Plum-headed Parakeet

Psittacula cyanocephala

The Plum-headed Parakeet is a parakeet endemic to the Indian Subcontinent. Along with "Psittacula roseata" of the Himalayas it was sometimes known by the name of Blossom-headed Parakeet which is now used to refer only to "Psittacula roseata".
Plum-headed parakeet female || Feb 2022 || Western Ghats, Shivamogga Plum-headed Parakeet,Psittacula cyanocephala


The Plum-headed Parakeet is a mainly green parrot, 33 cm long with a tail up to 22 cm. The male has a red head which shades to purple-blue on the back of the crown, nape and cheeks while the female has blueish-gray head. There is a narrow black neck collar with verdigris below on the nape and a black chin stripe that extends from the lower mandible. There is a red shoulder patch and the rump and tail are bluish-green, the latter tipped white. The upper mandible is orangish-yellow, and the lower mandible is dark. The female has a dull bluish grey head and lacks the black and verdigris collar which is replaced by yellow. The upper-mandible is corn-yellow and there is no black chin stripe or red shoulder patch. Immature birds have a green head and both mandibles are yellowish. The dark head is acquired after a year. The delicate bluish red appearance resembling the bloom of a peach is produced by a combination of blue from the optical effects produced by the rami of the feather and a red pigment in the barbules.

Some authors have considered the species to have two subspecies, the nominate from peninsular India and the population from the foothills of the Himalayas as "bengalensis" on the basis of the colour of the head in the male which is more red and less blue. Newer works consider the species to be monotypic.

The different head colour and the white tip to the tail distinguish this species from the similar Blossom-headed Parakeet. The shoulder patch is maroon coloured and the shorter tail is tipped yellow in "P. roseata".

A supposed species of parakeet, the so-called Intermediate Parakeet "Psittacula intermedia" is thought to be a hybrid of this and the Slaty-headed Parakeet.
Plum-headed parakeet || Feb 2022 || Western Ghats, Shivamogga Plum-headed Parakeet,Psittacula cyanocephala


The Plum-headed Parakeet is a bird of forest and open woodland. They are found from the foothills of the Himalayas south to Sri Lanka. They are not found in the dry regions of western India. They are sometimes kept as pets and escaped birds have been noted in New York, Florida and in some places in the Middle East.
Plum-headed parakeet male || Feb 2022 || Western Ghats, Shivamogga
 Plum-headed Parakeet,Psittacula cyanocephala


The Plum-headed Parakeet is a gregarious and noisy species with range of raucous calls. The usual flight and contact call is "tuink?" repeated now and then. The flight is swift and the bird often twists and turns rapidly. It makes local movements, driven mainly by the availability of the fruit and blossoms which make up its diet. They feed on grains, fruits, the fleshy petals of flowers and sometimes raid agricultural fields and orchards. The breeding season in India is mainly from December to April and July to August in Sri Lanka. Courtship includes bill rubbing and courtship feeding. It nests in holes, chiselled out by the pair, in tree trunks, and lays 4–6 white eggs. The female appears to be solely responsible for incubation and feeding. They roost communally. In captivity it can learn to mimic beeps and short whistling tunes but not human speech.

"Neoaulobia psittaculae", a quill mite, has been described from the species. A species of "Haemoproteus", "H. handai", has been described from blood samples from the Plum-headed Parakeet.
Time with the plums Spent some good time with the plum headed parakeets. Getting close to them in spite of many watchful eyes was a nice experience. This being the mango season, a flock of about 20 birds came early morning to feast on the unripe mangoes. There were about 5 trees. They had plenty of mangoes to choose from and every bird wanted the best. The birds would fight and screech at their loudest!! They would walk like a boss on the branch towards the mango. One can spend hours without getting bored by just watching their behavior. It is quite interesting and sometimes funny!!

Isolating one bird, getting a neat background was very challenging. These birds usually would be on the periphery of the tree which is under direct sunlight and mostly feasting on mangoes with thick cover of leaves. Two individual birds were bold enough to get under the trees in shade. This image is of one of them. Plum-headed Parakeet,Psittacula cyanocephala,india,kabini,karnataka,mangifera indica,mango tree,parakeet,plums,summer,wild,wild bird


The Plum-headed Parakeet is a bird of forest and open woodland. They are found from the foothills of the Himalayas south to Sri Lanka. They are not found in the dry regions of western India. They are sometimes kept as pets and escaped birds have been noted in New York, Florida and in some places in the Middle East.The Plum-headed Parakeet is a gregarious and noisy species with range of raucous calls. The usual flight and contact call is "tuink?" repeated now and then. The flight is swift and the bird often twists and turns rapidly. It makes local movements, driven mainly by the availability of the fruit and blossoms which make up its diet. They feed on grains, fruits, the fleshy petals of flowers and sometimes raid agricultural fields and orchards. The breeding season in India is mainly from December to April and July to August in Sri Lanka. Courtship includes bill rubbing and courtship feeding. It nests in holes, chiselled out by the pair, in tree trunks, and lays 4–6 white eggs. The female appears to be solely responsible for incubation and feeding. They roost communally. In captivity it can learn to mimic beeps and short whistling tunes but not human speech.

"Neoaulobia psittaculae", a quill mite, has been described from the species. A species of "Haemoproteus", "H. handai", has been described from blood samples from the Plum-headed Parakeet.


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Status: Least concern
SpeciesP. cyanocephala
Photographed in