Aquacultured Cobalt Blue Zebra (Pterophyllum scalare)

Posted by Aquatropic Staff on December 14, 2018

Aquacultured Cobalt Blue Zebra (Pterophyllum scalare) thumbnail image

Do you have a large planted aquarium and are in the market for fish that will stand out in your tank? Consider purchasing an angelfish like the Aquacultured Cobalt Blue Zebra (Pterophyllum scalare). It is a hardy and semi-aggressive fish that do well in planted and basic aquariums as long as their water is kept at optimal conditions. Also due to its temperament we recommend that if it will be housed with other fish to make sure the other fish are of equal size, temperament, and that there is plenty of room in the tank for everyone to have their own space for this fish can become territorial. During meal times feed it a variety of dried and meaty frozen foods.