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Gen Z and Millennials Now Prefer Dupes to Luxury, for More Than Just the Prices

YPulse’s new trend report shows more young consumers have purchased a dupe than a luxury item, but not just for the pricesthe majority actually prefer dupes over the real thing…


  • More young consumers have purchased a dupe product than have purchased a luxury item, even amongst Millennials with a bit more disposable income
  • They like buying dupes because it helps them save money while maintaining a “luxury” feel
  • At the same time, the majority of young consumers agree they’d still buy a dupe even if they could afford the real thing—proving this is more than an economic trend

Maybe you’ve heard that “dupes” are the shopping trend of the year, or that young people have a “dupe mindset” because money is tight. But YPulse’s new Dupe Mindset trend report (or watch the 30-min trend recap webinar here) shows that for Gen Z and Millennial shoppers, dupes are much more than a just-for-now budget sacrifice. This trend has impacted their views on luxury and retail as a whole; the majority now believe that virtually anything can be duped, from activities and travel to food and products. They’ll proudly tell someone they’ve bought a dupe, and it’s a flex to show off when they’ve found a “special” item—in fact, YPulse data proves more say so than those who say they’re excited to show off an expensive buy.  

While the majority of young consumers do agree that the allure of being on a budget has been romanticized, that’s not the only reason they’re buying into the dupe mindset. The vast majority of young consumers have bought a dupe product, and when YPulse asks their feelings about how dupes compare to luxury and where quality factors in, they tell us a dupe is not a compromise, it’s the goal.  

To see just how mainstream dupe shopping has become, YPulse data shows the number of 13-39-year-olds who have bought a dupe surpasses the number who have bought luxury. And while you might think that makes sense simply because it’s cheaper, Gen Z and Millennials say it’s more than that to them:

More young consumers say they’ve purchased a dupe than those who say they’ve purchased a luxury item 

The majority of all Gen Z and Millennials have bought a dupe—proof enough on its own that dupes are more than a quick trend now. And dupes are not “fakes” or “counterfeits,” they’re products that have the same look, feel, and purpose as a more expensive one for a lesser price, and most young consumers are just as happy to have them as the real thing. 

Amongst teens, dupes are far more popular than luxury purchase: six in 10 13-17-year-olds say they’ve purchased a dupe, a major +19pt difference from those who have bought a luxury item, according to YPulse’s Luxury report. And while that may not necessarily be surprising, given their smaller budgets, this number only increases for older Gen Z and Millennials. Over two thirds of young adults (18-24-years-old) have bought dupes, +13pts more than those who have bought luxury. And for 25-39-year-olds, despite a smaller margin between them, dupes are still the more popular buy. Even the Millennials who have more money to spend on high-priced items would rather take the dupe. 

Dupes aren’t the first time young consumers have redefined luxury 

While purchasing a dupe item doesn’t inherently mean the product is replacing a luxury item, the way Gen Z and Millennials define what’s “luxury” is being influenced by the world events that shaped their reality—but it’s not just recessions and economic uncertainty that has influenced their price perception. These generations have grown up shopping at big box, mass merch, and fast fashion retailers, which have completely recalibrated their ideas around spending. Gen Z and Millennials agree that major designers are luxury, but because of their low threshold for what is expensive, just about any brand with a recognizable name can be considered luxury to them—which is why they’re finding viral dupes for brands like Lululemon, Sol de Janeiro, and SKIMS.  

Plus, YPulse data shows they think of luxury as more of a feeling than a thing. So, when YPulse asks young consumers what luxury brands they would like to own, names like Nike and Victoria’s Secret were high on their list, among the traditionally high-end brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton—it’s all about quality. On top of that, YPulse’s Mass Merch Mentality research finds that over half of young people agree a luxury product is any recognizable brand name item. 

Quality dupes are just as good as any other buy to Gen Z and Millennials 

Whether they’re buying a dupe as an alternative to a luxury item, to save money, or just to hop on a trend, young consumers have overwhelmingly positive feelings about making dupe purchases. In fact, many think they’re better, because why pay more for something you can get at a solid quality for less? The number who agree with these statements prove that the dupe mindset is really that: a new mindset… 

Digging into the motivations behind the dupe mentality trend, YPulse data reveals that just about seven in 10 young consumers agree dupes give them that “luxury” feel without the heavy price tag—which we’ve established is their end goal, not a certain label. But what’s even more intriguing is the fact that six in 10 would choose a dupe over the authentic product—even knowing they could afford the real thing. Ultimately, the allure of finding a dupe, as indicated by over half of 13-39-year-olds, is accompanied by the sense of a rush, suggesting that the act of discovering an affordable alternative is akin to a thrilling experience.  

Brands need to pay careful attention to the evolving preferences of young consumers 

The dupe mindset reflects not only a pragmatic approach to spending but also a desire for an inclusive sense of luxury. Most dupe shoppers actually prefer a dupe over the item its “duping” because it’s cheaper, sure, but more importantly, dupes are just as good to them. To capitalize on this trend, brands can consider expanding their affordable lines or collaborating with influencers who champion budget-friendly alternatives. The key lies in understanding and adapting to the changing dynamics of consumer behavior in the dupe mindset era—which is likely going to last far after the headlines die down. 

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