerged vegetaion. The species was found only in clear unpolluted river stretches with well oxygenated waters and were not observed in pools and ditches. Co–occurring species included those within the genera Salmostoma, Devario, Dawkinsia, Garra, Punius, Systomus and Anguilla. Phylogeny Model test suggested best it nucleoide subsituion model to be Tamura & Nei (1993) model with gamma distribuion and invariant sites (TN93+G+I, BIC = 16146.96, lnL = -7217.72, I = 0.43, G = 0.91) for cytb gene as well as for COI gene (BIC = 12304.55, lnL = -5222.09, I = 0.52, G = 0.91). Pethia lutea sp. nov. was nested within the clade of Pethia (Fig. 2) conforming its generic status. While P. lutea sp. nov. was geneically disinct Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5803 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. from other Pethia species for which geneic data was available (Fig. 2, 3), specimens of P. lutea sp. nov. from Sangameshwar (southern most distribuion limit) and from Ulhas River at Karjat (northern most distribuion limit) were geneically similar to the topotypic material from Kundalika (Fig. 3). a c New records of Pethia punctata We recorded Pethia punctata from Terekhol River at Madkhol (15.94⁰N & 73.91⁰E) and Gad River near Bandiwade (16.15⁰N & 73.55⁰E) thereby extending the distribuional range of this species northwards by about 550km (Image 7). The idenity of the species as P. punctata was conformed from morphology (Images 8,9, b d e Image 4. Paratypes of Pethia lutea sp. nov. in life. a - Bhira (WILD-14-PIS-061), b - Mahad (BNHS FWF 75), c - Poladpur (BNHS FWF 83), d - Poladpur (BNHS FWF 84), and e - breeding male from Jagbudi River, Khed (specimen not collected). Photo credit: (a–d) Unmesh Katwate and (e) Ralf Britz. 5804 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. Figure 2. Phylogeneic analysis of Pethia and related genera based on cytb gene sequence. Values at the node are bootstrap values for 1000 iteraions. Garra species are used as outgroup. Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5805 Katwate et al. © Unmesh Katwate Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Image 6. Habitat at the type locality of Pethia lutea sp. nov. in Kundalika River. Image 5. Distribuion of Pethia lutea sp. nov. in the northern Western Ghats Table 2) and geneic data (COI gene sequence HE801573) of topotypic material (Fig. 3). Pethia punctata was collected from slowly lowing secondary streams (Image 10) with riparian cover. Stream bed was sandy with gravel and submerged vegetaion (Cobomba sp.). Other Image 7. Distribuion of Pethia punctata In the Western Ghats of India 5806 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. co-occurring species in this locality included those within the genera Horabagrus, Mystus, Aplocheilus, Devario, Rasbora, Punius, Dawkinsia and Ompok. One specimen collected from Bandiwade which was cleared and stained (Image 11) showed the following osteological characters: Post-epiphysial fontanelle absent (Fig. 4a); infraorbital 3 moderately deep, parially overlapping the cheek and preoperculum (Fig. 4b). Gill rackers simple, acuminate (not branched or laminate), with 3 rackers on epibranchial, one at angle and 9–10 (n=2) on irst ceratobranchial. Four predorsal neural spines present. Four supra neurals present. First pterygiophore of dorsal in inserted between 8th and 9th vertebrae. Weberian apparatus consitutes irst four vertebrae. Predorsal vertebrae including weberian apparatus 8. Total number of vertebrae 4+25. Caudal in with six hypurals and one parhypural, last three caudal vertebrae support caudal in, paired haemal spines and neural spines on third preural centra, free uroneural absent, last neural spine on compound centrum stunted (Fig. 4c). Last simple ray of dorsal in strong, spinous, densely serrated posteriorly with 11–14 pairs of serrae (n=7) on distal half of spine, 2 serrae on apical half of spine (Fig. 4d). DISCUSSION Figure 3. Phylogeneic analysis of genus Pethia based on COI gene sequence. Values at the node are bootstrap values for 1000 iteraions. Garra species are used as outgroup. Of the 35 valid species of genus Pethia, only seven occur in the river drainages originaing in the Western Ghats region, viz.,: P. muvatupuzhaensis (Beevi & Ramachandran, 2005), P. narayani (Hora, 1937), P. nigripinna (Knight, Rema Devi, Indra & Arunachalam, 2012), P. pookodensis (Mercy & Jacob, 2007), P. punctata (Day, 1865), P. setnai (Chhapgar & Sane, 1992) and P. sharmai (Menon & Devi 1993). Out of these, only four species, P. muvatupuzhaensis, P. narayani, P. punctata and P. setnai have complete lateral line, similar to P. lutea sp. nov., while the other species have an incomplete lateral line. Pethia lutea sp. nov. can be disinguished from closely related species that occur in the Western Ghats, having complete lateral line, based on 19–22 pored lateral line scales (vs. 23–24 in P. punctata and 24–25 in P. muvatupuzhaensis), 6–9 pair of serrae on distal half of last unbranched ray of dorsal in (vs. 11–14 in P. punctata and 10–16 in P. setnai) and 13–15 branched pectoral in rays (vs. 9–10 in P. punctata). Pethia lutea sp. nov. can also be disinguished from P. punctata and P. setnai in having gill rakers three on epibranchial, one at angle and 14–15 on irst ceratobranchial (vs. Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5807 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. Table 2. Morphometric characters of Pethia punctata collected from Cochin (type locality), Bandiwade and Madkhol. Raw morphometric data is provided in Appendix B. Morphometry Topotypic material from Cochin (n = 3) Bandiwade and Madkhol (n=7) Mean (sd) Range Mean (sd) Range Total length (mm) 58.4 (4.9) 53.1–62.7 41.4 (6.8) 34.2–53.7 Standard length (SL, mm) 45.9 (4.8) 40.7–50.2 32.1 (5.2) 26.3–41.2 25.6 (1.5) 23.9–26.5 29.8 (1.1) 28.5–31.3 % SL Head length (HL) Head depth 20.0 (0.6) 19.4–20.4 22.2 (2.2) 18.6–25.8 Head width 14.0 (0.6) 13.4–14.7 14.7 (1.2) 13.8–17.4 Body depth 35.5 (2.1) 33.2–37.4 38.9 (1.2) 37.1–40.5 Body width at dorsal in origin 14.6 (0.7) 13.9–15.2 13.8 (1.9) 11.5–16.6 Body width at anal in origin 12.1 (0.6) 11.6–12.7 10.9 (1.9) 8.9–14.0 Pre dorsal distance 48.6 (2.1) 46.7–50.9 52.5 (1.6) 51.0–54.8 Dorsal to hypural distance 55.2 (1.2) 53.9–56.4 48.0 (1.9) 44.4–50.1 Prepelvic distance 48.2 (1.1) 47.2–49.4 50.6 (1.1) 49.3–52.2 Preanal distance 72.0 (1.4) 70.4–73.1 73.0 (2.0) 69.3–75.1 Prepectoral distance 26.7 (0.7) 26.0–27.3 30.0 (1.4) 28.3–31.8 Dorsal in length 26.4 (1.6) 24.7–27.6 28.6 (1.9) 25.8–31.8 Dorsal in spine length Length of dorsal in base – – 21.1 (2.6) 18.1–24.7 18.4 (0.3) 18.0–18.7 15.7 (1.0) 13.9–16.9 Pectoral in length 20.0 (0.4) 19.7–20.3 19.7 (1.5) 17.4–21.5 Anal in depth 16.9 (2.1) 15.4–19.4 17.2 (1.1) 16.3–18.9 Caudal peduncle length 19.7 (1.6) 18.2–21.5 18.0 (1.2) 17.0–20.0 Caudal peduncle depth 14.3 (0.6) 13.8–15.0 15.0 (0.5) 14.4–16.1 Head depth 78.5 (2.3) 76.9–81.1 74.4 (7.9) 64.0–88.8 Head width 54.8 (3.8) 50.6–58.1 49.3 (4.9) 44.1–59.8 Snout length 31.7 (4.1) 28.4–36.3 27.3 (2.2) 24.1–30.5 Eye diameter 31 (1.4) 29.9–32.6 31.8 (2.8) 28.2–35.2 33.3 (0.9) 32.4–34.1 35.1 (3.3) 33.2–42.6 % HL Inter orbital width Merisics Lateral line scale Transverse scale rows 24 23–24 ½4/1/3½ ½4/1/3½ Predorsal scale 8 8 Prepelvic scle – 9 Preanal scale – 14–15 Circumpeduncular scales – 12 DF ray iii 8 iii 8 i 9–10 i 9–10 Pelvic in ray i7 i7 Anal in ray Pectoral in ray iii 5 iii 5 Caudal in ray (principal) – 6–7+6–7 Caudal in rays (branched) – 9+8 5808 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. a b c d Image 8. Pethia punctata. Photo credit: (a–b) Unmesh Katwate, (c–d) Rajeev Raghavan a - male and b - female in life from Bandiwade, Gad River. c - male and d - female freshly collected specimens from Pampa River, Kerala. a b c d e Image 9. Pethia punctata preserved specimens. a - male and b - female from Bandiwade, Gad River, c - male from Pampa River, Kerala, d - Day’s material BMNH 1889.2.1.755, and e - Day’s material MCZ 4303. Photo credit: (a-b) Unmesh Katwate, (c) Neelesh Dahanukar, (d) Rajeev Raghavan and (e) President and Fellows of Harvard College, Museum of Comparaive Zoology, Harvard University. three on epibranchial, one at angle and 8–9 on irst ceratobranchial in P. punctata) and infraorbital three much deep and enlarged (vs. considerable small and shallow in P. punctata and P. setnai). Pethia lutea sp. nov. has a disinctly diferent color patern with a large humeral spot covering 3rd to 4th lateral line scale which Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5809 Katwate et al. © Unmesh Katwate Pethia lutea - a new species of barb © Unmesh Katwate Image 11. Cleared and stained specimen of Pethia punctata (BNHS FWF 88, female, 29.1mm SL). Image 10. Habitat of Pethia punctata at Bandiwade, Gad River. spread over one scale above and below the lateral line (vs. small humeral spot on 4th–5th scale below the lateral line in P. punctata and P. muvatupuzhaensis and a dorsolateral verical band covering 3rd and 4th lateral line scales and scales above them in P. setnai) and a caudal blotch covering 17th to 19th lateral line scales (vs. 19th to 21st in P. punctata and P. muvatupuzhaensis and a verical transverse band on 16th to 18th lateral line scales and scales above and below them in P. setnai). Pethia Figure 4. Osteologyof Pethia punctata. Abbreviaions as per Figure 1. 5810 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb setnai also have a middle grey band below the dorsal in (vs. absent in P. lutea sp. nov.) have disinct eye color patern in comparison with P. punctata and P. setnai (Fig. 5). The iris of Pethia lutea sp. nov. is iridescent yellowish in color with safron edges and dark mid streak spread only in upper half of the eye vs. iris dark yellow in color having mid verical streak completely spread across mid of the eye in P. punctata and iris silver in color with yellow hallow around the pupil and radial half streak on the upper half of the iris in P. setnai (Fig. 5). Pethia lutea sp. nov. difers from P. narayani by two most prominent characters of having last unbranched ray string and serrated (vs. feeble, ariculated and smooth) and dorsal in with 8 branched rays (vs. 9 branched in rays). Pethia lutea sp. nov. is disinguished from other closely related taxa within the Western Ghats by having complete lateral line (vs. incomplete lateral line in P. pookodensis and P. nigripinna), number of lateral transverse scale rows, 2½–3 between lateral-line scale row and ventral in origin (vs. 3½ in P. pookodensis), seven branched pelvic in rays (vs. 8 in P. pookodensis) and gill rakers 14–15 on irst ceratobranchial (vs. 6 in P. pookodensis and 5–6 in P. nigripinna). The locaion of humeral spot and caudal blotch also disinguishes P. lutea sp. nov. from P. pookodensis and P. nigripinna. A humeral spot, more like a verical band covers 3rd–4th lateral line scale which spreads across one scale above and below the lateral line in P. lutea sp. nov. (vs. small on 3rd–4th scale of lateral line in P. pookodensis and P. nigripinna), second large spot on caudal peduncle appears more like a band and covers 17th–19th scale of lateral line and encircles caudal peduncle dorsally (vs. two spot on caudal peduncle in P. pookodensis, iniial covers 16th–17th lateral line scale and later on 19th– 20th scale of lateral line whereas a large caudal spot appears like a band on 18th–19th scale of lateral line in P. nigripinna), body bright yellowish in color with iridescence on scale (vs. body iridescent silver in P. pookodensis, adult male generally have deep red body color) and dorsal, pectoral, ventral and anal ins safron to red in adult male (vs. pale yellow in P. pookodensis and black in P. nigripinna). Pethia icto was considered as a widely distributed species occurring throughout India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar by Hora et al. (1939). However, the wide variaion in the morphological characters from diferent populaions of P. icto studied by Hora et al. (1939) suggests that the diferent populaions might represent several disinct species. We, therefore, consider only the data of P. icto collected from Ranigunge (West Bengal) by Hora et al. (1939) as it is the closest populaion from Katwate et al. Figure 5. Diagrammaic representaion of live color patern of eyes in male specimens of (a) Pethia lutea sp. nov., (b) P. punctata and (c) P. setnai. the type locality of the species namely ‘southeastern parts of Bengal’ (Hamilton 1822, p. 314). Pethia lutea sp. nov. difers from P. icto from Ranigunge (Hora et al. 1939) in having a complete lateral line (vs. incomplete), presence of humeral and caudal spots (vs. absence) and 8 predorsal scales (vs. 9–11). Descripion of P. icto by Linthoingambi & Vishwanath (2007) is based on the collecions from Bramhaputra River system from Assam, Nagaland and Manipur, which again is not from the type locality of the species. However, P. lutea sp. nov. difers from P. icto descripion by Linthoingambi & Vishwanath (2007) in having complete lateral line (vs. incomplete), 8 predorsal scales (vs. 9–10), transverse scale count 4–4½/1/2½–3 (vs. 5½/1/5½) and dorsal in plain (vs. dorsal in with two rows of black bands). Although the original descripion of P. icto is not in details, P. lutea sp. nov. difers from the original descripion of P. icto based on two very prominent characters, irst presence of complete lateral line (vs. lateral line is scarcely disinguishable) and second, absence of any bands on the dorsal in in both sexes (vs. spoted dorsal in) (Hamilton 1822). Furthermore, P. lutea sp. nov. is geneically disinct (Figure 2) from P. icto collected from Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5811 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. near its type locality in West Bengal (26.850N & 80.950E) with a raw distance of 13.7±2.4 % from JQ795475 and 13.7±2.2% from JQ795476 in cytb gene sequence. Species similar to Pethia icto appear in the literature by Hamilton (1822) and McClelland (1839) and taxonomic validity of these names need to be clariied. In the original descripion of Cyprinus iius (now a synonym of Punius chola), Hamilton (1822) referred to ‘Cyprinus icis’ from north-east parts of Bengal, a species similar to but difering from Pethia icto. Hamilton (1822) menions “…. I took no notes, and, therefore, unil I recover the drawings, I cannot give this ish a speciic character, although I call it Ticis”. Since this species has not been described and has no diagnosic characters we consider ‘Cyprinus icis’ as a nomen nudum. Similarly, McClelland (1839) in his descripion of Pethia icto, refers to a species ‘Cyprinus bimaculatus’ based on drawings of Hamilton. However, he suggested that ‘ it has two black spots on each side, it should rather have been named quadrimaculatus’. Neither ‘Cyprinus bimaculatus’ nor ‘Cyprinus quadrimaculatus’ has any descripion or diagnosic characters or type localiies. As a result, we consider both ‘Cyprinus bimaculatus’ and ‘Cyprinus quadrimaculatus’ also as nomina nuda. Pethia stoliczkana, which also has a complete lateral line, was described from Eastern Myanmar by Day (1871). Pethia lutea sp. nov. difers from P. stoliczkana based on the original descripion in having 19–22 scales along the lateral line (vs.25) (Day 1871). Linthoingambi & Vishwanath (2007) provided descripion on P. stoliczkana from Chindwin basin, which matches largely with the original descripion except in transverse scale count between lateral line and ventral in origin. While, Linthoingambi & Vishwanath (2007) provide a value of 5½, Day’s (1871) original descripion menions 3½. However, it is essenial to note that in the same communicaion Day (1871) menions transverse scale count as 5/6, (i.e., 6 scales between lateral line and pelvic in base), which is a contradicion. Therefore, P. stoliczkana studied by Linthoingambi & Vishwanath (2007) is likely to be conspeciic with P. stoliczkana sunso stricto. Pethia lutea sp. nov. difers from P. stoliczkana studied by Linthoingambi & Vishwanath (2007) in having ½4/1/2½–3 transverse scale count (vs. ½5/1/5½), irst pterygiophore of dorsal in inserted between 7th and 8th vertebra (vs. between 8th and 9th vertebra) and no bands on dorsal in (vs. two dark bands on dorsal in). Jerdon (1849) described Systomus tripunctatus from the coast of Canara (= southern Karnataka). Current taxonomic status of S. tripunctatus is uncertain because of the vague original descripion. Pethia lutea sp. nov. 5812 can however be disinguished from S. tripunctatus based on the disinct color patern in the two species. Jerdon (1849) menions three spots over the body, two black spots under end of the dorsal and one at the base of the tail, a color patern which is drasically disinct from that of P. lutea sp. nov. Pethia lutea sp. nov. can be easily disinguished from all other Indian congeners from Ganga-Brahmaputra and Chindwin-Irrawaddy, drainages as well as other rivers in Myanmar, except P. macrogramma (Kullander, 2008), P. ianian (Kullander & Fang, 2005), P. expleiforis Dishma & Vishwanath, 2013 and P. guganio (Hamilton, 1822), by having a complete lateral line (vs. incomplete lateral line). Pethia lutea sp. nov. difers from P. expleiforis by having eight predorsal scales (vs. 9 predorsal) and presence of verical humeral spot (vs. absence of humeral spot); from P. guganio by having less number of scales (19–22 in lateral series vs. greater number of scales, 29–30) and less number of scales in transverse row (4–½4/1/2½–3 vs. ½5/1/4); from P. macrogramma by a more wide spread verical humeral spot on 3rd–4th lateral line scale (vs. very small or negligible on 3rd scale of lateral line) and less number of transverse row scale 4–½4/1/2½–3 (vs. greater number of scales in transverse row ½4/1/4½); from P. ianian by having less number of principle (6–7+6–7) and more number of branched (8–9+8) caudal in rays (vs. more number of principle (9–10+9) and less number of branched (4–6+5) caudal in rays). Pethia lutea sp. nov. also difers from its close Sri Lankan congeners, P. nigrofasciata (Günther, 1868), which also has a complete lateral line, by having two spots on lank, one humeral spot and one caudal (vs. three verical bands on body), more number of prepelvic (9–10) and preanal scales (14–15) (vs. 5–6 prepelvic and 11 preanal scales), interorbital 3 deep and more wide (vs. relaively small interorbital 3); dorsal, pectoral, pelvic and anal ins safron in color, body yellowish (vs. smoky grey ins and body crimson red and black). Pethia lutea sp. nov. is also geneically disinct from P. melanomaculata (Deraniyagala, 1956) (Fig. 2) by a raw distance of 15.3±2.4%. Recently, Knight (2013) placed Punius sharmai Menon & Devi, 1992 within the genus Pethia. However, in our opinion P. sharmai is less likely to be congeneric with Pethia and warrants further studies to understand its exact systemaic posiion. Two other species, Punius deccanensis Yazdani & Rao, 1976 and Punius fraseri Hora & Misra, 1938, which also possess more than 42 lateral series scales, serrated last unbranched dorsal in ray and pair of maxillary barbels similar to P. sharmai, Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb are less likely to belong to genus Pethia. Based on the same characters, Pethia lutea sp. nov. difers greatly from Punius deccanensis and Punius fraseri, which are also from the northern part of the Western Ghats. Pethia lutea sp. nov. is restricted in distribuion to the west lowing river systems of the northern part of Western Ghats (between 17–19 ⁰N laitudes) in Maharashtra State, India and extensive surveys have failed to record the species south of 17⁰N laitude and north of 190N laitude as well as east lowing rivers of the region. As a result, the expected extent of occurrence (EOO) is roughly 6000km2 and area of occupancy (AOO) is less than 200km2. The species was found only in fast lowing and clear and unpolluted river stretches, and even ater extensive surveys was not found in polluted waters, especially near industrial zones near Mahad and Roha. Therefore, increasing urbanizaion and industrializaion in this area are likely to afect the populaions of this species adversely. Frequent mass ish kills were observed near Mahad and Roha (U. Katwate, pers. obv. 2010–2013) during the premonsoon period mainly because of heavy discharge of industrial eluents. Further, in several locaions, including Shivathar Ghal, Walan Kond and Mahad on Savatri River System and Bhira on Kundalika River, the habitat of this species is also modiied by extensive sand mining. As the species prefers lowing waters, presence of established and proposed irrigaion and hydroelectric projects, that cut the low of water and create semilacustrine condiions, could be a plausible threat to the species. Based on these observaions we propose a drat IUCN Redlist status for this species as ‘Endangered’ (Box 1). Fortunately, at least one of the populaions from Walan Kond (Savitri River system) is protected through a community sanctuary maintained by local indigenous communiies (Katwate et al. 2014). In this study, we also extend the range of Pethia punctata by a distance of ~550km. Pethia punctata was described by Day (1865) as Punius punctatus from the erstwhile Princely State of Cochin, Kerala, India. The generic status of the species was later changed to Barbus (Day 1889). Hora et al. (1939) synonymized Punius punctatus to Punius icto. However, Silas (1952) considered the species to be a valid subspecies P. icto punctatus. Even though Talwar & Jhingran (1991) and Jayaram (1991) considered Punius punctatus as a synonym of Punius icto; Menon (1999) and Devi et al. (2007) considered Punius punctatus as a valid species. Recently Pethiyagoda et al. (2012) revised the generic status of the species to Pethia. Pethia punctata is currently known from west and Katwate et al. Box 1. Proposed IUCN Redlist assessment for Pethia lutea Proposed Status: ENGANGERED (EN) B2ab(iii) Jusiicaion: Pethia lutea is assessed as Endangered because of its restricted distribuion to the west lowing rivers of northern Western Ghats (between 170N and 190N laitudes in Raigad and Ratnagiri districts of Maharashtra, India), fragmented populaions and ongoing threats to its habitats. Currently, the species is known from eight isolated locaions from six river systems with an extent of occurrence (EOO) of 6,000km2. However, in each of the river systems, the species is restricted to, at the most, a 2-km stretch. Since the width of the river does not exceed 50m, the esimated area of occupancy (AOO) is not more than 200km2. The species appears to be sensiive to polluion as extensive surveys have failed to record the species from polluted stretches of the rivers; several populaions are threatened by habitat alteraions as a result of organic and inorganic polluion from industrial and urban wastes. In several locaions, the habitats of this species are threatened by extensive sand mining. Because the species prefers fast lowing waters, presence of established and proposed irrigaion and hydroelectric dams, which cut the low of water and reduce the speed of water creaing semi-lacustrine condiions, are serious threats to the species. east lowing rivers in the southern part of Western Ghats in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu from Mangai Malai Kulasekaram, Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary and west lowing rivers of Kanyakumari District; Mathalamparai, Tirunelveli District; Pookode Lake and parts of Wayanad; Chalakkudy, Muvatupuzha and Periyar rivers of Ernakulam District; and the Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary in the Anamalai Hills of Tamil Nadu (Shaji & Easa 1995; Devi et al. 2005, 2007; Beevi & Ramachandran 2009; Johnson & Arunachalam 2009; Knight et al. 2012). Although the species has also been reported from the east lowing Mula-Mutha River of Pune (Tonapi & Mulherkar 1963), this record has been considered doubful (Dahanukar 2011) as the species was neither reported by earlier (Fraser 1942; Suter 1944) nor later researchers (Kharat et al. 2001; Wagh & Ghate 2003) in spite of extensive surveys. Similarly, the report of the species from Sri Lanka (Menon 1999) also needs taxonomic conirmaion (Dahanukar 2011). Our record of Pethia punctata, backed up with morphological and geneic data, suggests that the species is also present in west lowing rivers of southern Maharashtra, namely Terekhol and Gad. This extends the distribuional range of the species by about 550km in the northern Western Ghats as the previous northernmost record was from Wyanad in Kerala by Shaji & Easa (1995). Although, the species is known from both west lowing and east lowing rivers of the southern Western Ghats, there is a need for validaing Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5813 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. the reports from east lowing rivers, preferably using geneic analysis. Pethia punctata is currently assessed as ‘Least Concern’ in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Dahanukar 2011); however, the populaions of P. punctata in the localiies from where collecions were made as part of this study are threatened by inlow of sewage water and tourism-related polluion. Further, the area is also subjected to riparian deforestaion for mango and cashew plantaions. Populaions of the species downstream of rocky outcrops in Bandiwade are threatened by siltaion and habitat degradaion by laterite quarrying. The northern Western Ghats of India are relaively less explored in terms of their ish diversity and distribuion and this is especially true for the west lowing rivers in the Konkan region (Dahanukar et al. 2011; Katwate et al. 2012). The descripion of Pethia lutea sp. nov. and range extension of P. punctata points out that the northern Western Ghats of India is subject to both the Wallacean (incomplete informaion regarding the distribuion of species) and Linnean (many species sill not formally described) shorfalls (Bini et al. 2006). The fact that the populaions of Pethia lutea sp. nov. are also highly threatened further suggests that there is an immediate need to focus our atenion towards conservaion of freshwater ecosystems and biota of this region. Because no conservaion acion plan will be possible in the absence of informaion on diversity and distribuion of species, our study suggests that further detailed studies on the taxonomy, distribuion and threats to the habitats and taxa should be encouraged. Comparaive material Pethia punctata (n=11): Day’s material (syntype?), 1 ex., MCZ 4303, Canara (Cannanore, on the Malabar Coast, Kerala, India), coll. F. Day (only photograph examined); Day’s material (syntype?), 1 ex., BMNH 1889.2.1.755, Wayanad, Kerala, India, coll. F. Day (only photograph examined); 3 exs., CRGSAC-2010.05.01-03, Cochin, Kerala, collected on 18.v.2010 by F. Baby; 6 exs., BNHS FWF 86–90, 92, Bandiwade, Gad River, Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra, collected on 15.ix.2013 by U. Katwate and S. Rane; 1 ex. BNHS FWF 91, collected from Terekhol River at Madkhol, Maharashtra, by U. Katwate, M. Paingankar and N. Dahanukar on 9.viii.2013. Pethia setnai (n=35): Holotype, ZSI Kolkata FF2766, collected from Sanguem, Goa, by S. R. Sane on 1.iii.1985; Paratypes, 6 exs., ZSI Kolkata FF2767, collected from Sanguem, Goa, by S. R. Sane on 1.iii.1985; 9 exs., BNHS FWF 53, 63 to 70, collected from Sanguem, Goa, by U. Katwate, M. Paingankar and N. Dahanukar on 5814 10.viii.2013; 3 exs.; WILD-13-PIS-043 to 045, collected from Sanguem, Goa, by U. Katwate, M. Paingankar and N. Dahanukar on 10.viii.2013; 2 exs., ZSI-WRC-P/3567, collected from Sanguem, Goa, by U. Katwate, M. Paingankar and N. Dahanukar on 10.viii.2013; 9 exs., BNHS FWF 54–62, collected from Terekhol River at Madkhol, Maharashtra, by U. Katwate and N. Dahanukar on; 3 exs., WILD-13-PIS-046 to 48, collected from Terekhol River at Madkhol, Maharashtra, by U. Katwate and N. Dahanukar on; 2 exs., ZSIWRC-P/3568, collected from Terekhol River at Madkhol, Maharashtra, by U. Katwate and N. Dahanukar on Osteological details were obtained from Katwate et al. (2013). Pethia narayani (n=2): Syntypes, 2 exs., ZSI Kolkata F12180/1, collected from Cauvery River, Coorg, by C.R.N. Rao (only photographs examined). Pethia pookodensis (n=2): 2 exs., specimens not collected, from Pookode lake, Kerala, by R. Raghavan and A. Ali, on 14.04.2004. Photographs are provided in Appendix C. Punius fraseri (n=3): Holotype (based on the note by R. Pethiyagoda in the specimen botle), ZSI-K F12497/1, collected from Dharna River, Deolali, Bombay Presidency by A.G.L. Fraser; 2 exs., Paratypes, ZSI-K F12497/1, collected from Dharna River, Deolali, Bombay Presidency by A.G.L. Fraser. Punius deccanensis (n=4): Holotype, ZSI-K FF1925, collected from nalla near Katraj tank, Poona, by C. B. Prasad on 20.vii.1974; 1 ex., paratype FF1927, collected from nalla near Katraj tank, Poona, by B.K. Tikader on 13.ii.1976; 2 exs., paratypes, collected from nalla near Katraj tank, Poona, by C. B. Prasad on 20.vii.1974. Pethia phutunio (n=3): 1 ex., BNHS-FWF-95, collected from Sambalpur, Odisha, by S. Jadhav, on 7 July 2012; 2 exs., BNHS FWF 93 and 94, collected from Hooghly, West Bengal, by R. Pandit on 12 May 2010. Pethia muvatupuzhaensis: Data from Beevi & Ramachandran (2005). Pethia nigripinna: Data from Knight et al. (2012). Pethia macrogramma: Data from Kullander (2008). Pethia stoliczkana: Data from Linthoingambi & Vishwanath (2007) Pethia ianian: Data from Kullander & Fang (2005) Pethia expleiforis: Data from Dishma & Vishwanath (2013) Pethia guganio: Data from Knight (2013). Pethia icto: Data from Linthoingambi & Vishwanath (2007), Hora et al. (1939), Hamilton (1822). Pethia nigrofasciata: Data from Jayaram (1991) and Pethiyagoda et al. (2012). Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb REFERENCES Ali, A., S. Philip, N. Dahanukar, C.R. Renjithkumar, A. Bijukumar & R. Raghavan (2013). 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BNHS FWF 71* BNHS FWF 72 WILD-14PIS-061 BNHS FWF 73 BNHS FWF 74 BNHS FWF 75 BNHS FWF 76 BNHS FWF 77 BNHS FWF 78 BNHS FWF 79 ZSI– WRC–P /3686 BNHS FWF 80 BNHS FWF 81 Total length 40.2 40.5 44.1 49.4 39.8 34.2 33.5 34.9 38.8 44.5 38.1 49.2 40.8 Standard length 30.8 30.9 35.0 38.9 30.9 26.2 25.3 26.7 29.3 34.6 30.5 39.0 33.2 Head length 8.4 8.4 8.6 9.5 8.3 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.6 9.6 8.2 9.6 8.5 Head depth 7.3 7.4 7.8 8.7 6.9 6.3 6.1 6.3 6.7 8.2 7.1 9.0 7.5 Head width 5.0 5.0 5.4 5.5 5.0 4.1 4.0 4.1 4.4 5.6 5.0 5.7 4.7 Body depth 11.2 10.4 11.9 12.2 11.0 9.8 8.6 8.9 10.3 12.5 10.7 13.2 11.1 Body width at Dorsal in origin 5.3 4.5 5.5 5.8 5.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 3.4 5.6 5.1 4.9 4.3 Body width at anal in origin 4.0 3.2 4.3 4.1 3.5 2.9 3.0 3.2 2.1 4.6 3.6 3.1 3.0 Snout length 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.3 1.9 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.5 2.2 2.5 1.9 Eye diameter 2.6 2.8 2.8 3.0 2.7 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.1 2.5 Inter orbital width 3.1 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.3 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 3.7 3.3 3.4 2.7 Pre dorsal distance 16.0 15.7 17.7 20.5 15.8 13.8 13.4 13.5 15.5 18.1 15.6 20.1 17.5 Dorsal to hypural distance 15.3 15.3 17.2 18.6 15.0 12.2 12.7 12.8 14.1 16.1 15.2 18.6 16.2 Prepelvic distance 15.6 15.4 17.3 19.1 15.5 13.1 12.8 13.0 14.3 17.6 15.1 19.8 17.1 Preanal distance 22.1 21.9 24.7 28.8 22.1 18.4 18.5 18.9 20.6 24.8 22.2 29.4 24.4 Prepectoral distance 8.6 8.9 9.3 10.2 8.6 7.4 7.4 7.4 8.3 10.0 8.6 10.1 8.8 Dorsal in length 6.9 8.3 8.8 9.6 8.0 6.9 6.4 7.6 7.9 9.7 7.8 9.3 8.7 Dorsal in spine length 5.6 5.3 5.8 5.7 5.6 4.8 4.6 5.2 4.8 5.8 4.9 5.4 5.5 Length of Dorsal in base 4.9 5.1 5.7 5.8 5.2 4.3 3.9 4.3 4.1 5.8 5.0 5.0 4.9 Pectoral in length 5.9 6.8 7.0 7.9 6.6 4.8 5.5 5.7 5.5 7.8 6.7 7.9 6.7 Anal in depth 5.6 6.2 6.7 7.4 6.0 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.4 7.0 6.0 5.8 6.8 Caudal peduncle length 6.2 5.8 6.5 8.3 6.1 5.4 5.2 5.4 6.4 6.8 5.4 8.6 6.6 Caudal peduncle depth 4.8 4.5 5.1 5.9 4.8 4.1 3.6 3.7 4.2 5.4 4.5 5.7 4.6 pookodensis (Cyprinidae) from Wayanad, Kerala, India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 104(1):76–78. Nei, M. & S. Kumar (2000). Molecular Evoluion and Phylogeneics. Oxford University Press, New York, 333pp. Pethiyagoda, R., M. Meegaskumbura & K. Maduwage (2012). A synopsis of the South Asian ishes referred to Punius (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploraion of Freshwaters 23(1): 69–95. Pothof, T. (1984). Clearing and staining techniques, pp. 35–37. In: Moser, H.G., W.J. Richards, D.M. Cohen, M.P. Fahay, A.W. Kendall, Jr. & S.L. Richardson (eds.). Ontogeny and Systemaics of Fishes. American Society for Ichthyology and Herpetology, Special Publicaion No. 1., 760pp. Schwarz, G. (1978). Esimaing the dimension of a model. Annals of Staisics 6: 461–464. Shaji, C.P. & P.S. Easa (1995). Freshwater ish diversity in Wayanad, Kerala, South India. Journal of Zoological Society of Kerala 5(1&2): 30–36. 5816 Silas, E.G. (1952). Further studies regarding Hora’s Satpura hypothesis 2. Taxonomic assessment and levels of evoluionary divergences of ishes with the so-called Malayan ainiies in peninsular India. Proceedings of the Naional Insitute of Sciences of India 18(5): 423–448. Suter, M.J. (1944). New records of ish from Poona. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 44: 408–414. Talwar, P.K. & A.G. Jhingran (1991). Inland Fishes of India and Adjacent Countries - Volume 1. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 541pp. Tamura, K. & M. Nei (1993). Esimaion of the number of nucleoide subsituions in the control region of mitochondrial DNA in humans and chimpanzees. Molecular Biology and Evoluion 10(3): 512–526. Tamura, K., G. Stecher, D. Peterson, A. Filipski & S. Kumar (2013). MEGA6: Molecular Evoluionary Geneics Analysis version 6.0. Molecular Biology and Evoluion 30: 2725–2729; htp://dx.doi. org/10.1093/molbev/mst197 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. Appendix A: contd. BNHS FWF 82 WILD-14PIS-062 ZSIWRC-P/3687 WILD-14PIS-063 ZSIWRC-P/3688 BNHS FWF 83 BNHS FWF 84 BNHS FWF 85 WILD-14PIS-064 Total length 40.6 29.9 31.4 38.3 30.8 30.8 28.8 28.9 28.2 Standard length 31.7 22.5 23.4 30.7 23.4 23.4 21.5 21.9 20.9 Head length 8.4 6.4 6.7 8.6 6.4 6.4 6.1 6.6 6.0 Head depth 7.4 5.0 5.4 6.6 5.6 5.6 5.4 5.2 4.8 Head width 5.1 3.6 3.7 5.0 3.9 3.8 3.5 3.6 3.3 Body depth 10.7 7.7 8.3 10.6 7.9 8.1 7.3 7.2 6.5 Body width at Dorsal in origin 4.9 3.5 3.7 4.8 3.5 3.6 3.2 3.3 2.2 Body width at anal in origin 4.0 2.5 2.6 4.0 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.8 1.2 Snout length 2.2 1.7 1.7 2.3 1.6 1.7 1.4 1.7 1.5 Eye diameter 2.9 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 Inter orbital width 3.4 2.0 2.3 3.4 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.1 2.3 Pre dorsal distance 16.3 11.8 12.1 16.0 12.0 12.3 11.1 11.2 10.9 Dorsal to hypural distance 16.0 10.3 11.4 15.0 11.1 11.2 10.2 10.7 10.0 Prepelvic distance 15.5 11.5 11.6 14.5 11.8 11.9 10.9 11.6 10.7 Preanal distance 22.2 16.3 16.6 21.2 16.5 16.7 15.3 15.6 16.1 Prepectoral distance 8.8 7.0 6.9 8.1 7.0 7.1 6.4 6.9 6.1 Dorsal in length 8.1 6.3 6.7 8.1 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.4 Dorsal in spine length 5.5 5.0 4.3 4.9 5.0 4.8 4.3 5.3 4.3 Length of Dorsal in base 5.2 3.5 3.5 5.2 3.9 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.3 Pectoral in length 6.9 5.5 4.9 6.7 4.8 5.0 4.6 4.6 4.5 Anal in depth 6.3 4.8 4.8 6.2 5.0 5.0 4.2 4.7 4.2 Caudal peduncle length 6.1 4.3 4.6 5.7 4.8 5.0 4.4 4.6 4.5 Caudal peduncle depth 5.0 3.0 3.5 4.5 3.5 3.6 2.9 3.2 3.3 Tonapi, G.T. & L. Mulherkar (1963). Notes on the freshwater fauna of Poona, Part:1, Fishes. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences 58: 187–197; htp:// Wagh, G.K. & H.V. Ghate (2003). Freshwater ish fauna of the rivers Mula and Mutha, Pune, Maharashtra. Zoos’ Print Journal 18(1): 977–981; htp://–89 Yazdani, G.M. & M.B. Rao (1976). A new species of the genus Punius (Hamilton) (Pisces: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) from western India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 73: 171–175. Author Details: Unmesh Katwate is a Zoology (Oceanography) postgraduate currently working as Scienist-A in Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS). He works on conservaion, taxonomy and ecological aspects of freshwater ishes and amphibians of the Western Ghats. Chetana Katwate is a Research Associate in BNHS. She works on freshwater ish osteology and is interested in understanding its evoluionary signiicance. She is also interested in ecology and conservaion. Rajeev Raghavan is interested in interdisciplinary research focused on generaing informaion and developing methods to support conservaion decision-making in freshwater ecosystems. Mandar S. Paingankar is a molecular biologist and works on vector biology with an emphasis on host parasite interacions. He works on molecular phylogeny and systemaics of freshwater ishes as a hobby. Neelesh Dahanukar works in ecology and evoluion with an emphasis on mathemaical and staisical analysis. He is also interested in taxonomy, distribuion paterns and molecular phylogeny of freshwater ish and amphibians. Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818 5817 Pethia lutea - a new species of barb Katwate et al. Appendix B. Raw morphometric data for Pethia punctata. All measurements are in mm CRGSAC2010.05.02 CRGSAC2010.05.03 62.7 59.3 53.1 50.2 46.9 40.7 12.0 12.3 10.8 9.7 9.5 8.3 5.3 7.0 6.9 5.5 10.0 13.5 16.6 16.8 15.2 3.2 3.3 5.4 7.4 7.1 5.7 2.6 2.3 4.5 6.0 5.4 5.2 BNHS FWF 86 BNHS FWF 87 BNHS FWF 88 BNHS FWF 89 BNHS FWF 90 BNHS FWF 91 BNHS FWF 92 Total length 53.7 42.0 38.3 40.6 34.8 34.2 46.2 Standard length 41.2 32.9 29.1 30.9 28.1 26.3 36.5 Head length 12.1 9.4 8.5 9.7 8.6 7.6 11.2 Head depth 9.7 7.0 7.5 6.8 6.2 4.9 8.0 Head width 5.9 4.7 5.1 4.3 4.1 3.7 Body depth 16.2 12.6 11.7 12.5 11.0 Body width at Dorsal in origin 6.1 4.7 4.8 3.7 Body width at anal in origin 4.9 3.6 4.1 2.8 CRGSAC2010.05.01 Snout length 2.9 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.3 2.3 3.1 3.4 4.5 3.3 Eye diameter 3.4 2.9 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.7 3.3 3.6 4.0 3.3 Inter orbital width 4.1 3.2 3.6 3.3 2.9 2.6 3.8 3.9 4.1 3.7 Pre dorsal distance 22.1 16.8 14.9 16.7 15.4 13.6 18.6 23.4 22.6 20.7 Dorsal to hypural distance 19.2 16.0 14.2 15.0 12.5 13.0 18.3 28.3 25.9 21.9 Prepelvic distance 21.2 16.3 14.9 15.2 14.7 13.3 18.1 24.2 22.1 20.1 Preanal distance 30.4 22.8 21.8 22.1 21.1 19.3 26.4 35.3 34.3 29.5 Prepectoral distance 12.0 9.3 8.8 9.8 8.8 7.5 11.2 13.0 12.5 11.1 Dorsal in length 11.4 9.4 9.3 8.8 7.8 7.9 9.4 13.6 12.9 10.0 Dorsal in spine length 7.9 7.3 7.2 6.4 5.3 6.3 6.6 - - - Length of Dorsal in base 5.7 5.4 4.9 4.9 4.5 4.2 5.4 9.4 8.5 7.5 Pectoral in length 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.8 5.4 4.6 7.9 10.0 9.2 8.3 Anal in depth 6.9 5.4 5.5 5.3 4.7 4.9 6.0 7.7 7.5 7.9 Caudal peduncle length 7.5 5.6 4.9 5.9 4.9 5.3 6.4 9.8 8.5 8.7 Caudal peduncle depth 6.2 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.2 3.9 5.4 6.9 6.6 6.1 © Rajeev Raghavan a b Appendix C. Pethia pookodensis male (a) and female (b) from Pookode Lake, Kerala. 5818 Threatened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 June 2014 | 6(6): 5797–5818