Winter Solstice 2023: Rituals For the Shortest Day of the Year

Night scene with snowcovered christmas trees in winter forest on the slope of the mountain on the background of stars...
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As the Wheel of the Year continues to move forward, the last stop it makes is the winter solstice 2023 (or Yule as some call it). The seasonal shift and celebration of the holiday on December 21 at 10:17 p.m. ET allows us to enter a new portal, marking the onset of winter. Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and coincides with the sun's ingress into the zodiac sign Capricorn.

As the year draws to a close with the solstice, it's customary to pause our daily routines and take a moment to appreciate what we have, connect with our friends and family, and reminisce and reflect on the good times. With Mercury spinning backwards during the solstice, we might feel extra sentimental, prompting us to reach out to old acquaintances. Don't hesitate to take the first step by sending the first text or DM with someone you care about. This will give you a sense of connection, even if you'd been out of touch.

The veil between the spiritual and physical world is thinner than ever during the solstice, allowing us to feel as though we are transporting through time. This is a good opportunity to honor our ancestors and pay homage to those in our family who have had a lasting impact on our lives who are no longer with us. To do so, we can start by making space for them and celebrating their lives. Reminiscing and looking at old photos can be a great way to feel their presence and keep them ever-present. Lighting a Yule log or burning Frankincense incense can also be helpful in protecting ourselves from negative entities and ensuring that we only invite in positive ones.

During the winter solstice, it's common to decorate Evergreen trees, boughs, or wreaths and add seasonal glam to our homes. This tradition serves as a reminder to embrace light during the darkest day of the year and to honor the guiding force of nature. Evergreens symbolize death and rebirth (like the seasonal changes), reminding us of the circle of life. Therefore, we should consider keeping this tradition alive and bringing joy to our dwellings. Of course, we don't have to use a real tree or wreath. The intention remains the same no matter what.

Melissa Madara, author of The Witch’s Workshop and the site Moon Cult, says that her “favorite winter solstice ritual is to pour or dip my own candles, and infuse them with herbs associated with the sun, like marigold, frankincense, and St. John’s Wort. Another idea might be to infuse a gently-warmed oil with fresh evergreens like cedar, pine, or juniper (the Christmas tree is a great place to harvest these!), and drip this oil into a winter solstice bath for a soak that opens the lungs, purifies the air, and cleanses the spirit.” This will bring a fresh energy for the season and detox the residual effects of autumn. “For practitioners of magic," Madara continues, "the winter solstice is a time of deep shadows, ghosts, and dreams…in the depths of winter, in the darkest dark, it’s important to find ways to carry the light.”

Meditating with crystals can be incredibly beneficial because they allow us to clear any blockages within ourselves and open us up to new possibilities. Obsidian is great for protecting us from negative influences. Labradorite is also believed to help us tap into the mystical energy of the winter solstice. Citrine enhances feelings of optimism and holiday spirit. Clear quartz can also be used to help find moments of calm and relaxation. Red Jasper can help us ground our emotions and energy. For optimal results, it is recommended to hold the crystal that resonates with your personal vibe in our hands or place it in front of you while meditating on what you want to bring into your lives this winter.

Reflecting on our growth in the past year can motivate us to go above and beyond in the next. This introspection will allow us to learn from our experiences and gain insights about ourselves and others. By doing so, we can become a better version of ourselves and channel our energy towards achieving our goals effectively. If we allow ourselves to let go of heartache or trauma, it can be a magical time for us to heal. Mending our hearts and emotions takes time but making the effort to take the first step is pivotal. Both journaling and talking to close friends and family can be effective ways to process our thoughts and emotions. However, if you prefer to reflect in solitude, it can also be a valuable approach. Take advantage of the moment when you can be alone with your thoughts and feelings.

Another wonderful ritual to connect with nature is by honoring the sun during the Winter Solstice. This celebration of the sun's energy and vital force can be recognized by doing a sun salutation at sunrise, welcoming positive vibes into our lives. At sunset, take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the world around us, savoring a cup of tea or hot cocoa while harmonizing with the colors in the sky. Through this simple ritual, we can appreciate the sun's role in everything we see, touch, feel, believe, and know. This will remind us not to take it for granted.

Happy solstice!