Why was I asked to verify my credit card security code (CVV)?

To prevent fraudulent purchases and protect your account from financial harm, Mercari occasionally requires additional verification to ensure that the legitimate cardholder is the one who is making a purchase.

How does credit card security code (CVV) verification protect me from identity theft?

A CVV is a short security code printed on your credit or debit card. It’s different from your account number, expiration date, or PIN. The code provides a simple but strong barrier to online fraud. Merchants don’t store your card’s CVV after authorization, so it’s difficult for thieves to obtain from online hacks. And without this code, a card thief won’t be able to complete a purchase when a CVV verification is required.

You can find the 3-digit security code (CVV number) on the back of your card for most credit or debit cards. For American Express cards, the 4-digit security code is on the front of the card.

Payment Verification

To verify a card, we put two temporary authorizations on it (up to $2 each). These appear on your financial statement as "pending", and will automatically expire after 24 hours.

Enter the amounts from your statement on the Verify Card screen. If the amounts match, your purchase will proceed as normal.

You can verify your payment by going to My Payment > Verify

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