Know All About Different Types of Kisses And What They Mean

Written by Huda Moolji
Posted on Jul 5, 2021, 21:51 IST
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Different Types of Kisses Infographic
Image: Shutterstock

Kissing is an intimate form of expressing affection and emotions but it can also be extremely nerve-wracking for many, especially if one has not had much experience with it. Not knowing much about it can make certain encounters quite awkward for both partners. Everyone knows that kissing someone does not always have a singular meaning, the context is so important every time, as the ‘where’, ‘when’, and ‘who’ can completely change the meaning of the kiss, how it feels, and what it conveys. There are multiple ways you can kiss people and all of them mean something different, depending on the situation. Read on to find out what they are and what they mean:

1. Peck Kiss
2. American Kiss
3. French Kiss
4. Cheek Kiss
5. Forehead Kiss
6. Eskimo Kiss
7. Neck Kiss
8. Butterfly Kiss
9. Hand Kiss
10. Top-Of-The-Head Kiss

1. Peck Kiss

Peck Kisses
Image: Shutterstock

A peck on the lips is the simplest way to kiss your partner or even your child. It is the simplest form of showing affection. You just simply touch your partners’ lips with your own. During a peck, the lips of both partners are usually closed and slightly puckered. This a great way to have a first kiss with someone you like or are going out with as it is intimate enough but also not as intense as making out with them. There is also no way you can go wrong with it, as it doesn’t need any technique or practise.

Tip: A peck on the lips is the perfect way to greet or say goodbye to your partner, as it can be a quick and intimate moment for both.

2. American Kiss

American Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

This is a step-up from pecking and involves deeper kissing. This is romantic and involves kissing your partner by opening your lips to one another. The American kiss does not involve the use of tongue and is the type of kiss you would normally spot in PG-13 movies or TV shows. It is perfectly decent and not too inappropriate, should you ever wish to kiss your partner in front of others.

Tip: Make the moment more romantic by using your hands and holding your partners’ faces or wrapping them around their necks.

3. French Kiss

French Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

French Kissing is perhaps one of the most passionate types of kissing your partner. For reference, this is nearly the same as an American kiss, except here, your tongue has a great role to play. The perfect way to start your make-out sessions is starting with an American Kiss and slowly incorporating your tongue into the mix. This type of kissing may need some practice to get a hold of, so it is perfectly okay if it doesn’t feel that great the first few times around.

Tip: Different people have different preferences on how much tongue they want to use and how the kiss should feel in general, so it is best to figure it out with your partner over time.

4. Cheek Kiss

Cheek Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

A cheek kiss is a simple gesture of greeting or affection that can have a wide array of meanings, depending on the person you share it with. It is extremely common to exchange this type of kiss with friends or family in a completely platonic sense, or even greeting acquaintances in a formal sense. It can even be a sweet way of showing affection for someone you like if you’re still not sure about kissing them on the lips. You can give your partner cheek kisses to show affection, gratitude, love, etc.

Tip: If you’re someone who loves wearing lipstick, always be careful while kissing someone on the cheek as it can usually leave a mark, and not many people might be comfortable with it, especially if it is a public place.

5. Forehead Kiss

Forehead Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

A simple kiss on the forehead can say so much without saying anything and it can be a gesture that means a lot to the person on the receiving end of it. A forehead kiss can be intimate but more as an act of sweetness than in a romantic way. They are perfect to convey affection, understanding, trust and care to the intended person. You can share it with anyone that you feel close to like your partner, friends, parents or children.

Tip: If you sense that your partner may be in distress about something, a kiss on the forehead from your side can bring them a lot of comforts.

6. Eskimo Kiss

Eskimo Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

This kiss is the act of rubbing the tip of your nose with another person’s nose. It is used as a friendly greeting gesture in a few cultures, namely the Eskimos, from which it gets its name. You can share this kiss with your partner in a light-hearted moment, as it usually displays playfulness and affection. It is also extremely adorable to share this kiss with your child.

Tip: Always take care of your heads during the act, as it can potentially hurt you or the other person if your heads bang on one another.

7. Neck Kiss

Neck Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

The neck is one of the most sensual parts of the body, and kissing the neck is usually seen as a very intimate and erotic gesture. There is absolutely nothing platonic about these types of kisses and can definitely be seen as a sign of flirtation, should you receive it from someone you’re not seeing. Throwing a few neck kisses into the mix during a make-out session can add a lot to the experience.

Tip: You should kiss the nape of your partner’s neck along with the sides of their neck.

8. Butterfly Kiss

Butterfly Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

The butterfly kiss is one of the cutest types of kisses out there. It is sweet and tender and expresses love, affection and playfulness. To give someone a butterfly kiss, you have to bring your face closer to their face, with your eyes almost touching their eyes and then flutter your eyelids, this makes the receiver feel like they are being kissed by the wings of a butterfly. A butterfly kiss isn’t necessarily romantic and is also often used by parents on their young children.

Tip: You can also give butterfly kisses on other parts of your partner’s body, for example, their cheek, hands, stomach, etc.

9. Hand Kiss

Hand Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

Hand kisses may not be seen as the most romantic gesture among people, and is most commonly seen as a gesture of greeting informal events, and is used as a sign of respect for elders, or people higher to your rank in various cultures too. However, it can be an extremely tender and warm moment, if you kiss your partner’s hand while holding it. It can convey affection, trust, assurance and love to them.

Tip: You can always kiss your partner’s hands, when you are holding them, in the middle of deep conversations so that they know that you are there for them.

10. Top-Of-The-Head Kiss

Top-Of-The-Head Kiss
Image: Shutterstock

A kiss on the top of the head usually provides a sense of assurance to the person receiving it. It usually can come from the elders in your family, mostly your parents. It is a gesture that makes you feel safe, comforted and wraps you around with a sense of familiarity. However, it is just as effective coming from a partner and give you that same comfort and security that you get from someone who is family to you.

Tip: Hug your partner from behind and kiss them on the top of their head, to make it a sweet and tender moment.


Benefits of Kissing
Image: Shutterstock

Q. Are there any benefits to kissing?

A. Yes. Studies have proven that there are various benefits to kissing. It improves skin health as it stimulates the production of collagen. It can also help you burn calories, it opens up your blood vessels and can lower your blood pressure.

Q. Does kissing your partner improve your connection with him/her?

A. Yes. Kissing your partner can significantly deepen the bond you share with them, as it definitely brings the both of you closer not only on a physical level but also on an emotional level. It also helps you get to know your partner in a more intimate way. There are a lot of people who do not like to engage in sexual practices with their partners, and so they can go for the less physical kisses like a hand, forehead kisses, etc.

Q. How to prepare for a kiss?

A. Maybe you’re going on a date or meeting someone, and there might be a possibility that a kiss could happen. In this case, first and foremost, be mentally prepared for it. Make sure you would be comfortable with it happening so that you don’t overthink it at the moment. It could be a good idea to pack a lip balm and/or a pack of mint with you so that your lips aren’t dry and your breath can be fresh. Lastly, even if you are ready for a kiss, always make sure you have the other person’s consent for it.

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