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Heliopora coerulea Indo-Pacific Blue Coral

Heliopora coeruleais commonly referred to as Indo-Pacific Blue Coral. Difficulty in the aquarium: Average. A aquarium size of at least 200 Liter is recommended. Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown.

Profilbild Urheber Scott & Jeanette Johnson, Kwajalein Unterwater


Courtesy of the author Scott & Jeanette Johnson, Kwajalein Unterwater . Please visit for more information.

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Heliopora coerulea 
Blaue Koralle 
Indo-Pacific Blue Coral 
Family tree:
Animalia (Kingdom) > Cnidaria (Phylum) > Anthozoa (Class) > Helioporacea (Order) > Helioporidae (Family) > Heliopora (Genus) > coerulea (Species) 
Initial determination:
(Pallas, ), 1766 
Djibouti, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Kuwait, Sudan, (the) Maldives, American Samoa, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Central Pazific, China, Christmas Islands, Comores, Egypt, Fiji, Great Barrier Reef, Guam, Gulf of Oman / Oman, India, Indian Ocean, Indo Pacific, Indonesia, Irak, Iran, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Madagascar, Malaysia, Marschall Islands, Mauritius, Mayotte, Micronesia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Quatar, Red Sea, Réunion , Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South-Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tansania, Thailand, the Cocos Islands / Keeling Islands, the Seychelles, Timor, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Western Pacific Ocean 
Sea depth:
0 - 3 Meter 
Seawater, Sea water 
up to 39.37" (100 cm) 
25,1 °F - 29,3 °F (25,1°C - 29,3°C) 
Dissolved inorganic substances) f.e.NaCL,CA, Mag, K, I.P, Dissolved organic substances, Zooxanthellae / Light 
44 gal (~ 200L)  
Easy to breed 
Toxic hazard unknown 
Appendix II ((commercial trade possible after a safety assessment by the exporting country)) 
Red List:
Vulnerable (VU) 
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Last edit:
2024-03-06 19:21:58 

Captive breeding / propagation

Heliopora coerulea is easy to breed. There are offspring in the trade available. If you are interested in Heliopora coerulea, please contact us at Your dealer for a progeny instead of a wildcat. You help to protect the natural stocks.


Heliopora coerulea (Pallas, 1766)

The blue coral also referred as „blue fire coral“ is a member of the order Helioporacea. Blue corals are thus named for their distinctive, permanently blue skeleton, which is generally hidden by greenish-grey or blue polyps. It is often mistaken for a small polyp stony (SPS) coral because of its hard blue exoskeleton, but it is an octocoral (soft coral) and its growth forms are branching. The body is composed of iron salts, which lend its distinctive blue color.

Blue corals contain [Further read] the symbiotic algae zooxanthellae from which they receives the majority of the nutritional requirements through photosynthesis, but it will also feed on micro-plankton or foods for filter feeding invertebrates.

Synonymised names:
Heliopora sparsipora Felix, 1921 † (synonymy)
Millepora coerulea Pallas, 1766 (basionym, changed combination)

Scientific paper

  1. Potential for different reproductive timing between sympatric Heliopora coerulea lineages southeast of Iriomote Island, Japan, Saito, Yuta; Ueno, Mitsuhiro; Kiatano, Yuko F; Yasuda, Nina , 2015
  2. Genetic structure and cryptic speciation in the threatened reef-building coral Heliopora coerulea along Kuroshio Current, Yasuda, Nina; Taquet, Coralie; Nagai, Satoshi; Fortes, Miguel; Fan, Tung-Yung; Phongsuwan, Niphon; Nadaoka, Kazuo , 2014
  3. Large-scale mono-clonal structure in the north peripheral population of blue coral, Heliopora coerulea, Nina Yasuda; Mariko Abe; Tsutomu Takino; Megumi Kimura; Chunlian Lian; Satoshi Nagai; Yoshikatsu Nakano; Kazuo Nadaoka, 2012
  4. In Situ Raman Spectral Mapping Study on the Microscale Fibers in Blue Coral ( Heliopora coerulea ) Skeletons, Zhang, Fenfen; Cai, Weiying; Zhu, Jichun; Sun, Zhenrong; Zhang, Jing , 2011
  5. Butterflyfishes feed on externally brooded larvae of the blue coral,Heliopora coerulea, R. D. Villanueva; A. J. Edwards, 2010
  6. Timing of larval release by the blue coral,Heliopora coerulea, in southern Taiwan, P. J. Liu; T. Y. Fan; C. F. Dai, 2005
  7. Larval survivorship, competency periods and settlement of two brooding corals,Heliopora coeruleaandPocillopora damicornis, S. Harii; H. Kayanne; H. Takigawa; T. Hayashibara; M. Yamamoto, 2002
  8. Fatty Acids of Heliopora coerulea and Chemotaxonomic Significance of Tetracosapolyenoic Acids in Coelenterates, Vassilii I Svetashev; Mikhail V Vysotskii, 1998
  9. ChemInform Abstract: Helioxenicins A-C: Diterpenes from the Blue Coral Heliopora coerulea, J. TANAKA; N. OGAWA; J. LIANG; T. HIGA; R. DENYS; B. F. BOWDEN; A. R. CARROLL; J. C. COLL; G. BERNARDINELLI; C. W. JEFFORD, 1995
  10. Helioxenicins A-C: Diterpenes from the blue coral Heliopora coerulea, Jun-ichi Tanaka; Noboru Ogawa; Jian Liang; Tatsuo Higa; Rocky deNys; Bruce F. Bowden; Anthony R. Carroll; John C. Coil; Gérald Bernardinelli; Charles W. Jefford, 1994
  11. Helioporins: bioactive diterpenes from the blue coral Heliopora coerulea, Jun-ichi Tanaka; Noboru Ogawa; Jian Liang; Tatsuo Higa; Dolores Garcia Gravalos, 1993
  12. Reproduction and development of the blue coralHeliopora coerulea(Alcyonaria: Coenothecalia), R. Babcock, 1990
  13. The distribution, abundance and ecology of the blue coralHeliopora coerulea(Pallas) in the Pacific, Leon P. Zann; Lesley Bolton, 1985
  14. Growth Aspects and Magnesium Carbonate Concentrations of the Reef Building Octocoral Heliopora coerulea (Pallas) after Transplantation, B. Velimirov, 1980
  15. On the Structure and Affinities of Heliopora coerulea, Pallas. With Some Observations on the Structure of Xenia and Heteroxenia, Bourne, G. C., 1895
  16. On the Structure and Affinities of Heliopora coerulea, Pallas. With Some Observations on the Structure of Xenia and Heteroxenia, Gilbert C. Bourne, 1895
  17. On the Structure and Affinities of Heliopora coerulea, Pall., with Some Observations on the Structure of Xenia and Heteroxenia., Bourne, G. C., 1894
  18. On the Structure and Affinities of Heliopora coerulea, Pall., with Some Observations on the Structure of Xenia and Heteroxenia. [Abstract], Gilbert C. Bourne, 1894
  19. On the Structure and Relations of the Alcyonarian Heliopora coerulea, with Some Account of the Anatomy of a Species of Sarcophyton; Notes on the Structure of Species of the Genera Millepora, Pocillopora, and Stylaster; and Remarks on the Affinities of Certain Palaeozoic Corals. [Abstract], H. N. Moseley, 1875-1876
  20. On the Structure and Relations of the Alcyonarian Heliopora coerulea, with Some Account of the Anatomy of a Species of Sarcophyton; Notes on the Structure of Species of the Genera Millepora, Pocillopora, and Stylaster; and Remarks on the Affinities of Certain Palaeozoic Corals., Moseley, H. N., 1875

External links

  1. SeaLifeBase (multi). Abgerufen am 07.08.2020.
  2. (en). Abgerufen am 27.02.2021.
  3. Wikipedia (de). Abgerufen am 06.03.2024.



Kalkskelett Blaue Koralle - Heliopora coerulea.2017 (c) Muelly
Heliopora coerulea

Husbandry know-how of owners

am 24.03.13#8
ich pflege diese Koralle seit etwa 10 Jahren. Sie war anfangs ein fingernagelgroßes Stück. Jetzt hat Sie einen Durchmesser von etwa 30 cm. Sie wächst bei mir eher langsam und scheint selbst mit schlechteren Wasserwerten zurecht zu kommen. Zur zeit habe ich etwas Probleme mit hohem Nitratwerzen ( ca. 100mg/l) das schadet Ihr in keiner Weise und ständig sind die Polypen sichtbar. Die folienartige Hautbei der Reinigung wird sehr gern von Doktorfischen gefressen. sehr schöne Koralle, die leider viel zu selten zu sehen ist.
am 13.08.08#7
Vor einigen Jahren wurde ein ca. 10 Cent großes Stück auf eine abgestorbene Goniopora geklebt. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit ist das Korallenskelett überwachsen worden und es hat sich eine interessante, corymbose Wuchsform gebildet. Da offensichtlich optimale Wasserverhältnisse vorherrschen, sind ständig die schönen weißen Polypen zu sehen.Die Koralle steht direkt unter 8 x 80 W T 5- Beleuchtung.
am 18.07.08#6
Die Heliopora coerulea ist eine sehr schöne Koralle.
Sie wächst bei mir sogar auf den Boden. (Bei einer Beleuchtung von 6x39W T5 auf 100x60x60.)
Die Koralle zeigt den ganzen Tag weiße Polypen.
Sieht total scharf aus!!!
Das ist einer meiner schönsten Korallen. Der Kontrast zwischen Brauner Grundfarbe und Weißen Polypenbild ist Super!!!

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