The Šarplaninac is an ancient breed of dog from southeastern Yugoslavia's mountain region, which during Roman times was referred to as Illyria. It was originally bred to guard livestock, and is still used today frequently in their homeland for flock protection from predators, but they are not known widely in the United States. [1] While they have some similarities to other dog breeds, they have several unique characteristics as well. This wikiHow will help you with figuring out whether a dog is a Šarplaninac.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Body Structure

  1. Šarplaninacs are typically anywhere from 23 to 24 inches (58 to 61 cm) tall, and they usually weigh somewhere between 66 to 99 pounds (30 to 45 kg). [2]
  2. When the dog's height is average, the length of their head should be around 9.75 inches (24.8 cm) going from their occiput to nose tip. However, this will vary proportionate to the dog's size. When looked at in a profile view, you should notice that the dog's muzzle length when measured from the stop to their nose is a little shorter than the skull when measured from the stop to the occiput. You should also notice a little stop. [3]
  3. Šarplaninacs should have drop ears that are in the shape of a V, hang near their cheeks, and are covered in hair which is dense and short. When the ears are brought forwards, their tips should reach the eye's inside corner. The dog's ears should be set right below or on a line that goes from the nose tip to their eye's inside corner. [4]
  4. Šarplaninacs should have moderate-sized eyes that are almond in shape. The color of the dog's eyes can be anywhere from dark brown to chestnut-colored. [5]
  5. Šarplaninacs should have a thick tail that appears to be a natural topline extension, and has a base which is muscular. Their tail should also taper in the shape of a saber to the tip. If the tail is of the right length, it should reach to their hock or further. When the dog is at rest, their tail should be hanging naturally down, and when they are alert or in motion, their tail should be raised to or a little higher than the back's level. If the dog is quite agitated, they may raise their tail above their back. [6]
  6. Overall, Šarplaninacs should appear bigger than they actually are due to a coat that is thick and bone which is heavy. When the dog is trotting, they should freely move using medium length strides. When they are alert, they should have purposeful, determined movement, and their head may be lowered a little and they may raise their tail higher than their back. [7]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:


  1. Šarplaninacs can be any any solid color, ranging from white to quite dark (almost black) brown. Most often, the dog is an iron gray color. On the dog's neck, body and head, the color may be darker, and this shade may become lighter in color going towards their extremities, though this is gradual and not appearing to form color patches or spots. You may also notice black-tipped outer coat hairs, which create a color pattern that is sable. While not ideal, the dog may also have small markings that are white in color on their toes and chest. [8]
  2. Šarplaninacs should have a long outer coat, and an undercoat that is shorter. The dog should also have short hair on their ears, head, and the front of their legs. On the dog's tail, buttocks, back of their legs and neck, the hair should be longer. The outer coat on the dog's withers should be between 4 to 5 inches (10 to 13 cm) in length, though it should not be any shorter than 2.75 inches (7.0 cm). Because of the varying coat length, you should notice a neck ruff, a frill that is noticeable at the neck's nape, a tail plume, and breeches found on the back of the dog's legs and their buttocks. [9]
  3. Overall, Šarplaninacs should have a double coat, with a straight outer coat that feels relatively rough in texture and a thicker undercoat that is a lot more fine. [10]
  4. Due to a relatively large amount of shedding, Šarplaninacs will need regular grooming that starts while they are young. [11]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:


  1. Because of their protectiveness and wariness towards strangers, Šarplaninacs are known to be good guard dogs. [12]
    • Although they are not usually aggressive, Šarplaninacs may attack if they think they should, so this is something you should be aware of. [13] A good amount of socialization can be helpful for this dog to be able to handle strangers. [14]
  2. Despite being protective, Šarplaninacs are known to be quiet, calm dogs on the most part who are okay with relaxing after they complete a job they are given. [15]
  3. Šarplaninacs need regular exercise, such as farmland work or time in a securely, completely fenced-in yard. [16]
  4. Šarplaninacs can be willful and stubborn, and will need to be trained with persistence. They tend to do well with repetition and fixed commands. [17]
  5. Šarplaninacs are known to be independent dogs who usually do not develop separation anxiety. [18]

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  • Look in to dog DNA testing if you would like to know your dog's breed, because this can help confirm whether or not your dog is a Šarplaninac.

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Updated: September 27, 2021
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