Spotted Green Mushroom Coral, Actinodiscus sp.
  Picture of Spotted Green Mushroom Coral, Actinodiscus sp.
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Spotted Green Mushroom Coral , Actinodiscus sp.

Picture of Spotted Green Mushroom Coral , Actinodiscus sp.
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Sold Per Polyp, approx expanded size 1" to 2"

Spotted Green Actinodiscus Mushrooms are hardy and relatively easy to care for, and under the right conditions, will multiply and spread very rapidly. In general, they need a medium light level and a low to medium water flow within the aquarium. They are wild collected and then grown in house. These are offered as single polyps attached to live rock. The Actinodiscus Mushrooms are also called Disc Corals and also Mushroom anemones. There are many spotted Green Mushrooms we try to keep in stock but all the spotted mushrooms we keep on hand will look great in your tank. Very easy to keep, these beauties will be a stand out in any reef aquarium. Previously part of the species called Discosoma mushrooms, now they have decided they fit more into the mushroom class Actinodiscus sp. These corals display a wide variety of colors, textures, and patterns. Some are solid colors, whereas, others are striped or spotted like this example. The taxonomy of the various species is in a state of flux, and will probably continue to change.

Care Level Easy

Water Flow and Lighting The Spotted Green Actinodiscus Mushroom coral requires a moderate intensity light level and requires a low to medium water flow. Lighting can be Power compacts, T5's, LED's or Metal Halides. All lighting can grow Mushroom Corals as long as the proper level of light is provided. If a Par meter is available the appropriate lighting level is anywhere from a Par 80 to a Par 200. Which is a wide range of acceptability. For lighting spectrum use between a 14-20K color spectrum for your bulbs for best coloration.

Placement All mushrooms are semi-aggressive and require adequate space between themselves and other corals. Placement can be any where in the aquarium as long as it receives adequate water flow and lighting levels and leaves enough room around your corals that they have room for growth without infringing on another corals growing room or lighting.

Diet and Feeding Mushroom corals receive the majority of their nutritional requirements through the process of photosynthesis, which simply means their lighting creates symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae in the body of the coral which provides its nutrition. We do recommend providing supplemental food such as micro-plankton or foods designed for filter-feeding invertebrates.

Copyright 2018 Aquarium Creations Online
Photos are representative of each species. All marine life is unique and your coral may not look identical to the image provided.
*Guarantee Restriction: All of our livestock are guaranteed. However for one or more of these species, they may be marked with a guarantee restriction. If it does, it means the specific animal may not handle stress from environmental conditions well. These stresses can include poor water quality, harassment from tank mates or confined aquarium conditions. When stressed, these species can lose the ability to ward off infection and disease. Other species may be listed as Restricted because they have such specialized feeding requirements that is difficult recreate in a aquarium and may succumb to malnutrition.