The Dogue de Bordeaux, translating to "Mastiff of Bordeaux", is a mastiff breed assigned to the working group.[1] Presumably one of the most ancient French dog breeds, Dogues have had many jobs throughout history, including dogfighting, hunting, and guarding.[2] They share several traits with other mastiff breeds, but Dogues have several unique features that help them stand out. By recognizing these key traits, this wikiHow will help you identify a Dogue de Bordeaux.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Checking the Structure

  1. Dogues de Bordeaux are one of the largest dog breeds.[3] Males have a height of 23.5–27 inches (60–69 cm) and weigh 110 pounds (50 kg) or more, while females stand at 23–26 inches (58–66 cm) in height with a minimal weight of 99 pounds (45 kg).[4]
  2. The head of a Dogue is large in size but still appears short. It appears to be set at an angle with an overall broad appearance, being a bit rounded from the sides. Most parts of the head are notably well-developed, as are the muscles in the cheeks, making them stand out. The highly pronounced stop is nearly perpendicular with the muzzle.[5]
  3. A Dogue de Bordeaux's eyes range from hazel to deep brown, though dogs with a brown or no mask may have slightly lighter eyes, and show no haw. Being widely set from one another, the area between the eyes covers about the length of two eyes. They resemble ovals in shape and give the dog an overall expression of frankness.[6]
  4. Dogues have fairly small ears that hang back while still being raised a small amount. They are high-set and stand by the cheeks with tips that are a bit round. The ears may seem to be darker than the rest of the coat.[7]
  5. The muzzle of a Dogue de Bordeaux is short in length but is still fairly broad and conveys power. Depending on the point of view it is seen at, it may appear square or angled but is about one-third to one-quarter of the overall head length regardless of the angle. The nostrils are opened wide, while the nose is noticeably broad, and its color varies based on the mask color: dogs with a black mask have a black nose, dogs with a brown mask have a brown nose, and dogs with no mask have a reddish or pink nose. The jaws and bite are undershot, and the upper lip may hang over the lower lip to appear pendulous.[8]
  6. A Dogue's paws are strong and carry the dog's weight well by having tightly drawn toes. The paw pads are developed enough to help support weight alongside the toes, and the strong nails give a bit of a curved appearance. The back paws are a little longer than the ones in the front, but they are otherwise identical.[9]
  7. The tail of a Dogue de Bordeaux starts with a rather thick base and ends with a tip that typically falls to the dog's hocks. Carried at the back level or a small amount higher, it is usually also set a bit low. It is important that the tail is supple but not curved, kinked, or broken in any way.[10]
  8. Dogues are incredibly muscular, stocky, and powerful without taking away from their outline. They have a nearly cylindrical neck, prominent shoulders, a solid topline, a deep and long chest, well-sprung ribs, an either moderate or only slight tuckup, and vertical legs. Their gait is uniquely supple and stays close to the ground in a good but free trot.[11]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Recognizing the Coat

  1. The coat of a Dogue de Bordeaux is short and fine. The coat feels soft to the touch.[12]
  2. A Dogue has thick, sufficiently loose-fitting skin. This forms wrinkles on the dog, especially on the face, where the wrinkles are deep and move to express if the dog is attentive.[13]
  3. Dogues de Bordeaux are a self-colored fawn, ranging from dark red fawn to light fawn. A small amount of white may appear on the chest or limbs, and a slight black or brown facial mask may also be present.[14]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Taking Note of Temperament

  1. Dogues are strong-willed, and thus, some may act independent or stubborn, especially during training. Their training needs to be consistent, firm, and involve some sort of reward to best prevent these traits from developing.[15]
  2. With their guarding background, Dogues de Bordeaux are naturally fearless and brave dogs. Though they are not typically known to start fights, they have a reputation of usually finishing them.[16]
    • Note, however, that a lack of socialization may instead cause fearfulness of strangers, so it is of high importance to socialize this breed well and from an early age.[17]
  3. If not properly trained and socialized, a Dogue may act aggressive toward other dogs, animals, or strangers. Some may wish to chase cats or be overly suspicious of strangers without being socialized, for example.[18]
  4. The Dogue de Bordeaux is not as needy when it comes to exercise as some other working breeds, but they do still require activity. Take note if the dog needs a moderate amount of exercise each day.[19]

    Did you know? While Dogues are merely moderately active dogs most of the time, they can still excel at sports such as pulling carts.[20]

  5. Dogues are vastly loyal and devoted to their families once a bond has been formed with them. They value showing affection and do so by expressing love and being even-tempered.[21]

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  • Consider using a DNA test if you're wondering what breed your dog is. DNA testing will confirm if your dog is a Dogue de Bordeaux.


  • Understand that Dogues de Bordeaux may be banned in certain areas due to their history and potentially intimidating appearance.[22] Make sure to check the dog breed bans in your area.

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Updated: March 27, 2021
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