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Cyprinus carpio haematopterus
Koi Carp
Habitat: Carp are coldwater fish, and their ability to survive and adapt to many climates and water
conditions allowed the domesticated species to be propagated to many new locations, including Japan.
Distribution:Carp are a large group of fish originally found in Central Europe and Asia. Various carp
species were originally domesticated in East Asia.
1. Koi fish is a large fish. It can reach up to 3 feet in length. Size of the fish depends on the living
conditions. Adequate amount of food and oxygen and appropriate temperature are essential for the
growth of fish.
2. Color of the koi fish depends on the variety. They can be white, black, blue, red, cream and yellow
in color. Koi fish are covered with different spots.
3. Koi fish is an omnivore (consumes both plants and animals). It eats different kind of fish and their
eggs, lettuce, watermelon and peas.
4. Koi fish prefers water temperature that ranges from 15 to 25 degrees of Celsius. It doesn't tolerate
drastic or rapid changes in temperature.
Breeding: When koi naturally breed on their own they tend to spawn in the spring and summer seasons.
The male will start following the female, swimming right behind her and nudging her. After the female koi
releases her eggs they sink to the bottom of the pond and stay there. A sticky outer shell around the egg
helps keep it in place so it does not float around. Although the female can produce many spawns, many of
the fry do not survive due to being eaten by others. On average if the egg survives around 4-7 days the fry
will be hatched from the egg.
Feeding: Avoid foods high in moisture and carbohydrate, such as peas, potatoes and sweet corn. Twenty
years ago these were koi staples, but only because nothing better was available. Also off the list are meat
and dairy products, as these contain solid fats. Koi do not have stomachs; digestion takes place in the long
gut and the more food that is offered at a sitting the smaller the percentage assimilated. This is especially so
at low temperatures.Some of the least digestible ingredients in commercial foods happen to be cheap:
carbohydrate accounts for between 30 and 40 percent by weight of a typical koi pellet and also acts as a
binding and bulking agent.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Cyprinus
Species Cyprinus carpio
Subspecies Cyprinus carpio
Balantiocheilos melanopterus
Bala shark
Distribution: The bala shark occurs in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo. Previous records
further north in the Mekong and Chao Phraya River is due to confusion with the recently described and
possibly extinct B. ambusticauda(although the presence of any Balantiocheilos in the Mekong is
Habitat:Bala sharks are found in midwater depths in large and medium-sized rivers and lakes. They feed
on phytoplankton, but mostly on small crustaceans, rotifers, and insects and their larvae.
Water Quality:
1. Temperature:22–28°C (72–82°F)
2. Hardness:soft to medium (5.0–12.0 dGH)
3. pH: 6.0–8.0
1. This is a freshwater fish and not a shark at all, though its form bears a resemblance to the voracious
ocean predators.
2. The Bala Shark has an elongated, torpedo-shaped body and big eyes, presumably adapted to help it
find food. Its dorsal fin is triangular and erect, making it resemble a shark.
3. These large fish reach lengths of almost 14 inches (35 cm) in the wild, though generally only
grow to about 10 to 12 inches in the aquarium.They can live for 10 or more years in captivity with
proper care.
Breeding:Little is known about the breeding habits of the Bala Shark, though they are egg scatterers.
They have been reported to have bred in the aquarium, but are not yet bred commercially. These fish are
farmed in great numbers in Thailand and other countries with the use of hormones.
Diseases:Bala Sharks are extremely hardy, and disease is not usually a problem in a well-maintained
aquarium. They are susceptible to Ich if good water quality is not provided. Remember that any additions
to a tank, such as new fish, plants, substrates, and decorations can introduce disease. Properly clean or
quarantine anything that you want add to an established tank so as not to upset the balance.
These fish are very resilient but knowing the signs of illness, and catching and treating them early makes a
huge difference. An outbreak of disease can often be limited to just one or a few fishes if dealt with at an
early stage. The best way to proactively prevent disease is to give your fish the proper environment and a
well-balanced diet. The more closely their environment resembles their natural habitat, the less stress the
fish will have, making them healthier and happier. A stressed fish is more likely to acquire disease.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Balantiocheilos
Epalzeorhynchos bicolor(Smith,1931)
Red Tailed Shark
Origin / Habitat : Thailand
Distribution:Asia, Chao Phraya basin, Thailand. Reported from the Mekong basin
1.Theredtail shark will cruise near the bottom to mid-level of the aquarium tank.
2.This fish is an active fish and is constantly on the move searching for food.
3. The unique look and shape of this fish is what many fish-keepers love.
4.The shark-like dorsal fin and beautiful red tail contrasted with the black body makes this fish very
Size: The red tailed shark averages 6 inches in length.
Breeding: The red-tailed shark is extremely hard to breed in the home tropical fish aquarium. Most
specimens purchased in our local fish stores are bred in commerical fish farms in Thailand. The red-tail
shark is an egg layer.
Sexing: This species is extremely hard to sex. Female epalzeorhynchusbicolor sharks are usually larger
than the males. The female will have a full, wide stomach and the males will be more slender.
Feeding: The red tailed black shark is an omnivore scavenger. This freshwater tropical fish will eat just
about anything that you put into the tank. Like any other fish I keep, I recommend a very high quality pellet
or flake food and supplement with brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, small krill, or bloodworms. Like any other
freshwater tropical fish, please mix up their diet on a regular basis.
pH: 6.5-7.6
Soft-Medium Water
Temperature 72-80 °F
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Epalzeorhynchos
Species E. bicolor
Scarus frenatus
Parrot fish
Habitat:They are found in relatively shallow tropical and subtropical oceans throughout the world.
Distribution:Their largest species richness in the Indo-Pacific. They are found in coral reefs, rocky
coasts, and seagrass beds, and play a significant role in bioerosion.
1.Their numerous teeth are arranged in a tightly packed mosaic on the external surface of their jaw bones,
forming a parrot-like beak with which they rasp algae from coral and other rocky substrates (which
contributes to the process of bioerosion).
2. Maximum sizes vary within the family, with the majority of species reaching 30–50 cm (12–20 in) in
length. However, a few species reach lengths in excess of 1 m (3 ft 3 in), and the green humphead
parrotfish can reach up to 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in). The smallest species is the bluelip
parrotfish (Cryptotomusroseus), which only reaches 13 cm (5.1 in).
The male has since left this female and paired up with a new one and they have dug a hole and are guarding
it. The female he's with now has pointed, not rounded anal and dorsal fins. Rounded fins can indicate a
female, but pointed fins do not necessarily indicate male. Confusing huh? I thought so.One way to identify
the male is when he pairs up and is ready to breed, he will get pinkish coloration on his throat and behind
his gill cover. This the best indication of male. In general, males are also larger than females. Identifying
the females is almost impossible until her egg tube is showing during pre-spawn.
Feeding:Most parrotfish are herbivores, but some species eat a wide variety of microscopic reef
organisms. Some species such as the green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometoponmuricatum)
include coral (polyps) in their diets. Their feeding activity is important for the production and distribution
of coral sands in the reef biome, and can prevent algal overgrowth of the reef structure. The teeth grow
continuously, replacing material worn away by feeding.The green humphead parrotfish can produce 90 kg
(200 lb) of sand each year. While feeding, parrotfish must be cognizant of predation by one of their main
predators, the lemon shark. On Caribbean coral reefs, parrotfish are important consumers of sponges.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Perciformes
Family Scaridae
Genus Scarus
Species S.frenatus
Caridina cantonensis
Crystal Red Shrimp
Distribution:Red Crystal Shrimps are not found in any specific location as they are the hybrid varieties
of the black and white bee shrimps.
1.It has red spots over a white base.
2.They grow up to 1 or 1 and 1/2 inches in their entire lifetime.
The Crystal Red Shrimp is not too different from other algae eating shrimps. It is a scavenger and an
algae eater. Feeding is best done once a day. Only feed an amount of food that the shrimp can finish
within 2-3 hours maximum. It is not good to feed in excess and have food sitting for too long.
Overfeeding is a known cause of death and can also cause water quality issues. Remember that shrimp
are scavengers in the wild. They will eat whatever they find and are not used to a constant food source
24/7. Not feeding for one or two days is fine and will not harm this species at all.
Water Parameters
The Crystal Red Shrimp prefers soft acidic water.Temperature should be lower than 80F and the pH
should range from 6.2 to 6.8.
The Crystal Red Shrimp is not as difficult of a species to breed like some believe. Like all hobby shrimp,
the Crystal Red Shrimp can breed just as readily as most other Caridina species. It will also produce just
as many offspring given that the water is clean and the parameters are suited for this species.
The babies of the Crystal Red Shrimp are colored just like their parents just after hatching. However, the
grading of the offspring cannot be performed until they grow more. Unfortunately the Crystal Red
Shrimp is a severely inbred species. Obtaining higher grades means that breeders will produce offspring
from the same genetic strain. Due to the overbreeding the Crystal Red Shrimp can be more delicate and
succeptable to diseases as well as slight changes in water conditions as mentioned in the water
parameters section.
Lifespan:The red colored shrimps live for about 1 to 2 years approximately.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Family Atydae
Genus Caridinia
Species C.cantonensis
Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758)
Lion fish
Habitat: Lionfish are found in mostly all marine habitat types found in warm marine waters of the
tropics. Lionfish have been found in water depths from 1 to 300 feet on hard bottom, mangrove, seagrass,
coral, and artificial reefs (like shipwrecks).
Features: Pterois fish in the Atlantic range from 5 to 45 cm (2.0 to 17.7 in) in length, weighing from
0.025 to 1.3 kg (0.055 to 2.866 lb). They are well known for their ornate beauty, venomous spines, and
unique tentacles. Juvenile lionfish have a unique tentacle located above their eye sockets that varies
in phenotype between species.The evolution of this tentacle is suggested to serve to continually attract new
prey; studies also suggest it plays a role in sexual selection.
Behavior: Lionfish are thought to be nocturnal hunters, but they have been found with full stomachs
during the day in the Atlantic. They move about by slowly undulating the soft rays of the dorsal and anal
fins. During the day, they sometimes retreat to ledges and crevices among the rocks and corals. Although in
the Atlantic, lionfish are often seen moving about during the day, both alone and in small groups.
Economic Importance: Although lionfish have been used as a food source in their native range,
economically, they are far more important in the aquarium trade. Lionfish are very popular and common
aquarium fish, especially in the U.S.
Conservation Status: Lionfish are not currently listed as threatened or endangered in their native
range. However, the increase in pollution in coral reefs may negatively affect the lionfish's primary food
sources (crustaceans and fish). If lionfish are unable to adapt to declines in their prey species, their numbers
may decrease.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Family Scorpaenidae
Genus Pterois
Species P. volitans
Paracheirodon innesi
Neon tetra
Distribution: The neon tetra is a freshwater fish of the characin family of order Characiformes.
The type species of its genus, it is native to blackwater or clearwater streams in southeastern Colombia,
eastern Peru, and western Brazil, including the tributaries of the Solimões where the water is between 20
and 26 °C (68 and 79 °F).
Habitat: South America
1. Just like the other tetra species, the Neon tetra has a spindle shaped body and a blunt nose.
2. A glistering blue line runs along each side of the body, from the nose and all the way to the
adipose fin.
3. The Neon tetra is also decorated with a red stripe that runs from the middle of the body to the base
of the caudal fin.
4. The side over the blue stripe is of a dark olive green shade.
5. The belly is of a silvery colour and the anal fin is nearly transparent.
Feeding: Wild Neon Tetras are omnivore and feed on plant matter as well as on crustaceans, worms and
small insects. They are not fuzzy eaters in the aquarium and will accept most food types, including flake
food, frozen food and freeze-dried food. Keep them on a varied diet to prevent malnutrition. You can for
instance use a high-quality tropical flake food as a base and supplement it will occasional treats in the form
of daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms or similar.
Breeding: Breeding neon tetras can be difficult, and requires very soft water. To begin with, you need to
sex the fish to ensure that you place both a male and a female in the breeding tank. The easiest way to sex
them is to observe their bellies – the female’s is rounder and will have a slightly bent line on it. The
females will also look slightly plumper from above, but this can be a difficult method to accurately sex the
fish.In order to trigger spawning, the fish should be placed in an aquarium with a very short light cycle.
While some people claim that they should be kept in darkness, I have found that a short light cycle which is
slowly increased also works very well. Another trigger that often works is performing a very large water
change (50% or so) which simulates the seasonal rainfall in their natural habitat.Once the neon tetras have
spawned, the adults should be removed from the aquarium, as they will happily eat all of the eggs they
have just laid. The eggs will hatch in about 24 hours, and due to their tiny size should be feed infusoria for
the first few days. After this, they can be feed baby brine shrimp, or any of the commercial fry products.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Family Characidae
Genus Paracheirodon
Species P. innesi
Hyphessobrycon eques
Serpae tetra
Distribution: Serpae Tetras originate from the Amazon basin, inhabiting the Guaporé and
Paraguay River basins in Argentina, Brazil, and upper Paraguay. Most specimens currently sold in
the aquarium trade are captive bred rather than wild caught.
Habitat: The Serpae Tetra is most at home in an Amazon habitat. In nature, this fish is accustomed to quiet
waters with roots and organic debris. Using peat or blackwater extract will help mimic this type of soft, acid
1. The deep red color of the Serpae Tetra adds to its popularity. The body of the Serpae is flat and tall,
and it reaches an adult size of about one and three-quarters inch.
2. A black comma-shaped spot is present just behind the gills. The dorsal fin is predominantly black,
edged with white, and all other fins are red; the anal fin is edged in black with a splash of white at the
leading tip. These colors fade as the fish ages, particularly the spot behind the gills.
3. Serpae Tetras are generally peaceful when kept in a school. However, they have been known to nip
fins, a behavior that is most often directed at its own kind, especially during feeding times. Females
are plumper and less brilliantly colored than their male counterparts. Long-finned variations have
been produced.
Feeding: In their natural environment, Serpae Tetras eat small live foods such as insects, invertebrates, and
worms. In the aquarium, they will accept virtually any food quite readily including flake, pellet, freeze-dried
and frozen foods.To keep them in prime condition and bring out their colors, feed a good variety of food
types including live foods when available.
Breeding:Serpae Tetras are relatively easy to breed as pairs or in groups of roughly an equal number of
males and females. The key to successful breeding is to set up a tank with the proper habitat for spawning and
subsequent grow-out of the fry.Set up a small tank with dark substrate, very dim lighting, and spawning mops
or fine-leaved plants, such as Java Moss or Myriophyllum. The water should be very soft, no more than 6 to 8
dGH, and pH approximately 6.0. Provide gentle filtration, such as an air-driven sponge filter. Keep the water
around 80 F (27 C).Condition the spawning pair with a variety of foods, including live foods if possible.
Males will become more colorful and females will become noticeably plump when ready to spawn. Eggs will
be scattered over the plants or spawning mop. Once the eggs have laid, remove the adults as they will
consume the eggs. Turn off all lighting in the tank, since the eggs are highly sensitive to light.
In one to two days the eggs will hatch, after which they will feed on their yolk sack for several days. Once
they are free swimming, they will feed on infusoria and freshly hatched brine shrimp. You can also provide
finely crushed flake foods or commercially prepared fry food in lieu of brine.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Characidae
Genus Hyphessobrycon
Species H. eques
Mastacembelus dayi
Black spotted eel
Distribution: They are found in Asia from the Irrawady and Chindwin river drainages of western
Myanmar, and eastern Thailand. This species is listed on the IUCN Red List as least concern (LC) because
it is believed to be widely distributed.
Habitat: The spiny eels inhabit the moving waters of rivers and streams with sandy to pebbly bottoms,
normally with dense with vegetation. They may also inhabit still waters and migrate during the dry season
into canals, lakes and floodplain areas.
1. The body of the Black Spotted Eel is elongated with a long snout.
2. Both the dorsal and anal fins are extended and joined to the caudal fin.
3. These fish are commonly imported at over 20 inches (50.8 cm) in length. Spiny eels can live for 8-
18 years when given proper care.
4. The background coloration is a dark tan to light brown. Along the length of its body it has a series
of spots in a linear fashion.
Feeding: In nature the Black Spotted Eel is omnivorous. They feed at night on benthic insect larvae,
worms, and other aquatic invertebrates, but they will also eat some plant matter. Feeding is not a problem
because they will eat most fresh or frozen foods including small fish, worms, and shrimp. They may be
trained to eat freeze dried brine shrimp or bloodworms but this is not something that can be counted on.
They will also eat small fishes so make sure their tank mates are too large to be able to fit into their
mouths.This fish is nocturnal and likes to be fed after the lights are turned off for the night. Eels only need
to be fed a couple of times a week and some may refuse food offered more than that, then often eating only
once every two or three weeks. The middle and top inhabitants will often eat all the food before it sinks.
Breeding: The Black Spotted Eel has not been bred in captivity. Only a few spiny eels have been bred in
the aquarium, possibly because they are generally kept singly rather than in a group where a male and
female can find each other. Though it is not documented what makes them spawn, trying to emulate the
bounty of the flood season can help stimulate breeding behavior. Feed more and higher quality food than
you normally would and providing an influx of clean water. Their courtship lasts for several hours, where
they chase each other and swim in circles.The eggs are deposited among floating plants. They are sticky so
will adhere to the plants and then hatch in 3 to 4 days. The fry becoming free swimming a few more days
after that and should be fed nauplii. The fry are something of a challenge to raise as they are susceptible to
fungal infections. Regular water changes and the use of an antifungal water treatment can help.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Synbranchiformes
Family Mastacembalidae
Genus Mastacembelus
Species M. dayi
Scleropages formosus
Asian Arowana
Distribution: The Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) comprises several phenotypicvarieties
of freshwater fish distributed geographically across Southeast Asia.
1. Asian arowanas grow up to 90 cm (35 in) total length.
2. Like all Scleropages, Asian arowanas have long bodies; large, elongated pectoral
fins, dorsal and anal fins located far back on the body; and a much larger caudal fin than that of
their South American relative, the silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum.
3. The mouth is oblique with a very wide gape. The prominent lower jaw has two barbels at its tip.
4. The gill rakersare stout.
Feeding: Arowana prefer live food or at the very least floating food. They will not generally eat from the
bottom of the tank. To this end keeping your arowana with a suitable bottom feeder may be a good idea to
prevent the buildup of detritus in the tank. Some food help to promote colour in your fish. Any food that
contains ceratanoids will help develop red and gold colouring in your fish. However, it is recommended to
always maintain a varied diet in your fish. Feeding patterns effect both the size and colour of your
Arowana. Overfeeding can make the fish grow faster but can adversely affect both the colour and the long
term health of the fish. Since the size, colour and health is very important do not regularly overfeed any
Arowana.For small fish feeding once or twice a day until they lose interest is enough. From six to 12
inches, once per day is enough. Beyond 12 inches you can consider once every two days, or even less.
Breeding: Unlike most fish, the Asian arowana reaches sexual maturity relatively late, after 3–4 yr. The
females produce few eggs, 30-100, which are quite large. After the eggs are fertilized, the Asian arowana
exhibits great parental care with paternal mouthbrooding. Both the fertilized eggs and larvae are brooded
within the male's mouth.
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Family Osteoglossidae
Genus Scleropages
Species S. formosus

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  • 1. Cyprinus carpio haematopterus Koi Carp Habitat: Carp are coldwater fish, and their ability to survive and adapt to many climates and water conditions allowed the domesticated species to be propagated to many new locations, including Japan. Distribution:Carp are a large group of fish originally found in Central Europe and Asia. Various carp species were originally domesticated in East Asia. Features: 1. Koi fish is a large fish. It can reach up to 3 feet in length. Size of the fish depends on the living conditions. Adequate amount of food and oxygen and appropriate temperature are essential for the growth of fish. 2. Color of the koi fish depends on the variety. They can be white, black, blue, red, cream and yellow in color. Koi fish are covered with different spots. 3. Koi fish is an omnivore (consumes both plants and animals). It eats different kind of fish and their eggs, lettuce, watermelon and peas. 4. Koi fish prefers water temperature that ranges from 15 to 25 degrees of Celsius. It doesn't tolerate drastic or rapid changes in temperature. Breeding: When koi naturally breed on their own they tend to spawn in the spring and summer seasons. The male will start following the female, swimming right behind her and nudging her. After the female koi releases her eggs they sink to the bottom of the pond and stay there. A sticky outer shell around the egg helps keep it in place so it does not float around. Although the female can produce many spawns, many of the fry do not survive due to being eaten by others. On average if the egg survives around 4-7 days the fry will be hatched from the egg. Feeding: Avoid foods high in moisture and carbohydrate, such as peas, potatoes and sweet corn. Twenty years ago these were koi staples, but only because nothing better was available. Also off the list are meat and dairy products, as these contain solid fats. Koi do not have stomachs; digestion takes place in the long gut and the more food that is offered at a sitting the smaller the percentage assimilated. This is especially so at low temperatures.Some of the least digestible ingredients in commercial foods happen to be cheap: carbohydrate accounts for between 30 and 40 percent by weight of a typical koi pellet and also acts as a binding and bulking agent. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Cypriniformes Family Cyprinidae Genus Cyprinus Species Cyprinus carpio Subspecies Cyprinus carpio haematopterus
  • 2. Balantiocheilos melanopterus Bala shark Distribution: The bala shark occurs in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo. Previous records further north in the Mekong and Chao Phraya River is due to confusion with the recently described and possibly extinct B. ambusticauda(although the presence of any Balantiocheilos in the Mekong is questionable) Habitat:Bala sharks are found in midwater depths in large and medium-sized rivers and lakes. They feed on phytoplankton, but mostly on small crustaceans, rotifers, and insects and their larvae. Water Quality: 1. Temperature:22–28°C (72–82°F) 2. Hardness:soft to medium (5.0–12.0 dGH) 3. pH: 6.0–8.0 Features: 1. This is a freshwater fish and not a shark at all, though its form bears a resemblance to the voracious ocean predators. 2. The Bala Shark has an elongated, torpedo-shaped body and big eyes, presumably adapted to help it find food. Its dorsal fin is triangular and erect, making it resemble a shark. 3. These large fish reach lengths of almost 14 inches (35 cm) in the wild, though generally only grow to about 10 to 12 inches in the aquarium.They can live for 10 or more years in captivity with proper care. Breeding:Little is known about the breeding habits of the Bala Shark, though they are egg scatterers. They have been reported to have bred in the aquarium, but are not yet bred commercially. These fish are farmed in great numbers in Thailand and other countries with the use of hormones. Diseases:Bala Sharks are extremely hardy, and disease is not usually a problem in a well-maintained aquarium. They are susceptible to Ich if good water quality is not provided. Remember that any additions to a tank, such as new fish, plants, substrates, and decorations can introduce disease. Properly clean or quarantine anything that you want add to an established tank so as not to upset the balance. These fish are very resilient but knowing the signs of illness, and catching and treating them early makes a huge difference. An outbreak of disease can often be limited to just one or a few fishes if dealt with at an early stage. The best way to proactively prevent disease is to give your fish the proper environment and a well-balanced diet. The more closely their environment resembles their natural habitat, the less stress the fish will have, making them healthier and happier. A stressed fish is more likely to acquire disease. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Cypriniformes Family Cyprinidae Genus Balantiocheilos Species B.melanopterus
  • 3. Epalzeorhynchos bicolor(Smith,1931) Red Tailed Shark Origin / Habitat : Thailand Distribution:Asia, Chao Phraya basin, Thailand. Reported from the Mekong basin Features: 1.Theredtail shark will cruise near the bottom to mid-level of the aquarium tank. 2.This fish is an active fish and is constantly on the move searching for food. 3. The unique look and shape of this fish is what many fish-keepers love. 4.The shark-like dorsal fin and beautiful red tail contrasted with the black body makes this fish very appealing. Size: The red tailed shark averages 6 inches in length. Breeding: The red-tailed shark is extremely hard to breed in the home tropical fish aquarium. Most specimens purchased in our local fish stores are bred in commerical fish farms in Thailand. The red-tail shark is an egg layer. Sexing: This species is extremely hard to sex. Female epalzeorhynchusbicolor sharks are usually larger than the males. The female will have a full, wide stomach and the males will be more slender. Feeding: The red tailed black shark is an omnivore scavenger. This freshwater tropical fish will eat just about anything that you put into the tank. Like any other fish I keep, I recommend a very high quality pellet or flake food and supplement with brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, small krill, or bloodworms. Like any other freshwater tropical fish, please mix up their diet on a regular basis. Water: pH: 6.5-7.6 Soft-Medium Water Temperature 72-80 °F Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Cypriniformes Family Cyprinidae Genus Epalzeorhynchos Species E. bicolor
  • 4. Scarus frenatus Parrot fish Habitat:They are found in relatively shallow tropical and subtropical oceans throughout the world. Distribution:Their largest species richness in the Indo-Pacific. They are found in coral reefs, rocky coasts, and seagrass beds, and play a significant role in bioerosion. Features: 1.Their numerous teeth are arranged in a tightly packed mosaic on the external surface of their jaw bones, forming a parrot-like beak with which they rasp algae from coral and other rocky substrates (which contributes to the process of bioerosion). 2. Maximum sizes vary within the family, with the majority of species reaching 30–50 cm (12–20 in) in length. However, a few species reach lengths in excess of 1 m (3 ft 3 in), and the green humphead parrotfish can reach up to 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in). The smallest species is the bluelip parrotfish (Cryptotomusroseus), which only reaches 13 cm (5.1 in). Breeding: The male has since left this female and paired up with a new one and they have dug a hole and are guarding it. The female he's with now has pointed, not rounded anal and dorsal fins. Rounded fins can indicate a female, but pointed fins do not necessarily indicate male. Confusing huh? I thought so.One way to identify the male is when he pairs up and is ready to breed, he will get pinkish coloration on his throat and behind his gill cover. This the best indication of male. In general, males are also larger than females. Identifying the females is almost impossible until her egg tube is showing during pre-spawn. Feeding:Most parrotfish are herbivores, but some species eat a wide variety of microscopic reef organisms. Some species such as the green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometoponmuricatum) include coral (polyps) in their diets. Their feeding activity is important for the production and distribution of coral sands in the reef biome, and can prevent algal overgrowth of the reef structure. The teeth grow continuously, replacing material worn away by feeding.The green humphead parrotfish can produce 90 kg (200 lb) of sand each year. While feeding, parrotfish must be cognizant of predation by one of their main predators, the lemon shark. On Caribbean coral reefs, parrotfish are important consumers of sponges. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Perciformes Family Scaridae Genus Scarus Species S.frenatus
  • 5. Caridina cantonensis Crystal Red Shrimp Distribution:Red Crystal Shrimps are not found in any specific location as they are the hybrid varieties of the black and white bee shrimps. Features: 1.It has red spots over a white base. 2.They grow up to 1 or 1 and 1/2 inches in their entire lifetime. Feeding: The Crystal Red Shrimp is not too different from other algae eating shrimps. It is a scavenger and an algae eater. Feeding is best done once a day. Only feed an amount of food that the shrimp can finish within 2-3 hours maximum. It is not good to feed in excess and have food sitting for too long. Overfeeding is a known cause of death and can also cause water quality issues. Remember that shrimp are scavengers in the wild. They will eat whatever they find and are not used to a constant food source 24/7. Not feeding for one or two days is fine and will not harm this species at all. Water Parameters The Crystal Red Shrimp prefers soft acidic water.Temperature should be lower than 80F and the pH should range from 6.2 to 6.8. Breeding: The Crystal Red Shrimp is not as difficult of a species to breed like some believe. Like all hobby shrimp, the Crystal Red Shrimp can breed just as readily as most other Caridina species. It will also produce just as many offspring given that the water is clean and the parameters are suited for this species. The babies of the Crystal Red Shrimp are colored just like their parents just after hatching. However, the grading of the offspring cannot be performed until they grow more. Unfortunately the Crystal Red Shrimp is a severely inbred species. Obtaining higher grades means that breeders will produce offspring from the same genetic strain. Due to the overbreeding the Crystal Red Shrimp can be more delicate and succeptable to diseases as well as slight changes in water conditions as mentioned in the water parameters section. Lifespan:The red colored shrimps live for about 1 to 2 years approximately. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Malacostraca Order Decapoda Family Atydae Genus Caridinia Species C.cantonensis
  • 6. Pterois volitans (Linnaeus, 1758) Lion fish Habitat: Lionfish are found in mostly all marine habitat types found in warm marine waters of the tropics. Lionfish have been found in water depths from 1 to 300 feet on hard bottom, mangrove, seagrass, coral, and artificial reefs (like shipwrecks). Features: Pterois fish in the Atlantic range from 5 to 45 cm (2.0 to 17.7 in) in length, weighing from 0.025 to 1.3 kg (0.055 to 2.866 lb). They are well known for their ornate beauty, venomous spines, and unique tentacles. Juvenile lionfish have a unique tentacle located above their eye sockets that varies in phenotype between species.The evolution of this tentacle is suggested to serve to continually attract new prey; studies also suggest it plays a role in sexual selection. Behavior: Lionfish are thought to be nocturnal hunters, but they have been found with full stomachs during the day in the Atlantic. They move about by slowly undulating the soft rays of the dorsal and anal fins. During the day, they sometimes retreat to ledges and crevices among the rocks and corals. Although in the Atlantic, lionfish are often seen moving about during the day, both alone and in small groups. Economic Importance: Although lionfish have been used as a food source in their native range, economically, they are far more important in the aquarium trade. Lionfish are very popular and common aquarium fish, especially in the U.S. Conservation Status: Lionfish are not currently listed as threatened or endangered in their native range. However, the increase in pollution in coral reefs may negatively affect the lionfish's primary food sources (crustaceans and fish). If lionfish are unable to adapt to declines in their prey species, their numbers may decrease. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Scorpaeniformes Family Scorpaenidae Genus Pterois Species P. volitans
  • 7. Paracheirodon innesi Neon tetra Distribution: The neon tetra is a freshwater fish of the characin family of order Characiformes. The type species of its genus, it is native to blackwater or clearwater streams in southeastern Colombia, eastern Peru, and western Brazil, including the tributaries of the Solimões where the water is between 20 and 26 °C (68 and 79 °F). Habitat: South America Features: 1. Just like the other tetra species, the Neon tetra has a spindle shaped body and a blunt nose. 2. A glistering blue line runs along each side of the body, from the nose and all the way to the adipose fin. 3. The Neon tetra is also decorated with a red stripe that runs from the middle of the body to the base of the caudal fin. 4. The side over the blue stripe is of a dark olive green shade. 5. The belly is of a silvery colour and the anal fin is nearly transparent. Feeding: Wild Neon Tetras are omnivore and feed on plant matter as well as on crustaceans, worms and small insects. They are not fuzzy eaters in the aquarium and will accept most food types, including flake food, frozen food and freeze-dried food. Keep them on a varied diet to prevent malnutrition. You can for instance use a high-quality tropical flake food as a base and supplement it will occasional treats in the form of daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms or similar. Breeding: Breeding neon tetras can be difficult, and requires very soft water. To begin with, you need to sex the fish to ensure that you place both a male and a female in the breeding tank. The easiest way to sex them is to observe their bellies – the female’s is rounder and will have a slightly bent line on it. The females will also look slightly plumper from above, but this can be a difficult method to accurately sex the fish.In order to trigger spawning, the fish should be placed in an aquarium with a very short light cycle. While some people claim that they should be kept in darkness, I have found that a short light cycle which is slowly increased also works very well. Another trigger that often works is performing a very large water change (50% or so) which simulates the seasonal rainfall in their natural habitat.Once the neon tetras have spawned, the adults should be removed from the aquarium, as they will happily eat all of the eggs they have just laid. The eggs will hatch in about 24 hours, and due to their tiny size should be feed infusoria for the first few days. After this, they can be feed baby brine shrimp, or any of the commercial fry products. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Characiformes Family Characidae Genus Paracheirodon Species P. innesi
  • 8. Hyphessobrycon eques Serpae tetra Distribution: Serpae Tetras originate from the Amazon basin, inhabiting the Guaporé and Paraguay River basins in Argentina, Brazil, and upper Paraguay. Most specimens currently sold in the aquarium trade are captive bred rather than wild caught. Habitat: The Serpae Tetra is most at home in an Amazon habitat. In nature, this fish is accustomed to quiet waters with roots and organic debris. Using peat or blackwater extract will help mimic this type of soft, acid water. Features: 1. The deep red color of the Serpae Tetra adds to its popularity. The body of the Serpae is flat and tall, and it reaches an adult size of about one and three-quarters inch. 2. A black comma-shaped spot is present just behind the gills. The dorsal fin is predominantly black, edged with white, and all other fins are red; the anal fin is edged in black with a splash of white at the leading tip. These colors fade as the fish ages, particularly the spot behind the gills. 3. Serpae Tetras are generally peaceful when kept in a school. However, they have been known to nip fins, a behavior that is most often directed at its own kind, especially during feeding times. Females are plumper and less brilliantly colored than their male counterparts. Long-finned variations have been produced. Feeding: In their natural environment, Serpae Tetras eat small live foods such as insects, invertebrates, and worms. In the aquarium, they will accept virtually any food quite readily including flake, pellet, freeze-dried and frozen foods.To keep them in prime condition and bring out their colors, feed a good variety of food types including live foods when available. Breeding:Serpae Tetras are relatively easy to breed as pairs or in groups of roughly an equal number of males and females. The key to successful breeding is to set up a tank with the proper habitat for spawning and subsequent grow-out of the fry.Set up a small tank with dark substrate, very dim lighting, and spawning mops or fine-leaved plants, such as Java Moss or Myriophyllum. The water should be very soft, no more than 6 to 8 dGH, and pH approximately 6.0. Provide gentle filtration, such as an air-driven sponge filter. Keep the water around 80 F (27 C).Condition the spawning pair with a variety of foods, including live foods if possible. Males will become more colorful and females will become noticeably plump when ready to spawn. Eggs will be scattered over the plants or spawning mop. Once the eggs have laid, remove the adults as they will consume the eggs. Turn off all lighting in the tank, since the eggs are highly sensitive to light. In one to two days the eggs will hatch, after which they will feed on their yolk sack for several days. Once they are free swimming, they will feed on infusoria and freshly hatched brine shrimp. You can also provide finely crushed flake foods or commercially prepared fry food in lieu of brine. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Characiformes Family Characidae Genus Hyphessobrycon Species H. eques
  • 9. Mastacembelus dayi Black spotted eel Distribution: They are found in Asia from the Irrawady and Chindwin river drainages of western Myanmar, and eastern Thailand. This species is listed on the IUCN Red List as least concern (LC) because it is believed to be widely distributed. Habitat: The spiny eels inhabit the moving waters of rivers and streams with sandy to pebbly bottoms, normally with dense with vegetation. They may also inhabit still waters and migrate during the dry season into canals, lakes and floodplain areas. Features: 1. The body of the Black Spotted Eel is elongated with a long snout. 2. Both the dorsal and anal fins are extended and joined to the caudal fin. 3. These fish are commonly imported at over 20 inches (50.8 cm) in length. Spiny eels can live for 8- 18 years when given proper care. 4. The background coloration is a dark tan to light brown. Along the length of its body it has a series of spots in a linear fashion. Feeding: In nature the Black Spotted Eel is omnivorous. They feed at night on benthic insect larvae, worms, and other aquatic invertebrates, but they will also eat some plant matter. Feeding is not a problem because they will eat most fresh or frozen foods including small fish, worms, and shrimp. They may be trained to eat freeze dried brine shrimp or bloodworms but this is not something that can be counted on. They will also eat small fishes so make sure their tank mates are too large to be able to fit into their mouths.This fish is nocturnal and likes to be fed after the lights are turned off for the night. Eels only need to be fed a couple of times a week and some may refuse food offered more than that, then often eating only once every two or three weeks. The middle and top inhabitants will often eat all the food before it sinks. Breeding: The Black Spotted Eel has not been bred in captivity. Only a few spiny eels have been bred in the aquarium, possibly because they are generally kept singly rather than in a group where a male and female can find each other. Though it is not documented what makes them spawn, trying to emulate the bounty of the flood season can help stimulate breeding behavior. Feed more and higher quality food than you normally would and providing an influx of clean water. Their courtship lasts for several hours, where they chase each other and swim in circles.The eggs are deposited among floating plants. They are sticky so will adhere to the plants and then hatch in 3 to 4 days. The fry becoming free swimming a few more days after that and should be fed nauplii. The fry are something of a challenge to raise as they are susceptible to fungal infections. Regular water changes and the use of an antifungal water treatment can help. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Synbranchiformes Family Mastacembalidae Genus Mastacembelus Species M. dayi
  • 10. Scleropages formosus Asian Arowana Distribution: The Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) comprises several phenotypicvarieties of freshwater fish distributed geographically across Southeast Asia. Features: 1. Asian arowanas grow up to 90 cm (35 in) total length. 2. Like all Scleropages, Asian arowanas have long bodies; large, elongated pectoral fins, dorsal and anal fins located far back on the body; and a much larger caudal fin than that of their South American relative, the silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum. 3. The mouth is oblique with a very wide gape. The prominent lower jaw has two barbels at its tip. 4. The gill rakersare stout. Feeding: Arowana prefer live food or at the very least floating food. They will not generally eat from the bottom of the tank. To this end keeping your arowana with a suitable bottom feeder may be a good idea to prevent the buildup of detritus in the tank. Some food help to promote colour in your fish. Any food that contains ceratanoids will help develop red and gold colouring in your fish. However, it is recommended to always maintain a varied diet in your fish. Feeding patterns effect both the size and colour of your Arowana. Overfeeding can make the fish grow faster but can adversely affect both the colour and the long term health of the fish. Since the size, colour and health is very important do not regularly overfeed any Arowana.For small fish feeding once or twice a day until they lose interest is enough. From six to 12 inches, once per day is enough. Beyond 12 inches you can consider once every two days, or even less. Breeding: Unlike most fish, the Asian arowana reaches sexual maturity relatively late, after 3–4 yr. The females produce few eggs, 30-100, which are quite large. After the eggs are fertilized, the Asian arowana exhibits great parental care with paternal mouthbrooding. Both the fertilized eggs and larvae are brooded within the male's mouth. Scientific classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum chordata Class Actinopterygii Order Osteoglossiformes Family Osteoglossidae Genus Scleropages Species S. formosus