Kissing may seem like a fairly simple act, but there are actually a lot of nuances to the art. Maybe you’ve mastered the perfect French kiss at this point, and are ready for something new. Or, perhaps you’re looking for ways to switch your kisses up (and, if you want to practice your technique, we got you with this ultimate make-out guide). No matter if you’re new to kissing or are a make-out expert, there are tons of different types of kisses to learn and implement into your next smooching sesh.

Kissing isn’t just about steamy make-outs, either. First, make sure you and your partner understand where the boundaries are and what you’re both comfortable with and like. There are certain types of kisses, such as forehead, cheek, and wrist kisses, that are still intimate, sensual, and convey the message of “I’m really into you,” but do so in a more affectionate and tender way.

Without further ado, here are 20 types of kisses that will bring your smooching game to the next level. Chapstick not included.

Lip Kiss

A lip kiss might sound pretty basic, but it’s a playful and intimate move to leave your partner wanting more. Just kiss your partner’s top lip while they kiss your bottom (or switch it up).

French Kiss

Ah, the tried and true French kiss. A good make-out involves just the right amount of tongue, saliva, and movement. French kissing definitely takes some practice to master, so don’t be afraid to ask your partner if you two could try out some different techniques.

Forehead Kiss

Though a simple smooch on the forehead might not be the ~sexiest~ of kisses, it’s an adorable and tender one. A forehead kiss is usually shared with a special someone because of its affectionate and caring nature.

Neck Kiss

If you’re in the middle of a hot and heavy make-out sesh with your significant other, you’ll probably want to go in for a few neck kisses. This move is sensual AF, and can totally enhance your connection.

Peck Kiss

If you give someone a peck, you’re leaning in for a simple, light kiss. It might not be incredibly passionate, but don’t worry, it’s still a super intimate gesture. More often than not, your first kiss with someone new is likely to be a peck — it signals attraction and romantic interest, without being too overwhelming.

Cheek Kiss

In many cultures, cheek kisses are friendly ways to greet a family, friend, or someone you’re introduced to. But it can also be a comforting signal from your significant other (and a sweet way to say hello if you’re not into PDA), or a polite gesture to gauge a crush’s interest.

Bite Kiss

If you want to take your French kiss a step further, incorporate a nibble into the kiss. Very gently bite on your partner’s bottom or top lip during the make-out, and see how your boo reacts. Start off slow, since you won’t know for sure if your partner is into it.

Hand Kiss

Taking someone’s hand and kissing the top of it might seem corny and remind you of a scene straight out of a romantic period drama, but it’s also pretty adorable. Try it with your partner as a way to ease into a more passionate kiss. Maybe you make your way up their arm, and eventually, land on their lips.

Lizard Kiss

This type of kiss is basically the more intense version of a French kiss. To execute a lizard kiss, stick your tongue in and out of your partner’s mouth at a quick pace. It’s certainly not for everyone, but worth trying to add some fun to your kissing session.

Earlobe Kiss

To get your partner excited, you might start your make-out session with a kiss or nibble on the earlobe. Ears have lots of nerve endings that make them super sensitive to touch, so gently sucking or tugging on the area will drive your S.O. crazy.

Air Kiss

The air kiss is like the cheek kiss, but without making any actual contact. You simply smooch the air next to someone’s cheek. Again, this is used as a platonic greeting in many cultures, and it’s a great option if you’d rather opt for a no-contact hello.

Butterfly Kiss

A butterfly kiss is when you flutter your eyelashes against your partner’s eyes or face. It will feel like they’re being kissed by butterfly wings and, trust us, it will make for a super cute moment.

Body Kiss

This one is pretty self explanatory. There are many places around your body that could react very well to some lip action, such as your neck, earlobe, stomach, chest, or inner arm. To find out, explore consensually with your partner — you never know what body part is going to do it for you!

Spiderman Kiss

The Spiderman kiss is based off an iconic scene from the 2002 movie, where Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) kisses Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) while hanging upside down on a web (see below). You can easily recreate this while lying on a bed.

types of kisses

Top-of-the-Head Kiss

Nothing will make you feel safer and more comforted than a kiss on the top of your head.

Jawline Kiss

This one is super sensual, and an interesting way to switch things up in the middle of a make-out. Gently kiss around their mouth and up their jawline, slightly teasing before you make your way to their neck, earlobe, or lips.

Shoulder Kiss

Imagine this, you’re standing at your locker, getting your books between classes, and your partner comes up and kisses you on the shoulder. Sounds nice, right? Shoulder kisses are a sweet way to publicly show affection without being too in-your-face about it.

Angel Kiss

An angel kiss is when someone gently kisses the other person’s eyelid. It sounds uncommon, but it can be very comforting for the receiver.

Nose Kiss

This can mean either lips-to-nose or nose-to-nose. A sweet kiss on the nose is a nice gesture, but you can also go for a little nose rubbing action, which is fun as well.

Wrist Kiss

A kiss on the wrist may seem odd, but it can actual be very sensual. It has similar connotations to the hand kiss, but since blood flows close to the surface of your skin on your wrist, it is a slightly more erotic zone.

Headshot of Yerin Kim
Yerin Kim
Assistant Editor

Yerin Kim is the Assistant Editor for Snapchat Discover at Seventeen, covering beauty, sex & health, lifestyle, and entertainment. Originally from New Jersey but raised in Seoul, she is a proud Syracuse grad who loves fluffy puppies and a good Instagram opp. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram! 

Headshot of Leah Campano
Leah Campano
Associate Editor

Leah Campano is an Associate Editor at Seventeen, where she covers pop culture, entertainment news, health, and politics. On the weekends, you can probably find her watching marathons of vintage Real Housewives episodes or searching for New York City’s best almond croissants.