Cardinal Shrimp

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Scientific Name: Caridina sp.

Other Scientific Names: N/A

Common Name: Cardinal Shrimp

Other Common Names: Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp

Origin: Sulawesi

Found in the wild: Yes

PH Range: 7..4 - 8.4
Temperature Range: 72 - 85 F
Hardness Range: 3 - 10 dkh
Life Span: 2 - 3 years
Gestation Period: 30 days
Ideal pH: 8.0
Ideal Temperature: 78 F
Ideal Hardness: 8 dkh
Size: .5 - .75 inches
Diet: Omnivore

Cardinal Shrimp History

Native to Sulawesi Indonesia the Cardinal Shrimp is new to the hobby in late 2007 to the USA end of the hobby although there have been other attempts overseas to keep and breed these beautiful, but small shrimp. The Sulawesi region contains two ancient lakes, Lake Poso and the five-lake Malili system these lakes have also produced many other new species with vibrant colors and patterns as well that breeders are trying to establish into the hobby.

Cardinal Shrimp Care

Care for the Cardinal shrimp is similar to most other Dwarf Shrimp with a few exceptions. This shrimp requires a slightly higher PH and water temperatures than most other Dwarf Shrimp. Most Dwarf Shrimp from the Sulawesi region require water with a high pH but not hard. Once adapted to the aquarium, the Cardinal shrimp is quite easy to care for.

Cardinal Shrimp Diet

Cardinal Shrimp have no special requirements when it comes to diet. They eat the same types of food that most Dwarf Shrimp eat. The Cardinal Shrimp is an Omnivore and eating algae comes natural to the Neocaridina heteropoda, when kept in large colonies it is important to supplement their feedings. Blanched vegetables (boiled until soft) and fish food intended for bottom-feeding fish makes great supplements.

Cardinal Shrimp Breeding

Breeding Dwarf Shrimp is a fairly simple process and The Cardinal Shrimp breeds the same way most other high order Dwarf Shrimp do. As long as their water parameters as met, they have a constant food source and there is a male and female they will probably breed. One notable difference between Cardinal Shrimp and most other high order Dwarf Shrimp is that they have smaller broods.

Cardinal Shrimp Behavior

Due to their smaller size the Cardinal Shrimp tends to be a little shy when first introduced to a new aquarium. Once they become established in that aquarium they start to display behaviors similar to most other Dwarf Shrimp. They forage the substrate and plants for food constantly and will often be seen displaying rather social behavior.

Special Notes

As with all aquatic invertebrates it is important to make sure copper does not get into the aquarium. Copper is toxic to all Dwarf Shrimp. Many medications contain elevated levels of copper, so it is recommended not to medicate an aquarium with Dwarf Shrimp in it.

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