Bougainvillea Gardening Tips: Why Your Bougainvillea Isn't Blooming To Its Full Glory

Bougainvillea is a tropical perennial plant flower in the spring season. But there are times when this plant doesn’t bloom to its full glory. Read on to understand the reason behind this cause. 

bougainvillea flowering

Bougainvillaea has the capability to get full-blown and cover the entire area where it is planted. However, sometimes this doesn’t happen. If you are a bougainvillea owner who struggles to witness the full glory of your plant then you need to check out the reasons and tips that we have listed for you.

Excess Watering Prevents Blooming

Bougainvillea is a summer plant which thrives in dry soil and tolerates drought-like conditions. Most gardeners approach this plant in the same way as roses or other flowering plants which is a gardening mishap. With the excess supply of water, Bougainvillea plants get stressed resulting in less bloom. It is recommended to water once a week.

bougainvillea plant tips

Extreme Fertilizers Leads To Foliage

Bougainvillea is a flowering plant which when given excess fertiliser leads to stimulation of leaves at the expense of flowers (how to get maximum flowers on rose plant). This plant doesn’t need excess fertiliser but a well-draining soil to show its natural full bloom. If you have a well-planted bougainvillea plant then refrain from putting excess fertilisers. For best results, you can use half the strength of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium fertiliser.

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Lack Of Sunlight Exposure

Bougainvillea requires direct sunlight and if grown in shade then it leads to more foliage than flowers. For optimal flowering plant your Bougainvillea at a spot where it recovers 6 hours of direct sunlight.(gardening tips for roof-top garden)

Require Warm Temperature

Bougainvillea is a tropical plant and thus needs warmer temperatures to ensure optimal flowering. The ideal night temperature for best blooming should be around 18°C. However, Bougainvillea is an adaptable plant so it might grow even in cooler temperatures. So if you notice any mishap in your bougainvillea’s flowering condition despite considering all other factors then temperature could be the reason.

tips for bougainvillea

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Keep a check on the above-mentioned factors to ensure full blooming. Follow these tips to make your bougainvillaea happy and witness its full glory.

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