The 4-day work week schedule - An Implementation  Guide

4 day work week schedule shown on a paper calendar with pinned emphasis on the days off

The buzz around alternative work schedules is louder than ever, fueled by compelling studies and bold case studies.

Yet, one concept stands out like a beacon, promising not just a better work-life balance, but a transformative shift in the workplace landscape: the 4-day workweek.

Imagine an office space buzzing with productive employees, where job satisfaction soars and the balance between work hours and personal time feels just right.

But what if this isn't just a pipe dream but a viable business model that's increasingly being experimented with across countries and industries?

Intrigued? Hold onto that three-day weekend feeling as we dive deep into this revolution that could redefine your work week, improve employee well-being, and potentially even save money on those mounting operating costs

What is a 4-day work week?

The 4-day work week is a game-changing concept that's challenging the traditional notion of working hours.

Instead of the usual five-day workweek, employees work for four days, often extending their daily hours to meet the same amount of total hours per week.

This alternative schedule gives rise to a tantalizing possibility: a three-day weekend that can do wonders for employee well-being and mental health.

The 4-day work week compared to the traditional five-day workweek

4 day work week schedule example by Shiftbase

Traditional business hours usually stretch across five days, requiring employees to split their time and energy throughout the week.

In contrast, a four-day workweek allows employees to concentrate their work hours, freeing up an entire extra day to spend time with family, focus on personal projects, or simply relax.

While both schedules aim to achieve the same amount of work, the four-day workweek presents unique advantages.

It often leads to increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and greater work-life satisfaction.

However, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and its effectiveness can depend on various factors, such as the nature of the job, team leads' flexibility, and the specific demands of the business model.

By adopting this alternative work schedule, companies aren't just tweaking numbers; they're making a deliberate statement about employee well-being, job satisfaction, and even mental health.

It's a step that requires thoughtful consideration, but the potential rewards for both the employees and the organization make it a tantalizing option for the modern workplace.

Benefits of a 4-day work week

Let's look at the key advantages that make this schedule a hot topic for HR managers, team leads, and business owners alike.

Improved work-Life Balance

One of the most alluring perks of the four-day workweek is the promise of a better work-life balance.

With a consistent three-day weekend, employees get more personal time to pursue hobbies, spend time with family, or simply recharge.

This increased personal time often translates to improved well-being and mental health, which in turn positively impacts productivity and job satisfaction.

Increased productivity

A shortened work week doesn't mean compromising on output. In fact, many organizations have reported increased productivity as a direct benefit of adopting this schedule.

When employees work fewer days but slightly longer hours, the net result can be a more focused and efficient work environment.

This is particularly advantageous for knowledge workers, who require long, uninterrupted periods for optimal output.

Reduced instances of "presenteeism" and fewer work hours lost to daily rituals like commuting add to this productivity boost.

Reduced operating costs

It's not just employee well-being that stands to gain; businesses can also enjoy financial benefits.

Operating costs like electricity and maintenance can decrease when the office is closed an extra day each week.

Additionally, fewer business hours can result in less overtime pay, which directly benefits the company's bottom line.

Moreover, the increased job satisfaction and greater work-life balance can lead to reduced turnover rates, thereby saving on recruitment costs.

Useful Read: How To Calculate the Cost Of An Employee + Free Template

According to some case studies, a four-day workweek can even contribute to increased customer satisfaction, as employees are more focused and engaged during their working hours.

4-day work week schedules examples

When contemplating a shift from the traditional five-day workweek, it's essential to consider the variety of four-day workweek schedules available.

Different structures offer unique pros and cons, which must be evaluated carefully. Here are some popular examples:

4x10 Schedule

4/10 work week schedule example by Shiftbase

Structure: Employees work four days a week for ten hours each day.

Pros Cons
Fewer Commutes: Employees save time and money on commuting. Longer Days: Extended work hours can lead to fatigue.
Three-Day Weekends: A consistent three-day weekend can improve well-being Limited Business Hours: Fewer days may mean a shorter customer service window.
Longer Hours for Projects: The extra hours can be beneficial for longer, uninterrupted tasks.  


Compressed Workweek

Compressed work week schedule example by Shiftbase

Structure: In the compressed work schedule, the total hours remain the same, but the work is compressed into fewer days.

Pros Cons
Same Amount of Work: No reduction in total hours ensures tasks are completed Long Hours: Can be draining for employees.
Employee Morale: A longer weekend often boosts job satisfaction Potential for Overtime: Any excess work spills into overtime pay.


Rotating 4-Day Schedule

Structure: Employees take turns having a four-day week while others maintain a traditional schedule.

Pros Cons
Flexible Schedules: Accommodates various employee needs Complexity: Requires robust time and attendance tracking, ideally through SaaS like Shiftbase
Customer Satisfaction: Business hours remain consistent Inconsistency: The variable schedule may affect employee well-being negatively

Alternate Week 4/5 Day Schedule

Structure: Employees work a four-day week followed by a five-day week.

Pros Cons
Work-Life Balance: Provides a taste of both work schedules Inconsistent: May create difficulties in planning personal time
Adapting Business Hours: Easier adaptation to customer needs Management Complexity: Requires strict hours registration to ensure compliance and fairness


In summary, the structure you choose will depend on various factors, including employee well-being, business model, and customer satisfaction.

Some structures like the 4x10 may necessitate longer working hours, but they offer a consistent three-day weekend, which can be a boon for employee mental health.

Implementing a successful four-day work week will likely involve a trial period, during which the effectiveness of the chosen structure can be evaluated against key metrics.

How to implement a 4-day work week that actually works

If the traditional 5-day work week feels like an outdated model for your company, a four-day work week may be the change you need.

However, a successful transition involves more than simply cutting one day from the work week. Below are the steps and insights to help you make this change effectively.

Embrace outcome-based work culture

Shifting to a four-day work week isn't merely about counting hours; it’s about redefining how you measure success.


Focus on Outcomes, Not Hours: The success of a four-day work week relies on shifting from a time-focused model to an outcome-based model. The emphasis should be on what gets accomplished, not how long it takes to accomplish it.

Set Clear Metrics: Ambiguity is the enemy of an outcome-based culture. Define specific goals and metrics to measure performance, and ensure that they align with the company's broader objectives.

Foster Trust and Autonomy: An outcome-based model entrusts employees to complete their tasks without micromanagement. This empowers employees and fosters a sense of ownership.

Equip managers for the change

Management's role becomes even more pivotal when introducing such a dramatic shift.


Understand the Goals: Managers need to fully comprehend the outcome-based model. They must understand the metrics that matter and how to align their teams with these goals.

Avoid Micromanagement: Trust your team to get the job done without hovering over them. Regular check-ins can be a part of one-to-one meetings, but the emphasis should be on progress, not control.

Skills Assessment: Ensure that your team has the skills needed to achieve the outcomes you’ve set. This may require additional training or reallocation of responsibilities.

Useful Read: Assessment Centre: The Complete Employers Guide

Prioritize communication

Open and empathetic communication becomes more essential than ever.


Lead with Empathy: Make an effort to understand what your employees need to thrive in this new arrangement. Recognize that personal life happens and be accommodating when it does.

Be Available: Even though an outcome-based culture values autonomy, employees should feel they can approach management with issues or questions.

Optimize Time Management

With fewer working days, making the most of your time is crucial.


Rethink Meetings: Meetings should add value, not just fill time. Consider implementing policies like shorter meetings or specific "no-meeting" days.

Work Alone, Together: Foster collaborative environments where everyone works on the same problem but in their unique ways. This avoids groupthink and allows for more diverse solutions.

End with Decisions: Meetings should conclude with a summary of what was decided, who is responsible for what, and what the next steps are.

Consistent feedback loop

Continual improvement requires continual feedback.


Regular Surveys: Deploy feedback surveys at various milestones. This will give you quantitative data on how well the new schedule is being received and where improvements can be made.

Retrospectives: Conduct retrospective meetings at the end of each project or after a specific period has passed since the four-day work week's implementation. This gives everyone a chance to discuss what's working and what isn't.

By carefully planning your transition and putting these practices into action, a four-day work week can become a sustainable, productive, and rewarding way to work. Remember, the key to success is an outcome-based approach complemented by effective management, empathetic communication, and continuous feedback.

Challenges of implementing a 4-day work week

Two creative millenial small business owners working on social media strategy using a digital tablet while sitting in staircase

While the 4-day work week offers a tantalizing array of benefits, it's not without its challenges. For HR managers and business owners pondering this shift, understanding these hurdles is essential for successful implementation. Let's explore some of these potential obstacles and offer strategies to overcome them.

Customer satisfaction

If your business model relies heavily on customer interaction during standard business hours, a four-day week could impact customer satisfaction. Customers accustomed to five or even six days of service may find a reduced schedule inconvenient.

Adapting business hours

Adjusting operating hours isn't as simple as closing the office one extra day per week. It may require modifications to employee contracts, a re-evaluation of workload distribution, and an adjustment to how team leads manage their teams.

Strategies for overcoming these challenges

Trial Period

Before transitioning to a new schedule, consider running a pilot program to gauge its impact. Collect data on key performance indicators like productivity, customer satisfaction, and employee well-being to determine the schedule's efficacy.

Flexible Scheduling

For companies with customer service concerns, a staggered four-day work week among employees could be a viable solution. This ensures that the business remains open five days a week, while each team member enjoys a three-day weekend on a rotational basis.

Communication is Key

Transparency is crucial when implementing a compressed workweek. Keep employees, team leads, and stakeholders informed about the changes, and offer channels for feedback. This not only increases buy-in but also helps identify areas for improvement.

Contingency Plans

Having a well-thought-out contingency plan is essential. If the new schedule impacts customer satisfaction or employee productivity adversely, be prepared to revert to the traditional five-day workweek or explore other alternative schedules.

Leverage Technology

Companies with SaaS platforms like Shiftbase can effortlessly adapt to a new work schedule by utilizing features like time tracking and absence management, ensuring a seamless transition and ongoing optimization.

Cost-benefit analysis of a 4-day work week

Understanding the financial implications of a four-day work week is crucial for any HR manager or business owner contemplating this change. Let's delve into a detailed cost-benefit analysis to ascertain whether this alternative work schedule truly holds its weight in gold.

Operating costs

  • Electricity Costs: With one less day of office operations, companies can anticipate a reduction in utility bills.

  • Maintenance and Supplies: Fewer days at the office can mean less wear and tear on equipment, as well as savings on office supplies.

  • Overtime Pay: A well-structured four-day work week can reduce or eliminate the need for overtime, bringing down labor costs.


  • Employee Productivity: Increased productivity often compensates for reduced operating hours. Employees working longer but fewer days can complete tasks more efficiently.

  • Employee Well-Being: A better work-life balance contributes to improved mental health and reduced stress, translating to fewer sick days and lower healthcare costs.

  • Retention: Reduced turnover saves on recruiting and training costs, providing a long-term financial benefit.

Case Study References

Strategies for Cost Assessment

  • Pilot Programs: Before committing to a new schedule, run a small-scale pilot program to measure impacts on costs and benefits.

  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Use pre- and post-implementation surveys to gauge any changes in customer satisfaction, as this has a direct impact on long-term revenue.

  • Employee Feedback: Regularly consult with team members to ensure the new schedule is contributing positively to their well-being and job satisfaction.

By conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis, companies can make informed decisions about transitioning to a four-day work week. While there are operational costs involved, the multitude of benefits, both tangible and intangible, often justify the shift to this increasingly popular work schedule.

Countries with 4 day work weeks

illustration of business data with 2 employees working on the business project on laptop in the background

As of October 2023, there are no countries with a 4-day workweek schedule that is mandated by law for all workers. However, there are a number of countries where the 4-day workweek is being piloted or trialled, including:


 Employees in Belgium have the right to choose to work a 4-day workweek without a reduction in pay. This means that employees can work 4 days of 10 hours each, or 5 days of 8 hours each, or any other combination that works for them.


A 2015-2019 trial of a 4-day workweek in Iceland was found to be a success, with participating workers reporting increased productivity and well-being. The trial involved over 2,500 workers across a variety of industries, and found that workers were able to maintain or even improve their productivity while working fewer hours.


The Spanish government has announced a voluntary, nationwide, three-year trial of a 32-hour workweek, starting in early 2023. This means that workers would work 4 days of 8 hours each, or 5 days of 6.4 hours each. The goal of the trial is to assess the impact of a shorter workweek on productivity, well-being, and work-life balance.


The Scottish government has announced a £10 million fund to support businesses that want to trial a 4-day workweek. The fund will provide grants to businesses to cover the costs of implementing a 4-day workweek, such as training and development costs.


The Irish government has announced a pilot program to support businesses that want to trial a 4-day workweek. The pilot program will provide grants to businesses to cover the costs of implementing a 4-day workweek, and will also provide support to businesses in developing and implementing a successful 4-day workweek strategy.

Final Thoughts

The 4-day work week is no longer merely an intriguing concept; it's a tangible reality that's gaining traction across countries and industries. The early success stories in productivity and well-being have ignited a global conversation that is likely to lead to more widespread adoption in the coming years. As we await the outcomes of these bold experiments, one thing is clear: the 4-day work week could very well redefine our understanding of the modern work environment.

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How Shiftbase can facilitate your transition to a 4-day work week schedule

As you consider the advantages of a 4-day work week, the logistics can be daunting: How will you manage employee scheduling, keep track of work hours with time tracking, or handle absence management? The solution is simpler than you might think: Shiftbase, a cutting-edge SaaS for workforce management. Designed to streamline various aspects of employee management, Shiftbase offers you a seamless way to adapt to a shorter workweek without sacrificing efficiency or productivity. Ready to make the leap into the future of work? Start your free 14-day trial with Shiftbase today and experience firsthand how easy managing a 4-day work week can be.

Topic: Workweek / 4 day work week