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How to care for your FICUS BENJAMINA

The care level

When choosing your plant pay attention to your lifestyle and the care level of that plant. Some might need a little more care than others. But they all have a chance to grow and thrive in your home. 

Let's get to know FICUS BENJAMINA, also affectionally know as the weeping fig. 

Native to South East Asia, Australia and Africa. They can be incredibly fast growing and in the wild will grow incredibly large. They are also some of the best air-purifiers around. Plant tip: Trim the plant to keep it's shape. 


Place in a light area out of direct sunlight, as this will damage the leaves. The Ficus benjamina is sensitive to low light and sudden changes, causing it to lose leaves. 


The growing medium should be moist, but allow it to dry out a little between waterings. 

Minimum temperature 15°C

The plant is sensitive to draughts. This may also cause the leaves to start and fall off.


Weeping figs are best kept indoors where they act as fantastic air purifers!

Not for consumption

This plant is just for decoration, and should not be consumed.

Recommended pot diameter: 12 - 32cm

As your plant grows it will need some more space, aim for a pot that's 5-7cm larger than the previous pot. Only repot after two to three years and after a dormant period. 

Pots and accessories for your weeping fig