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Ludwigia inclinata var. Verticillata 'Cuba'

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RM 15.90
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RM 15.90
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Ludwigia inclinata var. Verticillata 'Cuba' belongs to the Onagraceae family and is native to Cuba. It is commonly found growing emersed or submersed in wetlands and slow-moving waters. In its natural habitat, this plant showcases a range of colors from green to shades of reddish-pink.

In aquascapingLudwigia inclinata var. Verticillata 'Cuba' is popular due to its striking appearance. The plant features whorls of lanceolate leaves that can vary in color depending on lighting and nutrient levels. With intense lighting and nutrient-rich conditions, this species can exhibit beautiful reddish and even deep purple hues.

When it comes to cultivation, providing moderate to high lighting and nutrient supplementation is beneficial for the optimal growth and coloration of Ludwigia inclinata var. Verticillata 'Cuba'. CO2 injection can also encourage robust growth. Additionally, regularly trimming the plant will help maintain its bushy and compact form. Trimmed cuttings can be replanted to propagate additional plants.

Ludwigia inclinata var. Verticillata 'Cuba' can be used as a midground or background plant in aquascapes, creating focal points or adding vibrant colors and texture to the overall layout. Its captivating appearance adds a touch of elegance and excitement to any aquarium design.

Native: Cuba

Light Requirement: Moderate to High

CORequirement: Optional

Position: Midground or Background